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June 27, 2024

Title: June 29,2024: The Day of the Christian Martyr
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Todd Nettleton
with The Voice of the Martyrs (

In the summer of 2014, militants from the self-proclaimed Islamic State (ISIS) advanced across Syria and northern Iraq. As they entered each village, they marked Christians’ homes and businesses with the Arabic letter “N,” or ?, for “Nazarene.”

Today, Todd Nettleton remembers this attack and encourage listeners to learn more about the persecution Jews and Christians face every day in the Middle East and around the world. Todd Nettleton is the Chief of Media Relations and Message Integration for The Voice of the Martyrs.

Click here to watch and share the video promo for “The Day of the Christian Martyr 2024”.

Click here for more information about The Voice of the Martyrs.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

When and why did “The Day of the Christian Martyr” begin?

Who is the focus of this years’ “The Day of the Christian Martyr”? Todd Nettleton explains why The Voice of the Martyrs chose to focus on an entire people group who lost their lives because of their belief in Jesus Christ.

When members of the self-proclaimed Islamic State (ISIS) invaded Mosul, why did they mark homes with the Arabic N?

Over 100,000 Christians fled Mosul after the attack. How many were murdered? Where did the survivors flee?

Are Christians around the world still persecuted on a daily basis? Todd Nettleton discusses the sad facts and urges us to continue to pray and love our enemies.

Click here to receive FREE digital resources from The Voice of the Martyrs.

Click here to help support The Voice of the Martyrs.

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February 21, 2024

Title: India is Dangerous Place for Christians
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Todd Nettleton
with The Voice of the Martyrs (

Todd Nettleton is the Chief of Media Relations and Message Integration for The Voice of the Martyrs and host of The Voice of the Martyrs Radio. Today, Todd explains why VOM has reclassified India as a "restricted nation”.

Click here to learn more about The Voice of the Martyrs Prayer Guide.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has there been a dramatic rise of radical Hindu extremism and persecution of Christians in India?

Can simply sharing a Bible or praying with someone land a person in jail?

What is the Hindu ideology called? Todd explains the scary details…

Do the goals of Hindu nationalism include the elimination of Christians (and all other religions) from their homeland?

Has the escalation of persecution in India increased the need for VOM to provide Christians with essential tools including Bibles? Hebrews 13:3 “Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.”

Click here to help support The Voice of the Martyrs.

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February 9, 2024

Title: India is Dangerous Place for Christians
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Todd Nettleton
with The Voice of the Martyrs (

Todd Nettleton is the Chief of Media Relations and Message Integration for The Voice of the Martyrs and host of The Voice of the Martyrs Radio. Today, Todd explains why VOM has reclassified India as a "restricted nation”.

Click here to learn more about The Voice of the Martyrs Prayer Guide.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has there been a dramatic rise of radical Hindu extremism and persecution of Christians in India?

Can simply sharing a Bible or praying with someone land a person in jail?

What is the Hindu ideology called? Todd explains the scary details…

Do the goals of Hindu nationalism include the elimination of Christians (and all other religions) from their homeland?

Has the escalation of persecution in India increased the need for VOM to provide Christians with essential tools including Bibles? Hebrews 13:3 “Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.”

Click here to help support The Voice of the Martyrs.

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January 15, 2024

Title: India is Dangerous Place for Christians
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Todd Nettleton
with The Voice of the Martyrs (

Todd Nettleton is the Chief of Media Relations and Message Integration for The Voice of the Martyrs and host of The Voice of the Martyrs Radio. Today, Todd explains why VOM has reclassified India as a "restricted nation”.

Click here to learn more about The Voice of the Martyrs Prayer Guide.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has there been a dramatic rise of radical Hindu extremism and persecution of Christians in India?

Can simply sharing a Bible or praying with someone land a person in jail?

What is the Hindu ideology called? Todd explains the scary details…

Do the goals of Hindu nationalism include the elimination of Christians (and all other religions) from their homeland?

Has the escalation of persecution in India increased the need for VOM to provide Christians with essential tools including Bibles? Hebrews 13:3 “Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.”

Click here to help support The Voice of the Martyrs.

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October 3, 2023

Title: UN Advocates to SILENCE Christians
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Stefano Gennarini
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

BREAKING NEWS: The UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression Report recommends governments and social media companies silence those who express traditional views of marriage, abortion, sexuality, and gender identity.

Stefano Gennarini is the Vice President for Legal Studies at the Center for Family and Human Rights. Today, he gives more details about this disturbing UN development and urges everyone to get involved NOW.

Click here to read more on this important issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In the name of “freedom of expression”, the UN report advocated for silencing pro-life and pro-traditional family content. Is this effort masked under the umbrella of “ensuring widespread access to information”? Stefano explains that they only want to ensure access to “their” information…

Is the UN control of information focused on promoting sexual and reproductive health (unlimited access to abortions) and diverse gender identities (the full spectrum of LGBT fantasies)?

Does the UN report say that opposition to abortion or different sexual identities is a “harmful practice deserving of condemnation”?

Is this just one of the devil’s many tactics to turn us away from God? Stefano agrees, but also reminds us that the victory has already been won and we need not fear. Amen!

Why does the Center for Family and Human Rights report on the actions of the United Nations?

What can we do to help? Click here  to help support the Center for Family and Human Rights.

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August 30, 2023

Title: Pakistani Christians Need Our Help
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Jonathan Feldstein
with Genesis 123 Foundation (

Genesis 12:3 “I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

The burning fires in Maui have been all over the news. The fires, looting, and attacks against Christians in Pakistan? Not so much. Why?

Jonathan Feldstein is the President of the Genesis 123 Foundation. Today, Jonathan reveals the horrific acts of violence Christians in Pakistan have been experiencing.

Click here for more information about the Genesis 123 Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are Christian communities in Pakistan being torched to the ground? With his voice shaking and cracking with sadness, Jonathan passionately explains how thousands of Pakistani Christians are being affected by the fires and ongoing violence.

Are Muslims highly critical of anyone who dares question Islam and its practices?

Are law enforcement agencies turning a blind eye, giving legitimacy to the ransacking, looting, burning, and even murder? Jonathan reveals that law enforcement has finally stepped up to help, but it’s too little, too late and they are still not helping like they should be.

How many Christian homes in Pakistan have been attacked, looted, and burned? Do they have insurance to cover their losses?

Why are Pakistani Christians referred to as “seventh-class citizens”? Jonathan says: “They have targets on their back because of their faith.”

How is the Genesis 123 Foundation helping Pakistani Christians? Click here to help support the Genesis 123 Foundation. You can also email Jonathan directly with any questions:

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February 9, 2023

Title: Who Will Speak for the Christians?
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Bruce Hausknecht
with Focus on the Family

First, they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me.

Today, Bruce Hausknecht sounds a warning call to all Christians worldwide – especially here in America. Bruce is a Judicial Analyst for Focus on the Family. He researches and analyzes legal and judicial issues related to Christians and the family, including First Amendment freedom of religion and free speech issues, judicial selection, marriage, homosexuality, and pro-life matters.

Click here for more from Bruce Hausknecht and the Daily Citizen, a Focus on the Family publication.

Click here to help Focus on the Family as they spread the love of Jesus around the world.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are many Christians being persecuted all over the world?

Are Christians being persecuted right here in America? Bruce discusses the newest lawsuit against baker Jack Phillips.

What is “their” goal? Do they simply want tolerance or do they want to intimidate us into acceptance and promotion of their lifestyle? Bruce discusses another case involving pro-life activist Mark Houck.

The devil and his minions are awake, organized, and moving forward in the battle of evil vs. good. Are we even awake?

Will evil prevail if Christians sit by and do nothing?

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February 2, 2022

Title: Finland Puts the Bible on Trial
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Arielle Del Turco
with Family Research Council (

A member of Finland’s parliament, Päivi Räsänen, has been placed on trial for “ethnic agitation hate speech” for respectfully expressing her widely held Christian beliefs.

Arielle Del Turco is the Assistant Director of the Center for Religious Liberty at the Family Research Council. Today she explains just what is going on in Finland – and why WE should be paying close attention here in America.

Click here to read Arielle’s full article on this issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is “ethnic agitation hate speech”? Arielle explains who is charging her and why.

Why was Päivi Räsänen called to the local police station and questioned about her religious beliefs? Arielle explains what happened and why the police began digging into her writings and radio appearances going back years.

Are people across the world worried that this censorship in Finland will spread? Arielle says: “If even a member of Congress can be charged for a simple tweet with a Bible verse, what might the consequences be for them?

Did the prosecutor basically make her case about the Bible?

Several US Senators, including Senator Marco Rubio, have intervened, saying that this case is tantamount to “trying religious beliefs that may conflict with secular trends”. What does this mean and why are US Senators concerned?

Do Christians have a duty to stand up for the right to state our religious beliefs at church, on the street corner, over the airwaves, and at home while teaching our family?

Americans are granted the 1st Amendment – the right to free speech. If we remain silent, will we lose this freedom?

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January 21, 2022

Title: Pray for the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Todd Nettleton
with The Voice of the Martyrs (

Over the next few weeks, the eyes of the world will turn toward Beijing and the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. Leading up to and during the Games, The Voice of the Martyrs  is calling Christians to commit to pray for Chinese Christians suffering persecution at the hands of the oppressive Communist government of the host country.

Todd Nettleton is the Chief of Media Relations and Message Integration for the Voice of the Martyrs–USA and host of “The Voice of the Martyrs Radio”. The Voice of the Martyrs is a non-profit, interdenominational Christian organization founded in 1967.

VOM is dedicated to serving persecuted Christians worldwide through practical and spiritual assistance and leading other members of the body of Christ into fellowship with them. Click here to make a donation to VOM.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are many persecuted in China for their religious beliefs? Todd Nettleton warns that the Chinese officials will be doing everything they can to stop this from being a topic of conversation, saying: “Don’t let them pull the wool over your eyes.”

Is there an opportunity to distribute Bibles inside China? Todd explains how many Bibles are “doctored” to adhere to the Communist Party ideology.

Do many people around the world need a copy of the Bible in their own language?

Are Chinese Christians and Pastors being pressured to compromise their beliefs – even being imprisoned?

How can we pray for the upcoming 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing?

Click here  for to sign up for daily prayer reminders.

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November 29, 2021

Title: Religious Liberty in America is Under Attack
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Pastor Erwin Lutzer
with One Place (

Part 1 of 2

The Biden administration is recklessly determined to undo many of Trumps’ religious liberty protections.

Today, author and Pastor Erwin Lutzer discusses a Health and Human Services (HHS) internal memo which details Biden’s plans.

Click here for more on Pastor Erwin Lutzer.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do we have a right to Religious Liberty? Is it God-given or government-given?

Are those in power in America attempting to limit our religious liberty? Pastor Lutzer discusses a lawsuit filed by the ADF on behalf of a Christian school regarding transgenderism.

Is there a demonic spirit behind the Biden Administration’s assault on our religious liberty? Has this evil presence been prevalent throughout history?

Should Pastors and Christians push back against our own government? Is it Biblical? Pastor Lutzer explains that, while he has never endorsed a political party or candidate, he has never shied away from preaching on the issues.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Religious Liberty in America is Under Attack
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Pastor Erwin Lutzer
with One Place (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In his newest book, “We Will Not Be Silenced”, Pastor Erwin discusses many topics, such as: the Left’s desire to rebuild (tear apart) America, the vilification of our culture, critical race theory, the war on freedom of speech, how propaganda works, and the sexualization of our children.

Click here to order a copy of Pastor Lutzer’s book, “We Will Not Be Silenced”.

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March 8, 2021

Title: Will Amazon Ban the Bible?
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Pastor Erwin Lutzer
with One Place (

Amazon has changed their rules on what kind of books they will begin banning. The new unpublished policy takes aim at so-called hate speech, and the first on the list to be banned is the Bible.

Pastor Erwin Lutzer is Pastor Emeritus of The Moody Church in Chicago where he served as the Senior Pastor for 36 years. He is author of many books including his latest, “We Will Not Be Silenced”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did Pastor Erwin write this book?

Is the Bible “hate speech”?

Does Amazon claim the Bible has hate speech because it speaks out against homosexuality and other sins? Are these “rules” published anywhere?

Hate speech sounds like a legitimate argument, but is it a pretext for banning whatever someone might disagree with? Pastor Erwin discusses the book “When Harry Became Sally”, which Amazon recently banned.

Does the Woke Crowd want to silence all Christians?

Is Jesus Christ the only answer to hate speech?

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January 20, 2021

Title: 10 Facts About Global Religious Persecution from This Year's World Watch List
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Arielle Del Turco
with Family Research Council (

Threats to religious freedom mount around the world. Every day, 12 churches or Christian buildings are attacked. As we learn more about how difficult it is to be a Christ-follower around the world, may we be moved to prayer and action on their behalf.

Arielle Del Turco serves as Assistant Director of the Center for Religious Liberty at Family Research Council, where she is responsible for international religious freedom policy and advocacy efforts.

Click here for more on this from Arielle and the FRC.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do the findings of the OPEN Doors’ 2021 World Watch List paint a challenging picture for Christ-followers in different parts of the world?

Which country holds the distinction for the most murdered Christians?

Did the COVID-19 Pandemic enable religious discrimination? Arielle discusses “relief discrimination”.

Does technology make it easier for governments to suppress religious freedoms?

How does North Korea rank regarding religious persecution?

The Sudan’s new Constitution allows citizens freedom of religion. Is this really occurring or is there still Christian persecution?

Where do approximately 91% of recorded violent killings of Christian occur?

How bad is religious persecution in China?

Is the harassment of Christians in Turkey legal?

Are drug cartels the largest threat to religious freedom in Latin America?

Is the world’s largest democracy, India, among the top 10 most difficult countries to be a Christ-follower?

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December 11, 2017

Title: Why Only Challenge the Christians?
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

Travis Weber is the Director of the Center for Religious Liberty at the Family Research Council, where he focuses on a variety of legal and policy issues pertaining to religious freedom. Travis was present in the court room to hear oral arguments during the Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission case.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is Jack Phillips?

What did the Colorado State Legislature do against Jack?

Why are so many Christian businesses being sued by the LGBTQ Community? Listen as Travis discusses the ins and outs of discrimination laws.

Will a decision be made soon by the Colorado Legislature concerning this case?

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November 17, 2017

Title: First Amendment vs. Cake Bakers
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

If business owners do not want to participate in a particular wedding ceremony, should they have the right to say no?

For several years now, Christian business owners have been targeted by the LGBTQ community. Travis Weber is the director of the Center for Religious Liberty at the Family Research Council, where he focuses on legal and policy issues pertaining to religious freedom.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the First Amendment allow the government to force a business owner to violate his or her conscience and religious beliefs?

In other countries around the world, are ministers allowed to preach against homosexuality from the pulpit? HINT: Yes and no. Listen as Travis explains…

Should Jack Phillips, a cake artist and small business owner, be protected under the First Amendment?

If the government can force a Christian cake artist to work with a homosexual couple, can the government also force an atheist to supply contracting services to a church? Will this scenario ever happen?

Is Jack Phillips merely refraining from violating his conscience and religious beliefs?

Have anti-discrimination laws been expanded beyond their original purpose?

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September 12, 2017

Title: The Reformation: 500 Years Later
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Professor Benjamin Wiker
with Professor Benjamin Wiker (

Part 1 of 2

Monday, we reviewed the Nashville Statement with Chelsen Vicari, with The Institute on Religion and Democracy. Today, Professor Benjamin Wiker will be discussing more details of the Statement, as well as The Reformation.

Professor Wiker is a Senior Fellow at the Veritas Center for Ethics and Policy and Director of Human Life Studies at Franciscan University of Steubenville. To order a copy of “The Reformation: 500 Years Later” or one of Benjamin’s many other books, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are the leaders who signed the Nashville Statement alone in their beliefs?

Why do non-believers even care what Christians believe? Why are we such a threat to them? Listen as Benjamin explains using the rise of modern atheism in the 1400’s as background.

The Left doesn’t attack Islam in the same manner they attack Christianity. Why?

Is the Nashville Statement being compared to Martin Luther’s statements concerning the Catholic Church?

Are Catholics and Protestants now coming together against a common enemy?

Does the Nashville Statement basically draw a line in the sand?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Reformation: 500 Years Later
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Professor Benjamin Wiker
with Professor Benjamin Wiker (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are the leaders who signed the Nashville Statement alone in their beliefs?

Why do non-believers even care what Christians believe? Why are we such a threat to them? Listen as Benjamin explains using the rise of modern atheism in the 1400’s as background.

The Left doesn’t attack Islam in the same manner they attack Christianity. Why?

Is the Nashville Statement being compared to Martin Luther’s statements concerning the Catholic Church?

Are Catholics and Protestants now coming together against a common enemy?

Does the Nashville Statement basically draw a line in the sand?

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April 10, 2017

Title: What is Life Like in Austin for a Christian Politician?
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Dr. Tom Oliverson
with Dr. Tom Oliverson (

Representative Dr. Tom Oliverson (R, District 130) is here today to give us an update on his Freshman year in the Texas House.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

As a State Legislator, how does Dr. Oliverson stay anchored in Christ? Listen as he shares three verses he displays prominently in his Austin office to not only encourage him, but those who visit and work with him, as well.

Dr. Oliverson also references a book he received from his wife entitled: “Politics According to the Bible”. You can order it here  from Amazon.

Austin is a dark place, spiritually speaking, and Dr. Oliverson covets your prayers for him and his family. Please add him to your daily prayer list, as well as all of our Elected Officials locally, state-wide, and in Washington, DC.

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November 1, 2016

Title: Georgia Petitioning Pastor’s Sermons and His Bible
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

Recently, the State of Georgia issued a legal demand that Dr. Eric Walsh, a lay pastor, hand over his sermons, sermon notes, and all pastoral documentation including his Bible. Travis Weber, The Family Research Council’s Director of Center for Religious Liberty, is here today to discuss this case and why every Christian across the country, not just pastors, should pay close attention.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was Dr. Eric Walsh employed by the State of Georgia before or after he was a practicing lay pastor?

As a pastor, Dr. Eric Walsh obviously felt convicted to preach on common Christian themes including creation, compassion, spiritual growth, the family, and Christian living. What happened when this was discovered while he was employed by the State of Georgia?

Is Dr. Eric Walsh suing for wrongful termination? If so, on what grounds does he contend he was wrongfully terminated?

Is the State of Georgia contending he was terminated for grounds other than his personal, religious beliefs?

Why does the State of Georgia want his sermons, sermon notes, and all pastoral documentation including his Bible?

Is this a blatant attempt to bully other Christian leaders to stop speaking and preaching in the public square?

Click here  to sign the petition to get the Republican Governor of Georgia, Nathan Deal, to stop harassing Dr. Eric Walsh immediately.

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October 19, 2016

Title: The Extermination of Christians
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Lt. Colonel Robert Maginnis
with Lt. Colonel Robert Maginnis

Part 1 of 2

Christians in the Middle East are fleeing their homes or dying at the hand of Islamists creating the very real possibility of a successful faith-based holocaust. The implications of such an outcome for the region and the world are stark.

New guest, retired Lt. Colonel Robert Maginnis, serves as a national security and foreign affairs analyst for Moody Broadcasting Radio Network, Salem Radio Network, and is a regular guest on several other radio networks.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Where is the Christian holocaust occurring?

Will the destruction of ISIS and Muslim extremists stop the persecution of Christians around the world?

What are moderate governments doing to combat this Christian genocide in Middle Eastern Countries?

What are our European allies doing to combat this Christian Genocide which is occurring in Middle Eastern Countries?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Extermination of Christians
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Lt. Colonel Robert Maginnis
with Lt. Colonel Robert Maginnis

Questions/Issues Discussed:

As Secretary of State, what specific actions did Hillary Clinton take to insure the safety of Christians in Muslin-controlled countries?

What is the Obama Administration doing to combat ISIS and other extreme terrorist groups?

Several “clans” of Muslims are being allowed to migrate to the United States, unchecked. Listen in as Lt. Colonel Robert Maginnis explains the differences between the “good ones” and the “bad ones”.

How do you fight an enemy that desires to die in the name of their religion?

Is the Muslin organized and controlled Christian Genocide already present in the United States?

You can order your copy of Lt. Colonel Robert Maginnis’s new book, “FUTURE WAR: Super Soldiers, Terminators, Cyberspace, and the National Security for 21st Century Combat here.

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April 11, 2016

Title: Mississippi Guided by Facts – Not Fear
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Peter Sprigg
with Family Research Council (

Years from now, no one will remember if a sporting event was held in a particular city. But communities and the God-fearing, freedom-loving Americans who live in them will be reminded daily in a thousand ways if their freedom to believe was lost because of the cowardice of political leaders. Peter Sprigg, with the Family Research Council, is here today to discuss a recent decision by the Governor of Mississippi. He really “stuck it in the face” of liberals big time!

Peter explains that the Legislators in Mississippi passed the “Protecting Freedom of Conscience from Government Discrimination Act”. The bill’s purpose is to prevent discrimination by the government against people who uphold the Biblical standard of marriage as between one man and one woman. “It is a sensible bill about freedom, not about discrimination,” Peter states.

Peter reveals that this law specifically protects individuals and business owners who work within the wedding industry from retribution if they refuse service to a homosexual couple. This includes, but is not limited to, photographers, bakers, wedding venues, and florists. “It is not the person they choose not to offer a particular service to. It is the nature of the event,” Peter says.

Is the LGBTQ crowd really tolerant? “If people really believe in diversity, they should also tolerate a diversity of viewpoints and not just a diversity of sexual behavior,” Peter points out. And he’s absolutely right!

Homosexual lobbyists are now going after the politicians in various states like Mississippi, using celebrities and big corporations to pressure them into accepting anti-Christian laws and regulations. However, Peter believes that the average American really doesn’t care for the way the LGBTQ and big business are interfering with the daily lives of individuals and business owners. It’s not the government’s business!

Mississippi is proactively protecting its citizens and taking a stand against the norm. North Carolina is coming under pressure from PayPal because of a “bathroom protection law” being considered. Peter urges everyone – even if you don’t live in North Carolina – to contact PayPal and express your opinion on their decision to not do business there.

For more on this issue from Peter Sprigg and the Family Research Council, click here.

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January 27, 2016

Title: Silence of the Lambs
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

The American Civil Liberties Union (NOT the ACRU, whom our guest is with) is trying once again to silence Christians. It seems we hear stories everyday how Christians are being told to stop praying, stop preaching, or stop forcing their beliefs on others. In 1948 George Orwell, the author of the well-known book 1984, looked into the future and described what is happening today.

Robert Knight with the American Civil RIGHTS Union (NOT the left-leaning ACLU) explains that, although George Orwell considered himself a Socialist, he didn’t like what he was seeing. If you haven’t read 1984, Robert discusses the book and why it is so pertinent to the events unfolding before eyes. The ACLU, for example, “seems to have a blind spot for every other religion, but in terms of Christianity they’re working overtime. They are enforcing official atheism.

Children are not being taught the real history of the United States and the sacrifices the Founding Fathers and so many others made to ensure that we would have the freedoms we take for granted today. It’s sad, really, to think about how twisted our public school system has become. “By the time they get to college, children believe that if America didn’t exist, the world would be better off,” Robert Knight declares.

Listen in as Robert describes two recent instances where Christians have been, once again, persecuted against in the public square. It’s happening to churches, too. The ACLU wants to remove the tax-exempt status from churches that refuse to perform same-sex marriages. Robert explains the “real” purpose of this classification and its original intent to keeping the church safe from government control. br />
YYou can find Robert Knight’s editorial “Silence of the Lambshere.

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October 22, 2015

Title: Christians Escaping ISIS don’t Find Help from America
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Robert Dekelaita
with Robert Dekelaita (

Part 1 of 2

Robert Dekelaita  was born in Kirkuk, Iraq, in 1962. His family immigrated to Chicago when he was eleven due to fears for the Christian community in his home country. He desires to help persecuted Christians around the world come to America. He wants to give them peace of mind in a land where it is safe to raise their families.

Robert is now a target of the US Government for helping Iraqi Christians and others. They don’t want him to help these poor people escape brutality, murder, and enslavement. Since 2003, the Christian population in Iraq has gone from 1.5 million to less than 300,000. But where do they go? Are they welcome in America? Listen in as Robert gives the details.

There is no reason to doubt the authenticity of Robert Dekelaita’s account of the persecution of Christians around the world. You need only to look right here in America and the persistent attacks on Christianity to know he is telling the truth. “Christians in Iraq and Syria speak the same language that Jesus Christ spoke. Now, their books and churches are being burned and destroyed,” Robert says. Listen in to hear more from Robert on why it is so important that we pay close attention to what is happening to Christians in the Middle East. May it be a lesson for us all.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Christians Escaping ISIS don’t Find Help from America
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Robert Dekelaita
with Robert Dekelaita (

Christians in Muslims countries have done nothing to deserve the horrific, brutal treatment that has been heaped upon them. They want to escape, but many cannot. America could help them, just as we help the thousands upon thousands of Muslims. But the American government is putting up barricades at every entrance. Why? Why can’t we accept Iraqi Christians into America?

Robert Dekelaita has dedicated his life as a lawyer to helping persecuted Christians around the world obtain asylum here in America. Now the US Government is going after him. “I think there is a deep misunderstanding of the situation of the Christians in the Middle East from this Administration,” Robert declares. Robert goes on to describe his personal experience of visiting Iraq and seeing the horrible mistreatment of Christians in that country. Before the Islamic invasion, for example, Iraq was 90% Christian! Hard to believe that Christians in that country now number less than one percent!

It is never easy fighting the government, especially when it is the right thing to do! Robert and his team would appreciate your prayers as they work tirelessly to help those who cannot help themselves. For more information, and the link to help financially, click [here].

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June 15, 2015

Title: Don’t Blame Me. I Go to Church.
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Travis Weber
with Family Research Council (

You may not have ever experienced a knife to your throat or gun to your head because of your faith, but that doesn’t mean it won’t ever happen. Just because you do not live in Iraq or Iran or Malaysia or China, doesn’t mean it won’t happen to you. Christians in war-ravaged countries who are persecuted and even martyred for their faith are praying for America. Yes! That’s right! They are praying for America!!

Travis Weber, a Veteran of the Navy, is the Director for Religious Liberty with The Family Research Council. He has a dire warning for Christians in America. Despite our material wealth, we are a poor people. Travis says, “Many people around the world can see the spiritual poverty in the United States.” They are concerned for our future, not only on earth but for eternity.

Those in the Middle East known as Nasranis are some who are praying for America. Travis explains what a Nasrani is and why their prayers for us are so important and perplexing. The Nazis used a star to identify Jews; ISIS is using the Arabic letter for “N” (a “u” with a dot above it) to mark the homes and businesses of Christians. The purpose? To bring harm, destruction, and even death to those professing faith in Jesus Christ.

Did you know that ISIS has even murdered other Muslims who do not support their death rampage? Not everyone who practices the Muslim faith is a radical member of ISIS or Al Qaida, whether in American or abroad. Travis says, “We need to encourage those who do not adhere to those radical views and support them. If we don’t, they will continue to suffer and be targeted by ISIS and others.”

Please click [here]  to make a donation to The Family Research Council. Support them in their mission of advancing faith, family, and freedom through public policy and the culture from a Christian worldview.

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March 24, 2015

Title: AFA Rejects Demand by Atheist Mikey Weinstein
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Ed Vitagliano
with American Family Association (

The American Family Association (AFA) recently released a map detailing over 200 groups and organizations nationwide that openly display bigotry towards the Christian faith. Naturally, some of those named were upset, including atheist Mikey Weinstein from the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF). This “sounds” like a great organization, right? It is anything but great. Mr. Weinstein wrote a newspaper article calling Christians "monsters," "bloody monsters," "pitiable unconstitutional carpetbaggers," "bandits" and "monstrously savage." Doesn’t sound so great now, does it?

Today’s interview with Ed Vitagliano, the Executive Vice-President of the AFA, focuses on the letter that Mikey Weinstein with MRFF sent to AFA after his organization was listed on this map. Listen in as Ed describes Mikey’s complaint against AFA and their epic response to him. In fact, Ed Vitagliano says this of Mikey Weinstein: “We consider him (Mikey) to be one of the worst violators of civil discourse in our nation, creating an anti-Christian climate in the military.

Ed also discusses why he and others at AFA believe it is vital for Christians to take a stand against all the anti-Christian bigotry. “If our Republic is breaking down,” he says, “why do we suddenly decide that it is more spiritual to let it go? The freedom we enjoy in our country is a gift from God and by ignoring that freedom, it is a sign of being ungrateful to God.”

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October 16, 2014

Title: Houston, We Have a Problem.
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Erik Stanley Stanley
with Alliance Defending Freedom (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting to little ears.
The City of Houston is demanding to pick through sermons, peek into emails, peep through text messages, and pilfer tweets of local pastors throughout the Houston area.

I say, “Dust off your hell-fire-and-brimstone sermons, preach about those Sodomites, text and tweet about the final destination of busy-bodies, and make the holier-than-thou appointees of the lesbian Houston mayor have to finally listen to and read about the truth”.

We all should pray that while they are picking, peeking, peeping, and pilfering though the communications of God’s messengers that the Holy Ghost gives them a glimpse of the torment waiting for those who dare to violate our US Constitution. Pray for the men and women who have surrendered to the God of this universe as they stand, organize, and unite together against the onslaught of the gates of hell.

Erik Stanley serves as senior legal counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, where he is director of the Church Project and Pulpit Initiative. Erik says, “City council members are supposed to be public servants, not ‘Big Brother’ overlords who will tolerate no dissent or challenge. In this case, they have embarked upon a witch-hunt, and we are asking the court to put a stop to it.”

Listen in as Erik describes some of the outrageous claims the left if throwing out in an attempt to stifle Houston pastors’ right to free speech in the pulpit. You can find more on this issue at

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August 11, 2014

Title: ISIS are Not Rebels
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Keith Davies
with Walid Shoebat Foundation (

Note: Please use caution when listening to this interview as some material discussed may be disturbing to young children.

The MSM has no problem blasting Israel for protecting her own citizens. The MSM sees no fault in the Hamas using schools or buildings near the UN complex as a cover for their rockets launches.

The MSM has barely touched on the crisis in the Middle East surrounding ISIS and their blatant hatred and disdain for Christians. The MSM calls them “rebels” or “militants”. No, folks. These monsters are kidnapping, raping, murderous TERRORISTS.

Keith Davies encourages you to log on to  to help the Christians being persecuted in Iraq and around the world. You can help with food and supplies, airfare to safe countries, legal assistance, and much, much more.

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May 14, 2014

Title: From Football Star, to Sportscaster, to Political Activist
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Craig James
with Family Research Council (

Craig James is a former professional football player who was hired to be a sportscaster for Fox Sports. He was fired after a mere 24 hours from Fox Sports for his views on traditional marriage.

He has now joined ranks with the Family Research Council, where he seems to be a perfect fit. Today, Craig discusses recent incidents where business owners have been sued for refusing their services for moral and religious reasons.

Log on to  to join the fight!

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April 14, 2014

Title: From Football Star, to Sportscaster, to Political Activist
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Craig James
with Family Research Council (

Craig James is a former professional football player who was hired to be a sportscaster for Fox Sports. He was fired after a mere 24 hours from Fox Sports for his views on traditional marriage.

He has now joined ranks with the Family Research Council, where he seems to be a perfect fit. Today, Craig discusses recent incidents where business owners have been sued for refusing their services for moral and religious reasons.

Log on to  to join the fight!

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April 11, 2014

Title: Rat Boys and Rat Girls
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Zulfiqar Rashid
with Zulfiqar Rashid

Part 1 of 3

Today, do what you can, with what you can, while you can, for the day is coming when we will not be able to stand and fight the evil that is overtaking our land.

One of the poorest, most troubled countries in the world, Pakistan, has also produced some of our bravest, most inspiring young leaders. “Malala Yousafzai is only the most recent example,” says Zulfiqar Rashid, referring to the 16-year-old advocate for girls’ education who was shot by the Taliban a year ago.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Zulfiqar Rashid
with Zulfiqar Rashid

When he was 4 years old, Iqbal Masih’s impoverished Pakistani family sold him into bonded servitude for  a $12 loan.  For six years, he sat chained to a loom weaving carpets for 14 hours a day six days a week. He and the other children were forbidden from talking and were beaten if they were slow, fell asleep, or made a mistake. They were fed little so that their fingers would stay small enough to work the tiny knots in the carpets.

Listen in as Rashid shares the rest of Iqbal’s story.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Zulfiqar Rashid
with Zulfiqar Rashid

We must unite and stand up against those who enslave children for a few bucks. And we must educate the poor parents in these countries on what their children would endure.

Enough is enough. What will you do to help? 

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Title: Planned, Trained, and Deliberate. Or was it a Simple Mistake?
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Jeremy Dys
with Liberty Institute

A five-year-old Florida kindergartener was told "It is wrong" to pray. Was this an innocent, yet ignorant mistake, or was the school employee trained by her employer to stop any and all public displays of ‘Christian Religion’?

What rights do our Christian students have in practicing, displaying, and sharing their religious beliefs? The rule of thumb is that Christian students have the right to practice their faith even inside their school assignment. They have the right to pray before a meal. They can publicly display their beliefs.

TThese rights are all protected by law. Students can even share their beliefs during non-instructional time.

Listen in as Jeremy Dys, with the Liberty Institute, explains.

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November 3, 2011

Title: Will the “Arab Spring” turn into the “Christian Winter”?
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Robert Sweet
with Christian Freedom International (

For those that hear snippets of the news (turmoil in the Middle East), is there a positive move throughout the Muslim nations along northern Africa, in what we call the Middle East?

Are there members of Congress who have signed a letter that urging Obama to pay attention to the Christian persecution taking place in the Arab Spring countries?

Are we seeing true democracy in the unsettled countries of the Middle East? Or are we seeing the true blackness of Shariah Law?

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August 6, 2011

Title: Would There Be Enough Evidence To Convict You?
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Ted Shoebat
with Ted Shoebat (

Part 1

Ted Shoebat, the son of a former PLO terrorist, shares his experience with anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism along with times he has personally witnessed Holocaust denial.

He states: “the despotism of the Mohammedan cult, lies in its utopian vision for a society without individualism – the tenet which exists as the most significant building block for the structure of liberty".

Ted Shoebat was challenged at a young age because of his conservative, Christian beliefs.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Ted Shoebat
with Ted Shoebat (

Ted Shoebat, the son of a former PLO terrorist, reports on the pending death sentence hanging around the neck of an Iranian preacher.

Found guilty of being a Christian and found guilty of trying to convert Muslims to accept Christianity, Iranian Pastor, Yousef Nadarkhani, has been sentenced to hang by an Iranian court. Would there be enough evidence to convict you for being a believer in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and for witnessing to help save lost souls?

Ted Shoebat was challenged at a young age because of his conservative, Christian beliefs.

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February 11, 2011

Title: Judge Decrees: Die or Convert Back To Islam
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Jim Jacobson
with Christian Freedom International (

Dead Christian Walking: Afgan man Just Hours From Execution Unless He Converts Back To Islam or Unless Our God Jehovah Intervenes. Muslin converts to Christianity, is arrested and sentenced to hang unless he converts back to Islam. What can we do? Jim Jacobson, with Christian Freedom International, encourages all to visit their website at .

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February 4, 2011

Title: Has Obama Placed Egyptian Christians on The Sacrificial Alter?
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Jim Jacobson
with Christian Freedom International (

Will Egypt Christians Be Sacrificed by the Obama Administration? Jim Jacobson, president of Christian Freedom International calls for Christian to pray for the safety of the Christian brothers and sisters inside Egypt. An emerging Egyptian Islamic State strictly enforcing Sharia law will target first the Christian and then all others not bowing their knee to Allah inside and outside Egypt.

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April 28, 2010

Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Erin Leu
with Liberty Institute

The Liberty Institute recently attended an oral argument before the Federal Court of Appeals concerning the discrimination of school children. What was the lawsuit for? For more on this and other issues, log on to

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Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Erin Leu
with Liberty Institute

If you have a legal problem and would like some assistance, log on to Also, become a fan on FB. Search for “Liberty Institute”.

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March 30, 2010

Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Todd Nettleton
with The Voice of the Martyrs (

In 2009, Chinese authorities raided a branch of the Linfen Church in Fushan, demolishing buildings and injuring more than 100 church members. Now, the Chinese government plans to demolish the network’s flagship church, which can seat up to 5,000 people. We must act now! Log on to to see how you can help!

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Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Todd Nettleton
with The Voice of the Martyrs (

The Linfen Church is an unregistered church in China that includes 50,000 members who meet in 30 different locations. Ten of the church’s top leaders are currently in prison or labor camps. To help protect these Christians in China who are under strict Communist rule, log on to

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March 24, 2010

Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Jim Jacobson
with Christian Freedom International (

Christian persecution is escalating in Pakistan. Intimidation and threats of danger are causing churches to consider canceling not only upcoming Easter services but also Christian camps, conventions, and seminars. For more information, log on to

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Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Jim Jacobson
with Christian Freedom International (

Jim Jacobson, President of Christian Freedom International, served as a policy analyst for President Reagan and a political; appointee for George H. Bush. To see how you can help spread the Gospel around the world, log on to

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November 1, 2007

Title: School Teacher Victorious!
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Kelly Shackelford
with Liberty Institute

A public school superintendent was found guilty of violating a school teacher’s right to place her children in a private (Christian) school. For more log onto

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May 3, 2006

Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Bill Bray
with Hopegivers (

News Update: Dr. Samuel Thomas has been granted bail in Rajasthan, India! Praise be to God! Bill Bray, with Hopegivers, gives an update on the situation.

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April 28, 2006

Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Mike Glenn
with Hopegivers (

India's population is now exceeding 1.2 Billion. 350,000 are known as Dalits - the country's outcasts. In some parts of India, giving a Dalit a simple cup of water is punishable by death. Some leaders of Hopegivers International now sit in jail because of their desire to help the Dalits. Please ad Hopegivers International to your prayer list and consider a financial donation to help their efforts. Log onto

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April 20, 2006

Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Mike Glenn
with Hopegivers (

350 million men, women, and children are “untouchables" known as "Dalits” in India. This is a quarter of their population. The co-founder of Hope Givers and many of their local leaders are now in prison or under house arrest for the simple act of giving a cup of water in Jesus name to the Dalits of India. It is hard to believe that one of our major trading partners allows such treatment of its own people!

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Title: THE DEVIL IS BUSY SILENCING HIS CRITICS Replay from April 10, 2006
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Bill Bray
with Hopegivers (

Extremists in the state of Kota, India have arrested the co-founder of Hope Givers and many of their local leaders on charges of causing “communal disharmony”. What have they really done? Since 1960, Hope Givers has established 87 orphanages, 187 schools, 20,000 church Bible Schools and 5 seminaries, many in the state of Kota.

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April 10, 2006

Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Bill Bray
with Hopegivers (

Extremists in the state of Kota, India, have arrested the co-founder of Hope Givers and many of their local leaders on charges of causing “communal disharmony”. What have they really done? Since 1960, Hope Givers has established 87 orphanages, 187 schools, 20,000 church Bible Schools and 5 seminaries, many in the state of Kota.

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March 21, 2006

Title: True Spiritual Warfare
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Mike Glenn
with Hopegivers (

Mike Glenn, The Executive Director of Hope Givers International, discusses the “Dalits” of India. The “Dalits” are an underclass of untouchables that upper classes cannot touch, feed, or provide any other form of help.

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Title: True Spiritual Warfare
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Mike Glenn
with Hopegivers (

Mike Glenn, with HopeGivers International, describes the spiritual warfare currently being waged against Hope Givers. The devil doesn’t want the kingdom of God to advance!

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