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December 3, 2014

Title: Is the GOP Still a Religious Party?
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Brad Tupi
with Center for Vision and Values (

The majority (61%) of Protestants voted Republican, while 37% voted Democrat in the 2014 mid-term elections. Catholics voted 54% Republican and 45% Democrat. Those who do not identify with a certain religion voted 69% Democrat.

Brad Tupi, an attorney and contributor for the Grove City College Center for Vision and Values, says these numbers aren’t that surprising, especially when you start breaking each group down into race, how often they attend (or don’t attend) church, and how they view social and moral issues.

Sad Fact: Voter turnout for the 2014 November mid-term election was only 36%. This is the lowest voter turnout since World War II.

Listen in as Brad discusses how pastors should – and can – talk about political issues from the pulpit. Yes they can!

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