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November 17, 2021

Title: Saving the Republican Party
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Most Americans – including a good number of Democrats – are tired of being force-fed radicalism that denies reality on almost every issue.

Travis Weber,  the Vice President for Policy and Government Affairs at the Family Research Council, joins us. Today he discusses what Conservative Christians must do immediately to save our Party and the Country.

Click here for more on this issue from the Family Research Council.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the LGBTQ Log Cabin Republican agenda incompatible with religious freedom and parental rights?

Are Log Cabin Republicans focused on change?

Should Conservatives object to anyone who wants to join the Republican Party? FRC President Tony Perkins recently wrote: “At the end of the day, the Republican Party should welcome everyone who supports its policies, but not at the expense of core values. For the sake of America, our message must continue to be that principles like religious freedom are not only non-negotiable -- they're flat-out incompatible with the pillars of the LGBT movement.”

Did parents and voters loudly proclaim in the 2021 November Elections that they do not want Critical Race Theory pushed in public schools across America? Travis also discusses transgender sports, children’s privacy, religious freedom, and free speech…

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Saving the Republican Party
Topic: Republican Party Politics
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should the Republican party welcome everyone who supports its current policies and agenda? Travis says: “We should welcome everyone, but our core values should not be compromised nor chipped away to make room for competing agendas that undermine religious freedom, the family, and parental rights.”

Do Log Cabin Republicans aim to recruit more diverse candidates that support their causes to run as Republicans?

Must Conservative Christians stay engaged and active at all levels of the Republican Party to assure our core values?

Has the Democrat Party left parents in the dust over the past 50 years? Travis says: “They certainly have. The modern Democrat Party is not supporting…parents. [They support] radical policies and this is why you’re seeing voters move toward Republican candidates on commonsense matters.”

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July 2, 2019

Title: A World Vision of Freedom
Topic: Freedom
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently said, “2018 was far from perfect.” He has also said that abuses against men and women of faith are "chilling."

Travis Weber is the Vice President for Policy and Director of the Center for Religious Liberty at Family Research Council.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What does “freedom” mean?

Why is the US Government serious about tracking freedom in other countries?

Are people in some countries freer today as compared to their freedom from several years ago? If so, what role has the US played to help?

Has the totalitarian regime in China doubled-down on many of its citizen’s freedom?

Click here for more information about the FRC’s “World Vision of Freedom”.

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April 4, 2019

Title: Anti-Religious Zealots Wreaking Havoc Across America
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

Is faith in God and moral conscience is a thing of the past? Our Founding Fathers must be rolling in their graves at the state of unrest in our country.

Travis Weber is the Director of the Center for Religious Liberty at the Family Research Council. Travis previously served as a Navy pilot after graduating from the US Naval Academy, where he was captain of the Intercollegiate Sailing Team and a two-time College Sailing All-American.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are there anti-religious zealots filing suit across America against any form of religious expression from the public square?

How should we respond to these anti-religious zealots?

What is meant by “public square”?

Why are these anti-religious zealots so against anything related to Christianity? Why aren’t they just as outraged concerning other religions?

Many fear that Christians are being pushed inside a box, never to be heard from again. What can we do NOW to stop the Christian discrimination and persecution in America?

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January 14, 2019

Title: Slave Camps in China
Topic: China’s Slave Camps
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

Travis Weber is the Vice President for Policy for the Family Research Council in WDC. Today he will be discussing why the Trump administration must be careful about continuing (and increasing) trade with China.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does China have forced labor/re-education camps operating today? What is the proof/evidence?

Other than the New York Times, are other MSM organizations reporting on this?

What is the Trump Administration doing about this horrific situation?

Does more need to be done to stop China?

China needs US consumers to buy its goods. But the day China does NOT need US consumers to buy its goods, will the Chinese government enslave our children and grandchildren in America? Are we simply paying ‘tribute’ to China today?

Click here  for more on this and other issues from the Family Research Council.

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December 7, 2018

Title: Syria’s Changes for Refugees
Topic: Refugees in Syria
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

Earlier this month, the Washington Times reported that the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq found evidence of more than "200 mass graves containing as many as 12,000 victims in northern and western Iraq," But, Iraqi officials warn that the "the number could be even higher."

Travis Weber is the Director of the Center for Religious Liberty at the Family Research Council. Travis previously served as a Navy pilot after graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy, where he was captain of the Intercollegiate Sailing Team and a two-time College Sailing All-American.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How did Congressman Chris Smith change the lives of thousands of Christian refugees in the Middle East several years ago?

Are there any graves along the caravan trail from Guatemala?

Why is the FRC trying to spread the truth to Americans and people worldwide about this atrocity in Syria?

Was Obama and the Democrat-led House aware of Congressman Smith’s discoveries?

How can WE help? Click here  to share the article on this issue on social media and via email.

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July 31, 2018

Title: Advancing Religious Freedom
Topic: Christian Discrimination and Persecution
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

Across the world, Christians are persecuted and discriminated against; some are even killed. Travis Weber, with the Family Research Council, has both disturbing and encouraging words for us today.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Today, worldwide, are there acts of religious persecution, discrimination, and even genocide against Christians purely because of their faith?

Who is committing these acts of persecution, discrimination, and genocide?

How did Obama react and attempt to combat Christian discrimination and genocide worldwide?

What is Trump doing?

Are Christians persecuted and discriminated against in America today?

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June 6, 2018

Title: Finally – A Victory for a Christian Baker!
Topic: Christians Have Rights
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

Finally – a victory for a Christian baker! Travis Weber is the Director of the Center for Religious Liberty at the Family Research Council. Listen as he explains the details of the case and what it could mean for the future…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the story behind this case?

What did the Justices actually rule in this case? Did they say Jack Phillips did NOT have to bake the cake? Or, did they rule that the lower court simply violated the law?

What is the significance of the 7-2 vote by the Supreme Court Justices?

Can the ruling still be considered a victory for Christian business owners?

Is this case the very reason why it is so important for Christians to vote their conscience in every election and for every race?

You can read the Court’s full opinion on this issue here.

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December 11, 2017

Title: Why Only Challenge the Christians?
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

Travis Weber is the Director of the Center for Religious Liberty at the Family Research Council, where he focuses on a variety of legal and policy issues pertaining to religious freedom. Travis was present in the court room to hear oral arguments during the Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission case.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is Jack Phillips?

What did the Colorado State Legislature do against Jack?

Why are so many Christian businesses being sued by the LGBTQ Community? Listen as Travis discusses the ins and outs of discrimination laws.

Will a decision be made soon by the Colorado Legislature concerning this case?

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November 17, 2017

Title: First Amendment vs. Cake Bakers
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

If business owners do not want to participate in a particular wedding ceremony, should they have the right to say no?

For several years now, Christian business owners have been targeted by the LGBTQ community. Travis Weber is the director of the Center for Religious Liberty at the Family Research Council, where he focuses on legal and policy issues pertaining to religious freedom.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the First Amendment allow the government to force a business owner to violate his or her conscience and religious beliefs?

In other countries around the world, are ministers allowed to preach against homosexuality from the pulpit? HINT: Yes and no. Listen as Travis explains…

Should Jack Phillips, a cake artist and small business owner, be protected under the First Amendment?

If the government can force a Christian cake artist to work with a homosexual couple, can the government also force an atheist to supply contracting services to a church? Will this scenario ever happen?

Is Jack Phillips merely refraining from violating his conscience and religious beliefs?

Have anti-discrimination laws been expanded beyond their original purpose?

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September 19, 2017

Title: Trump’s Court Picks: Good or Bad?
Topic: Judicial Appointments
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

Conservatives can complain about a lot of things in WDC, but President Trump's judicial nominees aren't one of them. Trump is choosing men and women with proven track records. For example, just recently, Trump sent another slate of 16 to the Senate for consideration, filling the chamber's already full plate.

Travis Weber is the Family Research Council’s Director of the Center for Religious Liberty. Travis commends Trump’s picks and explains why in today’s segment…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Frist, Travis Weber discusses some issues surrounding churches, Hurricane Harvey, and FEMA… Listen in as he explains What’s UP…

Has President Trump placed many names into the Judicial Nomination process?

Does the Constitution allow for a “litmus test”?

Is there a real, noticeable difference between a Republican Judge and a Democrat Judge?

Has Tony Perkins even expressed positive comments concerning President Trump’s Conservative nominees?

Are Democrats trying to stall Trump’s nominations?

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February 10, 2017

Title: President Trump’s Recent Prayer Breakfast
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

The Main Stream Media once again ignored the main points of a Trump meeting; this time it was the National Prayer Breakfast.

Travis Weber, the Family Research Council’s Director of the Center for Religious Liberty, is here today to discuss a piece he recently wrote concerning the Prayer Breakfast and the media’s blatant bias against Trump.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does Government create and grant human rights? Or does the government simply recognize them?

President Trump recently spoke at his first National Prayer Breakfast. MSM extensively reported on his brew-ha-ha about Arnold Schwarzenegger. How much coverage did President Trump’s comments garner about the denial of religious freedom in the Middle East?

Why do low-information hunger for more fake news by the MSM?

Why is the MSM in hysterics over Trump’s foreign traveler’s ban?

Bush 43 did not push back against the lies and false reporting of the MSM and most Americans today still believe the distortions and lies concerning President Bush. Will President Trump just roll-over and allow the MSM to bury him under piles of fake-news and biased, distorted reporting?

Travis Weber states: “Criticism of government is fine. The problem…is a refusal to consider evidence and facts which could lead one to the truth. That is a threat to free media.

How can we educate ourselves on issues most important to Christian families?

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January 18, 2017

Title: Who Rights are Superior?
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

The majority of Americans are under the FALSE belief that twenty-five percent of the population is LGBTQ. However, a recent study by the Williams Institute PROVES that only an estimated 3.8 percent of Americans identify as gay/lesbian, bisexual, or transgender: 1.7 percent as lesbian or gay, 1.8 percent as bisexual, and 0.3 percent as transgender.

Here today to discuss these grossly exaggerated numbers is Family Research Council’s Travis Weber, the Director of the Center for Religious Liberty. He will also be discussing a current court battle concerning this issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Whose rights are superior?

Is the left using “sex discrimination laws” to push their LGBTQ agenda?

Part of the battle which Travis is involved in implicates that a letter from the Department of Education is carrying the same weight as a law passed by a Legislative body or actual court ruling. Listen as Travis explains how the Obama Administration has been using the DOE to bully independent school districts and parents.

What will the Trump Administration do in regards to men and boys in female facilities?

Why have a policy forcing young girls to be exposed to boys in their facilities for 0.3 percent of the entire school district? This equates to approximately one boy in the entire district (NOT each school) in the state of Texas, even less in other states.

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November 1, 2016

Title: Georgia Petitioning Pastor’s Sermons and His Bible
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

Recently, the State of Georgia issued a legal demand that Dr. Eric Walsh, a lay pastor, hand over his sermons, sermon notes, and all pastoral documentation including his Bible. Travis Weber, The Family Research Council’s Director of Center for Religious Liberty, is here today to discuss this case and why every Christian across the country, not just pastors, should pay close attention.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was Dr. Eric Walsh employed by the State of Georgia before or after he was a practicing lay pastor?

As a pastor, Dr. Eric Walsh obviously felt convicted to preach on common Christian themes including creation, compassion, spiritual growth, the family, and Christian living. What happened when this was discovered while he was employed by the State of Georgia?

Is Dr. Eric Walsh suing for wrongful termination? If so, on what grounds does he contend he was wrongfully terminated?

Is the State of Georgia contending he was terminated for grounds other than his personal, religious beliefs?

Why does the State of Georgia want his sermons, sermon notes, and all pastoral documentation including his Bible?

Is this a blatant attempt to bully other Christian leaders to stop speaking and preaching in the public square?

Click here  to sign the petition to get the Republican Governor of Georgia, Nathan Deal, to stop harassing Dr. Eric Walsh immediately.

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March 11, 2016

Title: ISIS Genocide is Spreading Far and Wide
Topic: ISIS
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

First, they came for the Communists and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. And then they came for me and there was no one left to speak up.

What difference does it make? President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry have until March 17, 2016, to issue a determination that ISIS attacks on Christians in the Middle East are genocide – or not genocide. Travis Weber has researched and studied genocide throughout history, specifically centering on the actions of ISIS. First, Travis defines genocide for us: “According to the definition used from the 1949 Genocide Convention, it is the attempt to destroy a people group in whole or part based on their nationality, race, or religion.”

According to this definition, along with video proof, Travis believes that ISIS is most definitely committing mass genocide against Christians and other religious groups across the Middle East and Europe. ISIS has even stated that this is their goal! “There is a reason [genocide] is the crime of crimes,” Travis declares.

How can Obama and Kerry possibly deny these events are happening? Is it too late for the United States to step in and do something to stop ISIS? Listen in as Travis Weber explains the situation and what “should” happen regarding intervention and punishment for those responsible.

For more information on the FY2016 Omnibus Bill discussed in this interview click here.

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December 23, 2015

Title: Why are Christians so Hated in America?
Topic: Persecution
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Pastor Martin Niemöller once said: “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me.”

Are you willing to die to defend your religious liberty? Would you die for Jesus? Would you die for your kids or your spouse? Would you die for your neighbor?

Christians are being persecuted across the globe, even here in the United States. Travis Weber, with the Family Research Council, says that how Christians are persecuted varies depending on the location. Obviously Christians experience violent hatred – even death – in the Middle East. Other countries require Christians to register and receive permission to hold church services. Other Christians experience second-class discrimination.

Now is the time for Christians to stand up, not only for their own denomination and religious preference, but for others around the world. “If we are not aware of these things, before long it will be at our doorstep,” Travis warns.

Listen in as Travis Weber explains a recent conference he attended in Rome on this very subject. We need more people, especially within our own government, to recognize the problem.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Why are Christians so Hated in America?
Topic: Persecution
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

While the persecution of Christians around the world is a growing problem, there is also good news! In China, a communist country which outlaws Christianity and the Bible, the number of Christians is actually increasing! Praise the Lord! Travis Weber says, “We have reports that Christians are sharing their faith wherever they are, even when they get thrown in jail! This shows that man’s efforts cannot stop the power of God!

However, there is one sobering reality: If the number of Christians continue to expand in China, within a decade or two they will outnumber the amount of Christians in America. How did we allow this to happen? What can we do to turn the tide? Should we start bringing missionaries back to America to proselytize Americans?

Travis has some thoughts and suggestions on this. We all can do something. First, we can pray those around the world who voluntarily place themselves in harm’s way. Pray for those who have no choice but to stay in a country where they are hated and stoned and killed for their faith in Jesus Christ. Some can give financially to charities and organizations who minister to and help those being persecuted. Some can even go and be the help and hope to those people. “We better take action before we can’t,” Travis warns.

Click [here] to help support the Family Research Council’s efforts to help Christians around the world.

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July 2, 2015

Title: Progressives Crossed the Line
Topic: Defending Traditional Marriage
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

We are living in perilous times. The 5-4 ruling in favor of homosexual marriage by the SCOTUS Justices has opened Pandora’s Box for a whole bunch of other bad stuff coming our way. The Gay Mafia will not stop now. Being able to marry in the church is their next step.

Travis Weber is the Director of the Center for Religious Liberty with the Family Research Council. He says, “It starts on the college campuses and it spreads to the culture.” He goes on to discuss how the 1st Amendment is being trampled on by the Progressives but we should never, ever give up. We know who holds the final authority on marriage and that is God, the Creator of the Universe.

What happens if the law changes even more – forcing churches to marry homosexuals within the church walls? They’ve already won the battle over the baker, florist, photographer, and others. They want the pastors and the church next. But will their intolerance of us be their ultimate undoing? Only time will tell.

Remember, God will always be on our side.

Click here  for more on this and other issues threatening our religious freedom.

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June 15, 2015

Title: Don’t Blame Me. I Go to Church.
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

You may not have ever experienced a knife to your throat or gun to your head because of your faith, but that doesn’t mean it won’t ever happen. Just because you do not live in Iraq or Iran or Malaysia or China, doesn’t mean it won’t happen to you. Christians in war-ravaged countries who are persecuted and even martyred for their faith are praying for America. Yes! That’s right! They are praying for America!!

Travis Weber, a Veteran of the Navy, is the Director for Religious Liberty with The Family Research Council. He has a dire warning for Christians in America. Despite our material wealth, we are a poor people. Travis says, “Many people around the world can see the spiritual poverty in the United States.” They are concerned for our future, not only on earth but for eternity.

Those in the Middle East known as Nasranis are some who are praying for America. Travis explains what a Nasrani is and why their prayers for us are so important and perplexing. The Nazis used a star to identify Jews; ISIS is using the Arabic letter for “N” (a “u” with a dot above it) to mark the homes and businesses of Christians. The purpose? To bring harm, destruction, and even death to those professing faith in Jesus Christ.

Did you know that ISIS has even murdered other Muslims who do not support their death rampage? Not everyone who practices the Muslim faith is a radical member of ISIS or Al Qaida, whether in American or abroad. Travis says, “We need to encourage those who do not adhere to those radical views and support them. If we don’t, they will continue to suffer and be targeted by ISIS and others.”

Please click [here]  to make a donation to The Family Research Council. Support them in their mission of advancing faith, family, and freedom through public policy and the culture from a Christian worldview.

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May 14, 2015

Title: Is this the End of Christian Military Chaplains?
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

President Obama wants to fundamentally change America. There is no more powerful place to start than in the U.S. military. If he can silence Christians in the military – Chaplains in particular – he can force the left's values and codes of politically correct speech on the rest of us.

Terry Lowry quotes from the Go  Army website concerning the duties and responsibilities of an Army Chaplain. For example, “The Army chaplaincy is a religiously diverse population reflecting the diversity of the Army, yet each chaplain ministers according to the tenets of his or her distinctive faith community.

Travis Weber is the Director of the Center for Religious Liberty with the Family Research Council. He is also a Navy veteran. Travis believes that Christian Chaplains are being targeted for their faith. He says, “We are seeing actions being taken against Chaplains for nothing other than the expression and promulgation of their faith in accordance with the endorsing agency of the Chaplain’s own faith.” He explains how and why this is happening now under the leadership of Obama.

Travis Weber also discusses how two men, Chaplain Joseph Lawhorn and Lt. Commander Wes Modder, have been discriminated against for various reasons. You will be shocked! These are not isolated cases, either. Listen in and share this segment on social media so the truth can be spread far and wide!

You can follow Travis Weber on Twitter @tsurenweber.

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March 6, 2015

Title: The Results are In!
Topic: Support for Traditional Marriage
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

Travis Weber, with the Center for Religious Liberty at the Family Research Council, is here to discuss several hot topics affecting Texans and all Americans. The FRC recently conducted a survey of Americans concerning traditional marriage and the right to uphold moral values in the work place.

Listen in to hear the results! There is a lot more to it than just defining marriage as between one man and one woman. If we don’t fight this, we will soon find ourselves in the midst of an even bigger mess!

Click [here] for more from the Family Research Council.

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January 30, 2015

Title: What's Good for the Good Should be Good for the Gander
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

These days, you have to be tough cookie to be a baker, especially if you are a Christian. It seems like every other week, a homosexual attempts to get a cake baked for their “wedding” and the baker refuses, therefore the couple sues the baker for discrimination. But what happens when the role is reversed?

Travis S. Weber is the Director of the Center for Religious Liberty at the Family Research Council, where he focuses on all manner of legal and policy issues pertaining to religious freedom. He previously served in the U.S. Navy, piloting E-6 aircraft based out of Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma.

Today, Travis discusses the newest case involving a customer in Colorado who requested an anti-gay message on a cake. No surprise – the bakery owner refused! Should the owner be forced to take sensitivity classes, fined, and write the requested message on the cake? After all, isn’t she being discriminatory?

Listen in as Travis explains the law and why it needs to be changed. Also discussed in this segment with Travis Weber is the case against a church (also in Colorado) that refused to perform a funeral service for a lesbian woman. Are churches not protected under the law, either? Will there be no end to what the government will force businesses and churches to do? What about our individual freedoms? Click [here]  for more on this and other legal issues affecting our rights and freedoms as Christians and business owners in America.

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January 15, 2015

Title: Students have Rights, Too.
Topic: Student Rights
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 3

In Spring Branch school district in Houston, a student wanted to form a Christian Bible Club. He, and his father, were told “no” time and time again, from different levels of leadership within the school district. Who finally told them “yes”?

Travis Weber, with the Family Research Council, talks about the First Amendment, which protects free speech, freedom of religion, and the right peacefully assemble. What rights do students have concerning clubs? What can they discuss? Who can they invite?

Sometimes, school administrators are simply misinformed about the law; other times, they just don’t want to “deal with” a Christian-based club. Travis says that all religious clubs are allowed to meet, as long as they comply with all the rules and regulations that other clubs must adhere to.

And what about teachers? Though they have less rights than students, they so still have rights. Listen in Travis explains this, too.

NOTE: Please do not construe any information discussed in this segment as legal advice. If you have any questions, please contact an attorney or contact the Family Research Council.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Students have Rights, Too.
Topic: Student Rights
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

What about reading the Bible in class? Travis reviews a case from up north that involves a student who was told he could not read his Bible in class. What are his rights? Can a student read a Bible during non-instructional time, whether in class, the library, the lunch table, in the hallway, on the bus?

Now, what about prayer? Do students have the right to pray before they take a test? Before they eat lunch? Before a sports game? Listen in as Travis explains students’ rights concerning various scenarios.

NOTE: Please do not construe any information discussed in this segment as legal advice. If you have any questions, please contact an attorney or contact the Family Research Council.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Students have Rights, Too.
Topic: Student Rights
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

In this final segment with attorney Travis Weber, he talks about when it is acceptable for your child to share their testimony with other students. What do you think the answer is? Never? Sometimes? Privately? Listen in as Travis explains when and where it is okay, and what steps should be taken if your student is told they cannot share their testimony or anything about Jesus Christ.

To wrap up the interview, Travis explains that students even have the right to form a pro-life club or group. Again, as long as the students follow the rules and regulations, students can form any type of group or club they wish to create. If your student is told “no”, then contact an attorney or legal group.

NOTE: Please do not construe any information discussed in this segment as legal advice. If you have any questions, please contact an attorney or contact the Family Research Council.

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January 9, 2015

Title: Bibles are Allowed in Public School
Topic: Student Rights
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

A 7th grader in Missouri decided to take his Bible to school to read during free-time in class. I bet you can just guess what happened next! Yep! His teacher told him he wasn’t allowed to read his Bible in school!

Travis Weber explains how the child was not being disruptive. The child was not reading aloud. The child was simply reading his Bible silently in his seat. Listen in as Travis explains what your child has the right to read, report on, and talk about in school.

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October 31, 2014

Title: I Stand Sunday
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

Will you sit idly by and let them take over our country? Or will you stand up, shout from the rooftops, and fight with every breath left in you?

Don’t blame me. I go to church. The minister preaches. I go home.

The Mayor of Houston announced on Wednesday morning, October 29 that she would not be pursuing the subpoena against the Houston area pastors, their tweets, and sermons. Praise God! But what does that mean going forward? Does that mean we can all stop sharing blogs and articles on Facebook and Twitter? Should we stop talking about it at the water cooler at work?

Travis Weber, with the Family Research Council, says we cannot stop fighting them. We can never stop. Now is the time to become even more involved than ever. We’ve had a taste of what persecution feels like and it definitely left a bitter taste in our mouths.

This Sunday, November 2, Grace Community Church and Family Research Council are hosting an event, “I Stand Sunday”, which will be simulcast to hundreds of churches across America. Family Research Council President Tony Perkins will serve as host for the simulcast which will also feature former Governor Mike Huckabee, Duck Dynasty's Phil and Al Robertson, the five Houston pastors who have been targeted by the Mayor's subpoenas, Dr. Ronnie Floyd, who serves as president of the Southern Baptist Convention, along with many other national and local Christian leaders.
For more information about “I Stand Sunday”, log on to
Don’t forget to vote in the upcoming Election. Early Voting ends today, Friday, and Election Day is this coming Tuesday, November 4. Don’t vote alone – take someone with you!

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August 26, 2014

Title: The Gays are Getting More Forceful
Topic: Gay Agenda
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Liberty Ridge Farm in upstate New York is the latest Christian-owned company to come under fire from the LGBT crowd. The husband and wife owners politely refused to allow a gay couple to be married at their farm, due to their deeply held religious convictions. Of course, the couple contacted the New York Civil Liberties Union who represented their discriminatory claim against the Giffords.

The Christian photographer, the Christian cake maker, the Christian florist, and now the Christian-owned venue… All have been purposefully and intentionally targeted and all have been forced by a single judge in a liberal court to pay heavy fines and/or change their policy to “accommodate” gay couples.

Travis Weber, with the Family Research Council’s Center for Religious Liberty, says that discrimination against Christians and Christian-owned businesses must be stopped.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Gays are Getting More Forceful
Topic: Gay Agenda
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

Homosexuals and their lawyers have gone after the Christian photographer, the Christian cake maker, the Christian florist, and now the Christian-owned venue. Is the church next?

Pastors have the right to only marry couples who are in “good standing” with their church. What if the couple has been faithful members for years, tithe regularly, and even volunteer within the church? Should churches, especially small churches, have written by-laws concerning who can and cannot be married in their church?

The gays want everyone to accept their sin as “normal”; in fact, they don’t want the homosexual lifestyle to be viewed as sin at all. They’ve already won over some Presbyterian and Episcopalian churches, some Catholics, and most of the Methodists. Now, they’re poised to pounce on the Southern Baptist Church.

Travis Weber encourages all Christians to contact their representatives to urge them to vote in favor of laws which protect Christian-owned businesses and churches from lawsuits such as these. You can find more information on this and other issues at

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