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September 6, 2019

Title: Parents Fight To Protect Their Kids from Being Perverted
Topic: Sex Education
Discussed by Nicole Hudgens
with Texas Values Action (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Recently, parents in Austin, Texas, gathered together to fight the school board’s proposed radical sex education course from Planned Parenthood.

Nicole Hudgens, with Texas Values Action, has the details about the meeting and warns parents everywhere to stay vigilant!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why did Nicole Hudgens attend this meeting?

Has the Austin ISD administration been transparent about their use of Planned Parenthood sex education materials? HINT: NOPE!

Why does Nicole believe the Planned Parenthood sex-education curriculum is “radical”?

NOTE: Some of the information Nicole shares is VERY SENSITIVE! Be careful listening BUT BE AWARE!! Make sure your student’s school is NOT using this curriculum!! It is even being used in some ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS!!!

Are the sex education materials used in public schools becoming more and more graphic?

Should parents with children in public schools in Texas ask about the sex education curriculum being used? Should parents demand to see the curriculum under the Texas Open Records Act?

Are sex education teachers properly trained? Or are they just given a manual and told to teach it?

Are Texas schools instructed to teach “abstinence is best”? YEP! Are they following this instruction? NOPE!

Click here  for more information about this issue and how you can become involved in your child’s school district.

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April 2, 2019

Title: The Born Alive Infant Protection Act
Topic: Democrats Kill Babies When Born
Discussed by Nicole Hudgens
with Texas Values Action (

Many abortion survivors recently testified in Austin in support of HB16, The Born Alive Infant Protection Act, sending a strong message that Texas will set the standard on protecting life. You should take note that Committee Democrats failed to even show up to the hearing.

Nicole Hudgens, Senior Policy Analyst for Texas Values Action, also testified in support of the bill and said “The Born Alive Infant Protection Act ensures that children who survive abortions will receive lifesaving care – care that every child deserves.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In 2013, Nicole Hudgens was present during special session hearings, concerning HB2, which banned abortions after 20 weeks and mandated abortion doctors have visiting privileges at nearby hospitals.

What was the atmosphere like before, during, and after the debate concerning HB2?

Does EVERY baby deserve a chance to live – even if the mother wants an abortion?

Did the four Democrat House Committee members boycott the reading of HB16, refusing to be present? Nicole’s response: “Even if they disagree with the issue, people still have the right to be heard.” AMEN!

Did anyone testify in opposition of HB16?

What happens next for The Born Alive Infant Protection Act?

Austin Capital Switchboard: 512.463.4630. Nicole suggests calling the following people:
Your Texas House Representative
Judiciary members
Calendar members

Simply mention HB16 and the operator will connect you!

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February 18, 2019

Title: Christian Discrimination in America
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Nicole Hudgens
with Texas Values Action (

Nicole Hudgens personally invites you to attend Faith and Family Day on March 13 in Austin, Texas. Click here  for more information.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are Christians across the United States being silenced and are Christians facing discrimination?

Carrollton Texas, Really? What happened at a meeting recently in Carrollton, Texas?

What happened to a fire chief from Atlanta, Georgia?

Google “No Bible Ban” for more information on how you can get involved to fight bills that have been filed in the Texas Legislature that specifically target Christian families and businesses owned by Christians.

Also, make plans to attend the Texas Faith and Family Day on Wednesday, March 13 in Austin.

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February 15, 2019

Title: Anti-Christian Bills Filed in Texas
Topic: Criminalize Actions of Christians
Discussed by Nicole Hudgens
with Texas Values Action (

Numerous bills have been filed in the Texas Legislature that would allow the government to criminalize actions of people of faith and effectively ban the Bible. These bills highlight a growing national trend to punish people of faith by forcing them to celebrate LGBT viewpoints or values and reject their own sincerely held religious beliefs on marriage, human sexuality, and life.

Nicole Hudgens is a Senior Policy Advisor with Texas Values Action, a division of Texas Values. Listen as she answers questions about this atrocity and implores every listener to take action now!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

These “Ban the Bible” bills filed in Texas shock the conscience. But how can they be stopped?

We all know these bills will force business owners to abide by ridiculous, anti-Christians laws. What about parents and students? What are their rights?

Listen as Nicole Hudgens passionately explains why we all must get involved to stop this hatred against Christians.

For more on this, click here.

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January 30, 2019

Title: Anti-Christian Bills Filed in Texas
Topic: Criminalize Actions of Christians
Discussed by Nicole Hudgens
with Texas Values Action (

Numerous bills have been filed in the Texas Legislature that would allow the government to criminalize actions of people of faith and effectively ban the Bible. These bills highlight a growing national trend to punish people of faith by forcing them to celebrate LGBT viewpoints or values and reject their own sincerely held religious beliefs on marriage, human sexuality, and life.

Nicole Hudgens is a Senior Policy Advisor with Texas Values Action, a division of Texas Values. Listen as she answers questions about this atrocity and implores every listener to take action now!

Questions/Issues Discussed:

These “Ban the Bible” bills filed in Texas shock the conscience. But how can they be stopped?

We all know these bills will force business owners to abide by ridiculous, anti-Christians laws. What about parents and students? What are their rights?

Listen as Nicole Hudgens passionately explains why we all must get involved to stop this hatred against Christians.

For more on this, click here.

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January 11, 2019

Title: Focus: 2019 Texas Legislature
Topic: Old Topic - 2019 Texas Legislature
Discussed by Nicole Hudgens
with Texas Values Action (

Texas has the opportunity to advance the line in the 2019 Legislative Session on religious freedom, privacy, marriage, life, and education. Nicole Hudgens, Senior Policy Advisor with Texas Values, is confident this can be accomplished.

Throughout the interview, Nicole shares stories about people in Texas who are currently fighting uphill battles.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Can the Texas House and Senate pass Pro-Life/Pro-Family/Pro-Constitutional protection policies this Session? Many believe that since we live in a Conservative state, this is a given. But is it?

Do we need strengthened protections against efforts that desire to weaken religious freedoms?

Why do students need more protection from the homosexual agenda in public schools?

What types of legislation is Texas Values working on right now? Are other organizations working on these same issues?

How important is the right to privacy to Texans?

Are Texas taxpayers still funding abortions in Texas?

FACT: People all across the state are losing their homes due to ever-increasing property taxes, yet Planned Parenthood is currently renting a facility from the City of Austin for only $1 per year! This is ludicrous!

Click here  to learn more about “Texas Faith and Family Day” at the Texas Capitol on Wednesday, March 13.

To sign up for FREE text alerts from Texas Values, text TXVALUES to 797979.

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March 26, 2018

Title: The Abortion Distortion
Topic: Austin Tried to Muzzle Free Speech but Lost
Discussed by Nicole Hudgens
with Texas Values Action (

Recently the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a pivotal free speech case: National Institute of Family and Life Advocates v. Becerra.

Bottom line: Should pro-life pregnancy centers be forced to advertise and refer clients to abortion providers?

Nicole Hudgens is a Policy Analyst for Texas Values. Nicole has a passion to see the restoration of family values in her generation and the ones to come. Before joining the Texas Values team, Nicole worked for the Heritage Foundation, Family Research Council, and recently for Congressman John Fleming in Washington, D.C.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Our first guest of the show, Cathy Cleaver Ruse with the Family Research Council, shared her opinion of the proposed California law that would force pro-life pregnancy centers to promote and advertise for abortion providers. Did Austin pass a similar ordinance?

Is the Austin ordinance still in affect? NOTE: Thanks to the hard work of Jonathon Saenz and Texas Values, the ordinance was overruled by the Fifth Circuit Court in New Orleans.

Did all of the Supreme Court Justices express concern over the California law?

SShould all abortion clinics be forced to show pictures of fully developed in-utero babies to expecting mothers? Should pregnant mothers be forced to hear their baby’s heartbeat? Obviously, our answer is YES! But this is OUR point to the liberal pro-choice crowd: What’s good for the goose should be good for the gander.

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