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November 6, 2014

Title: Out of Sight. Out of Mind. The Forgotten Orphans.
Topic: Orphans in the Middle East
Discussed by Keith Davies
with Walid Shoebat Foundation (

For more information and to learn how you can help the thousands of orphans in the Middle East, log on to  You can be a part of the greatest mission in history.

The Islamic State has murdered or enslaved thousands upon thousands of men and women in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan. What has happened to their children? Keith Davies, with the Walid Shoebat Foundation, says as many as 50,000 children have become orphaned; most are between the ages of 6 and 12 years old. They have traveled to or been smuggled into Turkey.

These orphans have nowhere to go for help. They do not have access to any medical care and obviously have no school to attend, either. They have only the clothes on their back. Some of these orphans are being cared for by local people, usually elderly religious leaders who are refugees themselves.

Keith Davies is also the Executive Director for the humanitarian aid group Rescue Christians. He says no one in the international media has reported on this humanitarian crisis. The people caring for these children are receiving no aid from the US or Europe. They are living on pita bread and tea. One religious refugee has taken in 15 children. You can view his personal testimony (here)

Keith and others with the organization Rescue Christians plan to move as many children as they can to Greece, where the Greek orthodox arch bishop has agreed to help in their mission to save Syrian and Iraqi Christians.

After the initial rescue, extraction, and temporary relocation mission, Davies has an even bigger challenge. He says, "We then intend to get these children adopted in the US and Europe. We have our work cut out to get the governments to agree because the kids have no papers and no birth certificate. We will also need doctors to give them a medical examination before any country will take them."

Please do not sit idly by as these children suffer. Their parents have been murdered, sometimes before their very eyes, or enslaved to ISIS extremists. These children need your prayers and your monetary support. You might think $25 is not a lot of money, but to them, it is life-changing and life-saving. For all the information, log on to

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August 11, 2014

Title: ISIS are Not Rebels
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Keith Davies
with Walid Shoebat Foundation (

Note: Please use caution when listening to this interview as some material discussed may be disturbing to young children.

The MSM has no problem blasting Israel for protecting her own citizens. The MSM sees no fault in the Hamas using schools or buildings near the UN complex as a cover for their rockets launches.

The MSM has barely touched on the crisis in the Middle East surrounding ISIS and their blatant hatred and disdain for Christians. The MSM calls them “rebels” or “militants”. No, folks. These monsters are kidnapping, raping, murderous TERRORISTS.

Keith Davies encourages you to log on to  to help the Christians being persecuted in Iraq and around the world. You can help with food and supplies, airfare to safe countries, legal assistance, and much, much more.

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February 18, 2011

Title: Will Muslim Brotherhood Soon Rule Egypt?
Topic: Muslim Brotherhood
Discussed by Steve Simpson
with Walid Shoebat Foundation (

Segment 1 of 2

Average Citizens and Members of the Muslim Brotherhood Revolt in Egypt. What’s Next? For the first time in modern Arab history, common, regular people have forced from power corrupt dictatorial regimes in Tunisia, and Egypt. But who will come out victorious when elections occur? Will the world be faced with another Iran?

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Title: Die A Martyr And Petition Allah In Person For The Souls Of Loved Ones
Topic: Muslim Brotherhood
Discussed by Steve Simpson
with Walid Shoebat Foundation (

Segment 2 of 2

Muslin Brotherhood  -  Well Funded and Strong In Egypt.   Well funded and organized, the West must understand the goals of the Muslin Brotherhood: Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope. Steve describes the belief if one dies a martyr they will be able to appear before Allah to plea for the souls of loved ones

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January 19, 2011

Title: They Are In America. What Must We Do to Counter the Jihadist?
Topic: Islamic Jihadists
Discussed by Keith Davies
with Walid Shoebat Foundation (

Keith Davies is the Director of the Forum for Middle Eastern Understanding. Jihad in America. Their Mindset. What Drives Them with Guest Keith Davies. What drives Islamic hatred and violence? Keith Davies describes the dangers facing Americans on our own soil.

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