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October 19, 2016

Title: The Extermination of Christians
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Lt. Colonel Robert Maginnis
with Lt. Colonel Robert Maginnis

Part 1 of 2

Christians in the Middle East are fleeing their homes or dying at the hand of Islamists creating the very real possibility of a successful faith-based holocaust. The implications of such an outcome for the region and the world are stark.

New guest, retired Lt. Colonel Robert Maginnis, serves as a national security and foreign affairs analyst for Moody Broadcasting Radio Network, Salem Radio Network, and is a regular guest on several other radio networks.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Where is the Christian holocaust occurring?

Will the destruction of ISIS and Muslim extremists stop the persecution of Christians around the world?

What are moderate governments doing to combat this Christian genocide in Middle Eastern Countries?

What are our European allies doing to combat this Christian Genocide which is occurring in Middle Eastern Countries?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Extermination of Christians
Topic: Christian Persecution
Discussed by Lt. Colonel Robert Maginnis
with Lt. Colonel Robert Maginnis

Questions/Issues Discussed:

As Secretary of State, what specific actions did Hillary Clinton take to insure the safety of Christians in Muslin-controlled countries?

What is the Obama Administration doing to combat ISIS and other extreme terrorist groups?

Several “clans” of Muslims are being allowed to migrate to the United States, unchecked. Listen in as Lt. Colonel Robert Maginnis explains the differences between the “good ones” and the “bad ones”.

How do you fight an enemy that desires to die in the name of their religion?

Is the Muslin organized and controlled Christian Genocide already present in the United States?

You can order your copy of Lt. Colonel Robert Maginnis’s new book, “FUTURE WAR: Super Soldiers, Terminators, Cyberspace, and the National Security for 21st Century Combat here.

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