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October 16, 2014

Title: Houston, We Have a Problem.
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Erik Stanley Stanley
with Alliance Defending Freedom (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting to little ears.
The City of Houston is demanding to pick through sermons, peek into emails, peep through text messages, and pilfer tweets of local pastors throughout the Houston area.

I say, “Dust off your hell-fire-and-brimstone sermons, preach about those Sodomites, text and tweet about the final destination of busy-bodies, and make the holier-than-thou appointees of the lesbian Houston mayor have to finally listen to and read about the truth”.

We all should pray that while they are picking, peeking, peeping, and pilfering though the communications of God’s messengers that the Holy Ghost gives them a glimpse of the torment waiting for those who dare to violate our US Constitution. Pray for the men and women who have surrendered to the God of this universe as they stand, organize, and unite together against the onslaught of the gates of hell.

Erik Stanley serves as senior legal counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, where he is director of the Church Project and Pulpit Initiative. Erik says, “City council members are supposed to be public servants, not ‘Big Brother’ overlords who will tolerate no dissent or challenge. In this case, they have embarked upon a witch-hunt, and we are asking the court to put a stop to it.”

Listen in as Erik describes some of the outrageous claims the left if throwing out in an attempt to stifle Houston pastors’ right to free speech in the pulpit. You can find more on this issue at

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