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September 10, 2015

Title: Boys Who Want to be Girls
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Matt Sharp
with Alliance Defending Freedom (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

The Obama Administration is telling school districts all across America that they must allow boys to use the girl’s restroom and changing facilities if the boy “identifies as a female”. There is no law that states school districts must do this. Allowing confused boys use the girl’s bathroom and locker room is just wrong. Period. It’s happened on the West Coast, Pennsylvania, Missouri, and even in Houston, Texas. The case in question today is the “transgender boy” from Ohio.

Matt Sharp serves as legal counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, where he plays a key role on the Freedom of Conscience Team. Matt says, “Schools have a duty to protect the privacy, safety, and dignity of every student, not just a handful of students while the interests and rights of every other student are thrown out the window.”

The LGBTQ agenda is taking over our nation, specifically the younger generation. Listen in as Matt discusses student’s rights concerning this obvious display of discrimination against the majority. It’s so important that we stand up for our rights and refuse to allow LGBTQ’s to further their perverted agenda. For more on this and other issues, click here.

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June 10, 2015

Title: Equal Access – Except for Christians
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Joseph Infranco
with Alliance Defending Freedom (

Does everyone deserve “equal access”?  Joseph Infranco serves as Senior Counsel and Vice President of the Alliance Coordination Team with Alliance Defending Freedom. He currently works with over 2,500 attorneys across the nation defending our freedoms. The Alliance Defending Freedom team of attorneys have provided over $180 Million of pro-bono work benefiting the body of Christ.

As with most issues, when the government becomes involved, it doesn’t really turn out the way it is intended. Joseph says, “Equal access stands for a very basic proposition of fairness. Which means, you cannot treat religious speech or religious users less favorably than the general public.” Most people, however, have a skewed opinion of separation of church and state. Listen in as Joseph Infranco explains more about “equal access”.

FACT: Equal Access” began, initially, to protect the rights of students at public high schools or colleges who wanted to form religious clubs. They simply wanted the same rights, rules, and regulations as non-religious clubs. The Supreme Court actually made a good decision for once on this!

The issue of “equal access” become a hot topic when the city of Chicago got in hot water because they denied World Outreach, an inner-city ministry, the use of an old YMCA building. This has been a 10 year battle, which began with a mysterious rezoning mission on the part of the city. Joseph Infranco says, “Unfortunately, we see this same scenario played out all too commonly.” Listen in as he explains the Federal Law which protect churches and religious organizations: The Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (LUPA).

If you have questions about “equal access”, please call Alliance Defending Freedom at 800.835.5233 or click [here].

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October 16, 2014

Title: Houston, We Have a Problem.
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Erik Stanley Stanley
with Alliance Defending Freedom (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting to little ears.
The City of Houston is demanding to pick through sermons, peek into emails, peep through text messages, and pilfer tweets of local pastors throughout the Houston area.

I say, “Dust off your hell-fire-and-brimstone sermons, preach about those Sodomites, text and tweet about the final destination of busy-bodies, and make the holier-than-thou appointees of the lesbian Houston mayor have to finally listen to and read about the truth”.

We all should pray that while they are picking, peeking, peeping, and pilfering though the communications of God’s messengers that the Holy Ghost gives them a glimpse of the torment waiting for those who dare to violate our US Constitution. Pray for the men and women who have surrendered to the God of this universe as they stand, organize, and unite together against the onslaught of the gates of hell.

Erik Stanley serves as senior legal counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, where he is director of the Church Project and Pulpit Initiative. Erik says, “City council members are supposed to be public servants, not ‘Big Brother’ overlords who will tolerate no dissent or challenge. In this case, they have embarked upon a witch-hunt, and we are asking the court to put a stop to it.”

Listen in as Erik describes some of the outrageous claims the left if throwing out in an attempt to stifle Houston pastors’ right to free speech in the pulpit. You can find more on this issue at

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June 6, 2014

Title: Must. Create. Cake.
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Jeremy Tedesco
with Alliance Defending Freedom (

WWJD? Would he bake a cake for a homosexual couple’s “wedding”? Would he refuse? Would he use this as an opportunity to witness to others?

Listen in as Jeremey Tedesco, with Alliance Defending Freedom, discusses current litigation out of Colorado Springs and how it could affect you and your business – even in Texas.

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May 21, 2014

Title: Girl's Showers, Dressing Areas, and Restrooms Open to Males Questioning Their Identity
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Jonathan Scruggs
with Alliance Defending Freedom (

Part 1 of 2

A high school principal opened the girl’s showers, dressing areas, and restrooms to any young man who questions his own identity. You might be thinking: “Oh, this must be in New York or California or some other ultra-liberal state.” Nope! This was in KENTUCKY! Yep, Kentucky.

Would you allow your daughter to shower naked next to a random young man at school?

The world is turned up-side-down, calling wrong right and anyone who opposes it wrong. This madness is spreading across the country and will be coming to your child’s school soon.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Girl's Showers, Dressing Areas, and Restrooms Open to Males Questioning Their Identity
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Jonathan Scruggs
with Alliance Defending Freedom (

From California to Kentucky to Arizona and now to the City of Houston. The lesbian Mayor of Houston, Annise Parker, wants to open dressing areas, showers, and restrooms to men who question their identity.

This perversion is spreading to schools and businesses nationwide. Do not count on your church being safe from their attacks. They will not go quietly into the night. They do not respect your opinion or beliefs. They will force this upon all of us under the guise of tolerance and acceptance.

Log on to  for more on this and other issues facing our great nation.

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May 8, 2014

Title: The Peeping Tom Rule
Topic: Homosexual Agenda
Discussed by Jeremy Tedesco
with Alliance Defending Freedom (

The Tucson Unified School District recently notified parents of a new policy allowing children to use bathrooms of the opposite sex. This is not a state law, nor is there a city ordinance forcing the school district to allow boys to use the girl’s restroom and vice versa.

Jeremy Tedesco serves as senior counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom and leads litigation efforts to protect the rights of Christian students, parents, teachers, and staff at public schools across the nation.

Today, Jeremy discusses the legal ramifications the school district is facing for this new policy and why it is important for everyone (not just Arizonians) to pay attention to this school district with nearly 50,000 students.

Log on to  for more information on this and other legal battles that could affect your children and community.

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March 27, 2014

Title: Is Your Personal Life Really Personal?
Topic: First Amendment Rights
Discussed by Travis Barham
with Alliance Defending Freedom (

Part 1 of 3

As an atheist, Dr. Mike Adams frequently received accolades from his colleagues at the University of North Carolina – Willington. Dr. Adams was hired as an assistant professor in 1993 and promoted him to associate professor in 1998.

However, after his conversion to Christianity in 2000, things turned ugly. Dr. Adams’ new faith impacted his views on political and social issues. Subsequently, the university subjected Adams to a campaign of academic persecution that culminated in his denial of promotion to full professor, despite an award-winning record of teaching, research, and service.

Listen in as Travis Barham, with Alliance Defending Freedom, discusses a recent court decision in Dr. Adams’ favor.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: First Amendment Rights
Discussed by Travis Barham
with Alliance Defending Freedom (

Dr. Mike Adams was a frequent blogger even before he became a Christian. He was always praised for his work and often asked to give his opinion on various issues facing our nation. He was well-respected.

When Dr. Adams became a born-again Christian, he continued to offer his opinion – but from a very different point of view. His employers at UNC-Wilmington were not pleased.

The jury hearing his discrimination case agreed that “an accomplished professor’s religious and political views is no grounds for denying him a promotion.”

Listen in for more.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: First Amendment Rights
Discussed by Travis Barham
with Alliance Defending Freedom (

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit wrote in 2011 that “no individual loses his ability to speak as a private citizen by virtue of public employment. Dr. Adams’ columns addressed topics such as academic freedom, civil rights, campus culture, sex, feminism, abortion, homosexuality, religion, and morality. Such topics plainly touched on issues of public, rather than private, concern.

This verdict is a huge victory for all Christians. For more on this and other issues facing our nation, log on to

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Title: Forced to Serve Against their Beliefs
Topic: Artistic Freedom
Discussed by Kellie Fiedorek
with Alliance Defending Freedom (

Part 1 of 2

In 2006, Elaine Huguenin politely declined to use her artistic expression to communicate a message at odds with her beliefs when asked to photograph a commitment ceremony for a lesbian couple.

Although Vanessa Willock easily found a different photographer for her ceremony, she filed a complaint with the New Mexico Human Rights Commission.

Listen in as Kellie Fiedorek , with Alliance Defending Freedom, explains the case and what it means to Christian business owners.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Artistic Freedom
Discussed by Kellie Fiedorek
with Alliance Defending Freedom (

Alliance Defending Freedom is an alliance-building, non-profit legal organization that advocates for the right of people to freely live out their faith.

If you or someone you know has been discriminated against for your belief in the workplace, call them toll-free at 800-835-5233.

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