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December 14, 2018

Title: We Lost. What’s Next?
Topic: What Is Necessary To Win?
Discussed by Jessica Colon
with Political Activist

Part 1 of 2

Did Albert Einstein say: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

Jessica Colon is a political consultant who has worked with many candidates on the local, state, and federal levels.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How long has Jessica been involved in politics?

Listen as Jessica discusses the political talk show she is part of, “What’s the Point”, which airs on FOX 26 (Houston) on Sunday mornings at 7:00 am.

Now that Democrats are in control of the Harris County Criminal District Courts, will criminals be punished more or less?

Is there a Criminal District Court Judge who has NEVER practiced criminal law? HINT: YES – and that is a SCARY thought!

Did some of the newly-elected Democrat Judges admit to the Houston Chronicle that they plan to legislate from the bench?

Are the citizens of Harris County at risk?

In case you didn’t know… NO Republicans were left in office in Harris County in 2018.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - We Lost. What’s Next?
Topic: What Is Necessary To Win?
Discussed by Jessica Colon
with Political Activist

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is Tom Steyer? Hint: a billionaire putting his money up against Trump.

Do Democrats communicate better than Republicans?

How would Jessica rebut Tom Steyer’s five-point plan? Can she do it quickly???

1. The right to an equal vote in a fair democracy
2. The right to clean air and water
3. The right to learn from Pre-K through College and advanced skills training for FREE
4. The right to earn a living wage
5. The right to health

How many NEW registered voters cast a vote in the 2018 November Election?

How can we ensure a win in 2020? Do we need to start NOW?

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December 5, 2018

Title: We Lost. What’s Next?
Topic: What Is Necessary To Win?
Discussed by Jessica Colon
with Political Activist

Part 1 of 2

Did Albert Einstein say: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

Jessica Colon is a political consultant who has worked with many candidates on the local, state, and federal levels.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How long has Jessica been involved in politics?

Listen as Jessica discusses the political talk show she is part of, “What’s the Point”, which airs on FOX 26 (Houston) on Sunday mornings at 7:00 am.

Now that Democrats are in control of the Harris County Criminal District Courts, will criminals be punished more or less?

Is there a Criminal District Court Judge who has NEVER practiced criminal law? HINT: YES – and that is a SCARY thought!

Did some of the newly-elected Democrat Judges admit to the Houston Chronicle that they plan to legislate from the bench?

Are the citizens of Harris County at risk?

In case you didn’t know… NO Republicans were left in office in Harris County in 2018.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - We Lost. What’s Next?
Topic: What Is Necessary To Win?
Discussed by Jessica Colon
with Political Activist

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is Tom Steyer? Hint: a billionaire putting his money up against Trump.

Do Democrats communicate better than Republicans?

How would Jessica rebut Tom Steyer’s five-point plan? Can she do it quickly???

1. The right to an equal vote in a fair democracy
2. The right to clean air and water
3. The right to learn from Pre-K through College and advanced skills training for FREE
4. The right to earn a living wage
5. The right to health

How many NEW registered voters cast a vote in the 2018 November Election?

How can we ensure a win in 2020? Do we need to start NOW?

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April 28, 2015

Title: Chaos in the Primaries
Topic: Politics
Discussed by Jessica Colon
with Political Activist

Part 1 of 2

We have a lot of work in store for us over the next ten months before the 2016 Primary. If we wait until January, it will be too late. Jessica Colon is a political consultant who has worked with many candidates on the federal, state, and local levels, including Ken Paxton, the new Texas Attorney General. On the Democrat side of things, Hillary Clinton is “in it to win it”, Jessica says. In fact, the Clintons have hired 1,000 tech consultants across the country. The other candidates don’t stand a chance.

Jessica discusses some of the sneaky ways Democrats have been utilizing technology over the last few elections. It sound illegal – but it’s not! Plus, Hillary is expected to raise over $2 Billion for her campaign. How can we even compete with that?

Many in the younger generation do not know or remember the scandals surrounding Bill Clinton during his Presidency. Hillary’s own political consultant was only in high school at the time! “They have either chose to forgive or forget,” Jessica says.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Chaos in the Primaries
Topic: Politics
Discussed by Jessica Colon
with Political Activist

Bill Clinton and George Bush were just Governors. Obama was a freshman Senator. Is it time the voters chose someone with just a tad bit more experience to rule the greatest, most-powerful nation in the world?

Jessica believes that the candidates on the roster right now all offer something different to the American people. The polls currently indicate only three or four are main contenders. However, Super PACs are expected to be big influencers in the 2016 election, so it’s really up in the air for any candidate to win the nominee.

Terry and Jessica Colon discuss the various caucuses and delegates and their impact on the final vote. Jessica also explains the difference between a caucus and the primary. Texas has special rules for their delegates. Listen in to find out what it is!

Don’t let all the numbers being discussed make your eyes glaze over. They’re very, very important to the final count because we could very well wind up at the Republican National Convention without a clear nominee!

Now is the time to get involved. Now is the time to pick a candidate. Now is the time to support a candidate. We cannot wait until March 1 to make up our minds and help them out.

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February 27, 2015

Title: Presidential Primary Primer
Topic: Presidential Primary Primer
Discussed by Jessica Colon
with Political Activist

Jessica Colon is a political activist who worked throughout Texas for Ken Paxton and Rick Santorum’s 2012 Presidential Campaign. Jessica says that sometimes the political process can feel like “you’re walking through a Louisiana swamp”. She explains what the Republican National Committee is, who participates, and what they are responsible for.

Jessica also discusses the differences between a caucus and a primary and how each effects the election outcome and who the final Presidential nominees will be. Also, what is the difference between an open and closed election? Which does Texas have?

Listen in as Jessica Colon encourages everyone to research the candidates and choose the one you like the best. Now is the time to get involved in a campaign – don’t wait!

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February 10, 2014

Title: Best Kept Secret: How to Build The New Republican Party Platform
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Written by Jessica Colon
with Political Activist

Texas does not require party affiliation when you register to vote. Every two years, registered voters choose whether to vote in the Republican or the Democrat Primary.

By choosing to vote in the Republican Primary, you become eligible to attend the local Precinct Convention the night of the Primary. And if you choose and are elected, you can advance to the Senatorial/County Convention and even onto the State Convention.

This process is the best kept secret around. Be informed. Make plans to attend your local precinct convention. [Editor’s note: Use the contact link on our website to ask me any questions]

To read more click [here!]

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March 9, 2012

Title: Getting Back To The Basics: Building Blocks of the Republican Party.
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Jessica Colon
with Political Activist

Part 1 of 2

Is there a difference in philosophy between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party? If you went to their national platform, could you detect the difference?

Do you find it to be true and accurate that you can go to any state, check out their Republican platform, and immediately detect a leaning to the left or right, socially and economically?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Jessica Colon
with Political Activist

How has the Republican Party built its platform in the past? What was the reason Texas did not have a primary on Super Tuesday?

How will the national convention delegates and the national platform come together from the Texas point of view because of the redistricting battle?

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January 31, 2012

Title: Fighting the uphill battle – Will we EVER have a primary?
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Republican Primaries
Discussed by Jessica Colon
with Political Activist

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Jessica Colon answers:

Why are we not going to have a Republican Party primary on March the 6th?

Is having a census taken every ten years a mandated function by the US Constitution?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Republican Primaries
Discussed by Jessica Colon
with Political Activist

What did the unanimous Supreme Court say to this three judge panel?

Why will we probably NOT have a primary on April the 3rd?

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