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January 22, 2019

Title: Communism, Socialism, and Millennials Today
Topic: Communism, Socialism, and Millennials Today
Discussed by Dr. Tom Oliverson
with Dr. Tom Oliverson (

Communism, a political theory derived from the philosophies of Karl Marx, has proven inconsistent with the ideals of liberty, prosperity, and dignity of human life. Communist regimes have committed gross atrocities under the leaderships of infamous totalitarian dictators such as Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, Pol Pot, Nicolae Ceau?escu, the Castro brothers, and the Kim Dynasty.

So why do many millennials believe that communism or socialism is the way to go in America? Dr. Tom Oliverson, Texas Representative to District 130, discusses a resolution (HR24) he has filed to honor the victims…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why does Representative Tom Oliverson believe it is important to honor and recognize he victims of communism?

Did President Trump declare November 7 of each year “National Victims of Communism Memorial Day”?

Has Communism suppressed, oppressed, and even killed millions upon millions of people?

Do millennials favor Socialism over our Capitalism?

What is the purpose of “National Victims of Communism Memorial Day”?

Why don’t millennials know the truth about the history of Communism?

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June 1, 2018

Title: Steps to Better School Security
Topic: School Violence
Discussed by Dr. Tom Oliverson
with Dr. Tom Oliverson (

Part 1 of 3

Dr. Tom Oliverson is the State Representative for District 130 in Texas. Today, he will be discussing recent comments and proposals made by Governor Greg Abbott concerning school violence.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Should there be stronger regulations on gun storage?

Is it possible to hold parents partially accountable when their child uses a weapon to harm others in a school setting?

Are people afraid to speak up when they suspect someone will do harm to others?

Is mental illness a real disease?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Steps to Better School Security
Topic: School Violence
Discussed by Dr. Tom Oliverson
with Dr. Tom Oliverson (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How can we spread the news about this very serious issue? HINT: Share these segments on social media!

What has Lt. Governor Dan Patrick’s said concerning this issue?

Should America follow Israel’s lead on protecting their students and school staff from school violence?

Are video games too violent?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Steps to Better School Security
Topic: School Violence
Discussed by Dr. Tom Oliverson
with Dr. Tom Oliverson (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is it important for parents to have “real conversations” with their kids – especially teens? Dr. Oliverson calls it being “omnipresent”.

Do too many parents rely too heavily on the school to teach their children how to be successful?

Is it wrong or right to blame the gun?

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November 1, 2017

Title: Update on Texas Politics
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Dr. Tom Oliverson
with Dr. Tom Oliverson (

Part 1 of 2

Dr. Tom Oliverson offers an update today on What’s UP with Texas Politics. Dr. Tom was voted “Most Effective Freshman” in Austin this past year.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did so-called Republican Speaker Joe Straus block bill after bill after bill that supported moral and ethical behavior this past Legislative Session?

Was Speaker Joe Straus also in control of who was assigned to each committee? Should this tradition be changed?

Speaker Straus has announced his retirement. Will the Republican Caucus select a new Speaker now or later?

Listen as Dr. Oliverson discusses some other issues surrounding the Republican Caucus in further detail.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Update on Texas Politics
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Dr. Tom Oliverson
with Dr. Tom Oliverson (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

If Republicans control the House, should Democrats still be allowed to have a vote in Speaker-selection?

What other details are involved when voting for a new Speaker of the House?

Is there any Republican district in Texas that support the Bathroom Bill and Abortion? Not likely!

Why does the Speaker of the House tend to be so left-leaning, even with Republican votes?

If the author of a bill has enough “promises” (or “yesses”), is the Speaker obligated to allow the vote to occur?

Two issues that received quite a lot of attention were Education Savings Accounts and the Bathroom Bill. These were both touchy subjects among Republicans. Many are in favor of ESA’s and many are not. The Bathroom Bill should have been a no-brainer. What happened with these two bills?

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August 21, 2017

Title: Death and Taxes
Topic: Death and Taxes
Discussed by Dr. Tom Oliverson
with Dr. Tom Oliverson (

Part 1 of 2

There are only two guarantees in life: Death and Taxes. Dr. Tom Oliverson (Texas State Rep., District 130) will be discussing both today.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who should make the decision concerning an “end of life directive”? Dr. Oliverson discusses a bill that was passed (still awaiting the Governor’s signature) during the Texas Special Session.

How important is it that families discuss this topic before tragedy hits?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Death and Taxes
Topic: Death and Taxes
Discussed by Dr. Tom Oliverson
with Dr. Tom Oliverson (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Texas has some of the highest property taxes in the nation. What is Dr. Tom Oliverson plan to reduce this burden on homeowners?

Many people do not pay close attention to their property tax or house payment bill. They just pay it. Listen as Dr. Oliverson explains the various fees you are paying and why many are completely unnecessary, or worse: not even being dispersed the way they are supposed to be!

If property taxes are reduced, where will the money come from to fund the Texas public school system?

LISTENER INPUT: Do you have any suggestions on how to reduce property taxes? Would you be in favor of a state sales tax? Use the COMMENT section on our website to let us know!

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August 7, 2017

Title: NEW UPDATE: Texas Special Session
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Dr. Tom Oliverson
with Dr. Tom Oliverson (

Dr. Tom Oliverson (R, District 130, Texas) offers an update on what is being debated and discussed in the Texas Special Session.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the latest news on the “bathroom bill”? NOTE: It’s not good news.

What is the status of the unauthorized organ donation of people who do not have a family member to speak for them? NOTE: Organ donation is very important, but NOT when a person’s life is purposefully ended solely to harvest their organs.

Do the majority of Texans really want to legalize marijuana? What is Dr. Tom Oliverson’s opinion on “medical marijuana”?

Back to DNR (Do Not Resuscitate)… Why is this such an important issue?

Continue to pray for Dr. Oliverson, the leadership in Austin, and their families. Also, please call your State Representative at 512.463.4630 to voice your opinion on these issues.

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July 20, 2017

Title: What’s UP With the 2017 Texas Special Session?
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Dr. Tom Oliverson
with Dr. Tom Oliverson (

Part 1 of 3

Dr. Tom Oliverson, the “Most Effective Freshman Legislator” for 2017, gives a Capitol Update today on what to expect during the 2017 Texas Special Session.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who decides what issues are discussed during a Special Session?

Did You Know: Who is Dr. Oliverson’s neighbor?

When will the 2017 Special Session convene?

Can committees meet before then?

What are some things that are and are not allowed during a Special Session?

Dr. Tom Oliverson authored and passed a “patient/consumer protection” bill, concerning outrageous fees from free-standing emergency rooms. Listen as he explains this bill…

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - What’s UP With the 2017 Texas Special Session?
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Dr. Tom Oliverson
with Dr. Tom Oliverson (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Voter fraud was another hot topic issue which Dr. Oliverson and others worked hard to combat this past Legislative Session. Listen as he explains how mail-in voting, especially, will change in the future.

What was Dr. Oliverson most surprised over concerning his freshman year in the Legislature?

Should Texas be allowed to have a full-calendar Legislature or stick to the 140 day calendar?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - What’s UP With the 2017 Texas Special Session?
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Dr. Tom Oliverson
with Dr. Tom Oliverson (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are some of the issues expected to be discussed during the 2017 Special Session?

What issues are most important to Dr. Tom Oliverson?

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June 21, 2017

Title: What’s UP With the 2017 Texas Special Session?
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Dr. Tom Oliverson
with Dr. Tom Oliverson (

Part 1 of 3

Dr. Tom Oliverson, the “Most Effective Freshman Legislator” for 2017, gives a Capitol Update today on what to expect during the 2017 Texas Special Session.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who decides what issues are discussed during a Special Session?

Did You Know: Who is Dr. Oliverson’s neighbor?

When will the 2017 Special Session convene?

Can committees meet before then?

What are some things that are and are not allowed during a Special Session?

Dr. Tom Oliverson authored and passed a “patient/consumer protection” bill, concerning outrageous fees from free-standing emergency rooms. Listen as he explains this bill…

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - What’s UP With the 2017 Texas Special Session?
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Dr. Tom Oliverson
with Dr. Tom Oliverson (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Voter fraud was another hot topic issue which Dr. Oliverson and others worked hard to combat this past Legislative Session. Listen as he explains how mail-in voting, especially, will change in the future.

What was Dr. Oliverson most surprised over concerning his freshman year in the Legislature?

Should Texas be allowed to have a full-calendar Legislature or stick to the 140 day calendar?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - What’s UP With the 2017 Texas Special Session?
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Dr. Tom Oliverson
with Dr. Tom Oliverson (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What are some of the issues expected to be discussed during the 2017 Special Session?

What issues are most important to Dr. Tom Oliverson?

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April 10, 2017

Title: What is Life Like in Austin for a Christian Politician?
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Dr. Tom Oliverson
with Dr. Tom Oliverson (

Representative Dr. Tom Oliverson (R, District 130) is here today to give us an update on his Freshman year in the Texas House.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

As a State Legislator, how does Dr. Oliverson stay anchored in Christ? Listen as he shares three verses he displays prominently in his Austin office to not only encourage him, but those who visit and work with him, as well.

Dr. Oliverson also references a book he received from his wife entitled: “Politics According to the Bible”. You can order it here  from Amazon.

Austin is a dark place, spiritually speaking, and Dr. Oliverson covets your prayers for him and his family. Please add him to your daily prayer list, as well as all of our Elected Officials locally, state-wide, and in Washington, DC.

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February 24, 2017

Title: Why is Car Insurance so Important?
Topic: Car Insurance
Discussed by Dr. Tom Oliverson
with Dr. Tom Oliverson (

Approximately 1 in 4 lives lost on Texas roadways can be attributed to individuals who did not have a valid driver’s license.  Additionally, thousands upon thousands of tickets are written each year to drivers who do not have valid minimal liability insurance.

Dr. Tom Oliverson is the new Texas State Representative for District 130. He has authored HB1757, which will allow law enforcement officers to impound a vehicle if a driver does not have a valid driver license or some form of liability coverage.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is now the time for more than a simple slap on the wrist for those who drive motor vehicles without being licensed and without liability insurance?

Are unlicensed, uninsured drivers a danger to the public?

Do unlicensed, uninsured drivers greatly increase the cost of car insurance for the rest of us?

Listen as Dr. Oliverson describes the details of HB1757. Note: This bill only applies if the license or insurance of the driver cannot be found in the system, not if the driver simply does not have the license or insurance on their person at the time.

If this issue has affected you personally, please contact Dr. Tom Oliverson.

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July 6, 2016

Title: HB2 Does NOT Harm Women. It Helps Them.
Topic: Supreme Court Decisions
Discussed by Dr. Tom Oliverson
with Dr. Tom Oliverson (

Like many across the country, Dr. Tom Oliverson was extremely saddened when he heard the final decision from SCOTUS concerning HB2.

Dr. Tom Oliverson is a candidate to become the next Texas State Representative for House District 130. He became involved in politics as a “patient safety expert”. Today, he shares his thoughts concerning the recent SCOTUS decision.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said: “…abortion is at least as safe as other medical procedures routinely performed in outpatient settings. Given those realities, it is beyond rational belief that H. B. 2 could genuinely protect the health of women, and certain that the law ‘would simply make it more difficult for them to obtain abortions.” What is Dr. Oliverson’s opinion concerning Justice Ginsburg’s rationale?

How do physicians gain admitting privileges at local hospitals? This is very important information to know and understand. Listen in as Dr. Oliverson explains the process and how difficult/easy it is for physicians to gain admitting privileges. Nothing is stopping abortion doctors from access to a hospital – except maybe their own lack of sympathy and compassion.

Why do so many people believe that abortion facilities should not be required to provide the same level of care as other outpatient surgery centers? Furthermore, why are abortionists given a “free pass” so-to-speak while other surgeons must jump through hoops and are blocked by red tape at every corner?

Did SCOTUS actually limit the access women have to a safe environment by halting HB2?

To learn more about Dr. Tom Oliverson, click here.

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