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August 12, 2015

Title: Houston tries to Steal Two Historic Black Churches
Topic: Eminent Domain
Discussed by Jeremy Dys
with Liberty Institute

On Monday, August 4, 2015, the Liberty Institute  filed a lawsuit  against the City of Houston for threatening to take the property of two historic Black Houston churches in violation of the Texas religious freedom law, including the Texas Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Jeremy Dys is Senior Counsel at the Liberty Institute. He is here today to discuss this blatant attempt to bully these churches and steal their land.

Jeremey explains how these churches in the Fifth Ward have been helping the community for decades, offering church-run food pantries, youth centers, and programs to combat drug use, gang violence, and abuse. The City of Houston now says they want the land (along with a good chunk of other land) to build houses and to use it for retail space and a medical complex, maybe even a library. They are cunning and conniving and they think they can get away with it – even if they have to forcibly take it.

Listen in as Jeremy explains eminent domain and why the City of Houston thinks they can just take the land through this process. Eminent domain, however, does not apply to religious buildings. Jeremey and others at the Liberty Institute are not going to allow the City of Houston to steal these churches from the community. The Liberty Institute is representing the churches for free, as they do with all cases they handle.

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April 11, 2014

Title: Planned, Trained, and Deliberate. Or was it a Simple Mistake?
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Jeremy Dys
with Liberty Institute

A five-year-old Florida kindergartener was told "It is wrong" to pray. Was this an innocent, yet ignorant mistake, or was the school employee trained by her employer to stop any and all public displays of ‘Christian Religion’?

What rights do our Christian students have in practicing, displaying, and sharing their religious beliefs? The rule of thumb is that Christian students have the right to practice their faith even inside their school assignment. They have the right to pray before a meal. They can publicly display their beliefs.

TThese rights are all protected by law. Students can even share their beliefs during non-instructional time.

Listen in as Jeremy Dys, with the Liberty Institute, explains.

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