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February 10, 2023

Title: Bible Camp BANNED?
Topic: Christian Discrimination in America
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Recently, Nebraska Senator Megan Hunt (D) introduced a proposal to amend LB371 a bill that would protect children from adult-themed drag performances. What a fabulous bill designed to protect the innocent children!

However, Hunt’s proposal, AM74, is anything BUT fabulous. In fact, her proposal would essentially bar children from attending a “religious indoctrination camp”.


In addition, the amendment declares anyone 19 or older who “knowingly brings” someone under 19 to a religious indoctrination camp to “be guilty of a Class I misdemeanor.”

Bill Sydow is a long-time friend of Terry Lowry and they have discussed many issues over the years. Bill is the Retired Director of the Oil and Gas Commission from the State of Nebraska. Today, Bill passionately discusses this horrific proposal, urging parents and grandparents everywhere to stand up and get in the fight for our children and grandchildren.

Click here to read the op-ed that inspired this discussion. Credit: Joshua Arnold, The Washington Stand.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do most people in Nebraska believe children should be allowed to attend church-related events or events sponsored by a religious organization?

Do most people in Nebraska believe that children should be allowed to witness drag queen events or events where adults are sexual before children?

The Great Commission: Matthew 28:18-20 ESV “18And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, 'All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.' Amen.”

Does the Great Commission apply to adults teaching children, especially their own?

Should parents and grandparents be extra careful when listening to the radio and watching TV (especially at night)? Oh, be careful little eyes what you see. Oh, be careful little ears what you hear.

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April 28, 2022

Title: The International Energy Agency Report: A 10-Point Plan to Cut Oil Use
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Part 1 of 2

On March 28, 2022, the International Energy Agency released their 10-Point Plan to Cut Energy Use.

Bill Sydow is the Retired Director of the Oil and Gas Commission from the State of Nebraska and a former Engineer with King Ranch Oil and Gas in Texas. Today he offers his expert opinion on this 10-point plan.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the “every-other-day” plan? Bill explains how this plan will restrict private car use on roads in large cities.

What is the “stay home on Sunday” plan? Would this ban the use of private cars on Sundays? Is this another way to stop people from going to church?

Why does this plan include reducing the speed limit on highways by 10 kph (which translates to a reduction in 6.5 mph in the US)?

Does this 10-point plan want more people to work from home more often?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The International Energy Agency Report: A 10-Point Plan to Cut Oil Use
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does this new 10-point plan include increasing the cost of SUV’s? If so, why?

WWhy do “they” want to tax the miles we drive? Would this really make a difference? Bill says: “I don’t think that would reduce oil consumption at all, Terry, because there is a certain requirement for driving to get things done in our country.”

Since gas prices have skyrocketed over the past few months, many people (especially on the Left) are hailing electric vehicles as the answer. How is the lithium mined and processed that is used for the batteries in electric cars?

DDo “they” think that electricity magically comes from unicorns? Bill believes that most people have no clue how electricity really works.

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March 23, 2022

Title: The International Energy Agency Report: A 10-Point Plan to Cut Oil Use
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Part 1 of 2

On March 28, 2022, the International Energy Agency released their 10-Point Plan to Cut Energy Use.

Bill Sydow is the Retired Director of the Oil and Gas Commission from the State of Nebraska and a former Engineer with King Ranch Oil and Gas in Texas. Today he offers his expert opinion on this 10-point plan.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is the “every-other-day” plan? Bill explains how this plan will restrict private car use on roads in large cities.

What is the “stay home on Sunday” plan? Would this ban the use of private cars on Sundays? Is this another way to stop people from going to church?

Why does this plan include reducing the speed limit on highways by 10 kph (which translates to a reduction in 6.5 mph in the US)?

Does this 10-point plan want more people to work from home more often?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The International Energy Agency Report: A 10-Point Plan to Cut Oil Use
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does this new 10-point plan include increasing the cost of SUV’s? If so, why?

WWhy do “they” want to tax the miles we drive? Would this really make a difference? Bill says: “I don’t think that would reduce oil consumption at all, Terry, because there is a certain requirement for driving to get things done in our country.”

Since gas prices have skyrocketed over the past few months, many people (especially on the Left) are hailing electric vehicles as the answer. How is the lithium mined and processed that is used for the batteries in electric cars?

DDo “they” think that electricity magically comes from unicorns? Bill believes that most people have no clue how electricity really works.

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March 16, 2022

Title: Skyrocketing Oil and Gas Prices
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Part 1 of 3

Why can’t America “drill here and drill now”?

Did humans cause the Ice Age?

What is “their” end-game?

Bill Sydow is the retired Director of the Nebraska Oil and Gas Commission. Today, he discusses a recent Fox News segment “Dems Urge Biden to Increase Domestic Energy Production in the Face of Skyrocketing Gas Prices.”

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why can’t we just turn on the oil spigot overnight? Bill explains that it’s not just about oil; parts and even labor are even in short supply…

Is the cancellation of the Keystone Pipeline Permit just one outward sign of the misguided hatred that the elites have for fossil fuels?

From day one, has the Biden Administration punished oil and gas explores and producers? Bill discusses just how far the Biden Administration has gone to stop oil and gas production. It’s completely ridiculous!

Is there a coordinated effort to shut-off needed new capital loans for exploration and production? Even more ridiculous: Bill explains that some lenders are not looking at companies’ credit scores now. They are looking at their carbon footprint. “There may be loans that will not made to very viable companies because they have the wrong worldview,” he says.

What practical steps can be taken to increase oil and gas production in the US near and long-term?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Skyrocketing Oil and Gas Prices
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did the burning of fossil fuels cause or contribute to the Ice Age? Did humans cause or contribute to the Ice Age? Short Answer: Absolutely not. Listen as Bill explains why…

Have modern doomsayers been predicting climate and environmental disaster since the 1960s? Do they fluctuate between hot-cold-hot-cold-hot-cold?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Skyrocketing Oil and Gas Prices
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is “their” end-game? What is their “Great Reset”? Do they really want to remove affordable, reliable energy from the globe? Bill discusses the World Economic Forum,  a European-based company that has an impact worldwide. Bill explains that one of their stated goals is to do away with fossil fuel usage by the year 2030, calling this a “delusional idea”.

Can America rely on Venezuela’s oil supply like the Biden Administration hopes?

WWhy do elites think they are ‘gods’?

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October 27, 2020

Title: Venezuela Oil Production Down to Almost ZERO
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Part 1 of 3

Venezuela, a founding member of OPEC, is close to producing ZERO barrels of oil. Is America next?

Bill Sydow is the former Director of the Nebraska Oil and Gas Commission. Today, he discusses the dire situation in Venezuela and offers a stern warning to America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was Venezuela once the largest oil producer in the world?

Did Socialism factor into the decaying/declining oil production in Venezuela? Bill refers to Socialism as the “demise” of Venezuela.

There are no dogs and cats in their major cities. Why? The people are starving and they have to eat them just to survive. Socialism on display for all to see how it does not work in real time.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Venezuela Oil Production Down to Almost ZERO
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the oil production collapse in Venezuela hurt oil supplies in the US with a direct effect being higher prices for US consumers? Bill explains that the US has been affected for many, many years; this is not a new issue.

Is the massive decline of oil production in Venezuela due to poor management or lack of below ground oil resources?

Why does Bill believe that the oil collapse in Venezuela is due to Socialism and cronyism?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Venezuela Oil Production Down to Almost ZERO
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the collapse and loss of revenue from oil production contributed to the starving condition of many in Venezuela?

EDITOR’S NOTE: Cities in America that have been run by Democrats for decades mirror the poor conditions of Venezuela. The Silent Majority MUST stand up and put a stop to this before their negative ideals are spread nationwide.

If Democrats gain control of Congress and the White House, implementing AOC’s New Green Deal, will we see the collapse of oil and gas production in America like Venezuela?

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October 15, 2020

Title: Venezuela Oil Production Down to Almost ZERO
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Part 1 of 3

Venezuela, a founding member of OPEC, is close to producing ZERO barrels of oil. Is America next?

Bill Sydow is the former Director of the Nebraska Oil and Gas Commission. Today, he discusses the dire situation in Venezuela and offers a stern warning to America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was Venezuela once the largest oil producer in the world?

Did Socialism factor into the decaying/declining oil production in Venezuela? Bill refers to Socialism as the “demise” of Venezuela.

There are no dogs and cats in their major cities. Why? The people are starving and they have to eat them just to survive. Socialism on display for all to see how it does not work in real time.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Venezuela Oil Production Down to Almost ZERO
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the oil production collapse in Venezuela hurt oil supplies in the US with a direct effect being higher prices for US consumers? Bill explains that the US has been affected for many, many years; this is not a new issue.

Is the massive decline of oil production in Venezuela due to poor management or lack of below ground oil resources?

Why does Bill believe that the oil collapse in Venezuela is due to Socialism and cronyism?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Venezuela Oil Production Down to Almost ZERO
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the collapse and loss of revenue from oil production contributed to the starving condition of many in Venezuela?

EDITOR’S NOTE: Cities in America that have been run by Democrats for decades mirror the poor conditions of Venezuela. The Silent Majority MUST stand up and put a stop to this before their negative ideals are spread nationwide.

If Democrats gain control of Congress and the White House, implementing AOC’s New Green Deal, will we see the collapse of oil and gas production in America like Venezuela?

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August 24, 2020

Title: Venezuela Oil Production Down to Almost ZERO
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Part 1 of 3

Venezuela, a founding member of OPEC, is close to producing ZERO barrels of oil. Is America next?

Bill Sydow is the former Director of the Nebraska Oil and Gas Commission. Today, he discusses the dire situation in Venezuela and offers a stern warning to America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Was Venezuela once the largest oil producer in the world?

Did Socialism factor into the decaying/declining oil production in Venezuela? Bill refers to Socialism as the “demise” of Venezuela.

There are no dogs and cats in their major cities. Why? The people are starving and they have to eat them just to survive. Socialism on display for all to see how it does not work in real time.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Venezuela Oil Production Down to Almost ZERO
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the oil production collapse in Venezuela hurt oil supplies in the US with a direct effect being higher prices for US consumers? Bill explains that the US has been affected for many, many years; this is not a new issue.

Is the massive decline of oil production in Venezuela due to poor management or lack of below ground oil resources?

Why does Bill believe that the oil collapse in Venezuela is due to Socialism and cronyism?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Venezuela Oil Production Down to Almost ZERO
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the collapse and loss of revenue from oil production contributed to the starving condition of many in Venezuela?

EDITOR’S NOTE: Cities in America that have been run by Democrats for decades mirror the poor conditions of Venezuela. The Silent Majority MUST stand up and put a stop to this before their negative ideals are spread nationwide.

If Democrats gain control of Congress and the White House, implementing AOC’s New Green Deal, will we see the collapse of oil and gas production in America like Venezuela?

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October 1, 2019

Title: What’s UP With Medieval Warming?
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Part 1 of 2

From AD 900 to 1300 AD there was a warming cycle that brought the Dark Ages to an end – but only for a while. Then a cold cycle, from AD 1280 to 1850, known as the Little Ice Age, negatively affected every people group in the world.

Thankfully, we are currently living in a time of planetary warmth and enjoying the abundance of food, water, and general health which warm, wet climates bring to the people of the world. Could another Little Ice Age occur, though?

Bill Sydow, former Director of Oil and Gas for the state of Nebraska, discusses the past, present, and future…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the earth warmed and cooled throughout recorded history?

What were the “Dirty 30’s”?

At any time during the last 4,000 years have global temperatures been warmer than todays?

Have global temperatures been significantly colder?

What was life like during the Medieval Warming period?

Why did the Vikings choose the name “Greenland” for a land now covered with ice and snow?

Are we warmer now than any other time during the past 4,000 years?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - What’s UP With Medieval Warming?
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are scientists in 100% agreement concerning the Medieval Warming period?

What is “proxy information”?

Today, the climate in Northern England is unable to produce grapes and other fruits, whereas they were once flourishing. Why is this?

Do humans thrive more in a warmer or colder climate?

What causes drastic temperature changes? Many believe that humans are to blame. Is this true? Bill, and many other experts, believe that the activity or inactivity of the sun has much to do with our climate. Listen as he explains…

FACT OR FICTION: 100% of scientists agree that humans are causing global warming. Is this a correct statement?

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November 16, 2016

Title: Energy Enables You
Topic: Energy Makes America Great
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Bill Sydow is a long-time friend and an expert in the oil and gas field. He is currently the Director for Oil and Gas for the state of Nebraska. Today, he will be discussing several topics of interest concerning fossil fuels, the past, and the future. Without the energy you have at our finger tips, how many servants would you need?

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is Michael Economides? Why did Michael make such an impact on Bill Sydow and so many others in the oil and gas field?

What is one fact which Michael helped prove concerning large economies, population, life-span, and the use of coal?

If America stopped using fossil fuels, how many “slaves” or “bond servants” would be needed for each family to keep the economy going? Listen in to hear what this means! If you had to grow all your food – vegies and meat…find fuel to burn and water to use…go without using one electrical appliance for one day – including your cell phone, iPad, computer…try a family adventure for a day…let me know how it works out.

Will the oil and gas industry thrive or dive in the coming years, especially on Federal land?

Is there a massive amount of land in Alaska which is prime for drilling? Why can’t we utilize it?

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December 21, 2012

Title: Fracking - Good or Bad?
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Part 1 of 3

Bill Sydow is a long-time friend and an expert in the Oil and Gas field.

He is here to explain what “fracking” is and the purpose behind “surface casing”.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

In this second segment, Bill explains the history of “fracking” and why both domestic and foreign legislators are focused on the practice.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

The EPA wants to ban the use of hydraulic fracking. Bill explains why a ban would be catastrophic!

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July 30, 2012

Title: Need-To-Know Information on The Whole Fracking "Problem"!
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Part 1 of 3

As a petroleum engineer, have you used a technique called fracking?

Is it a requirement in every state to set surface casing? What is its purpose?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Has this organization that is made up of member states and international bodies discussed the term fracking?

Please take a few minutes and discuss for our listeners the history of fracking, when it began, its purpose, etc.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Should the EPA outlaw the use of the hydraulic fracking technique that is so common place in the oil industry today?

If the Nebraska legislature came to you and said that they wanted you to hire an expert to study the fracking process - Who would you hire? A restaurant owner? Your pastor? An accountant?

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March 29, 2012

Title: Are You Running On Pure Energy? Updates On The Oil & Gas Industry In America.
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Part 1 of 4

Special guest Bill Sydow answers:

Could the oil and gas industry today in America be booming more than it is? If not for what?

Is there more oil and gas to be discovered in America than we have discovered up till now? What has stopped exploration?

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Title: Part 2 of 4
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

How many acres is King Ranch? Is that bigger than some states?

Tell us about the technique that oil companies are using to "frack" the tight shale/hydraulic fracturing.

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Title: Part 3 of 4
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Do you know of any well that was "fracked" that caused a migration of gas or oil to seep into any usable water zone in America?

Have you discussed this at seminars with other directors of oil and gas commissions at various states around the country?

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Title: Part 4 of 4
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Do you know of any well that was "fracked" that caused a migration of gas or oil to seep into any usable water zone in America?

Have you discussed this at seminars with other directors of oil and gas commissions at various states around the country?

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August 9, 2006

Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Today: Which affects the price of oil and gas the most: OPEC, Big oil companies, U.S. Senate, or The market?

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Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Where are the known reserves?

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Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Can we find more oil and gas in North America?

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Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Join Terry Lowry as he concludes this important interview with Bill Sydow. The final question: What can be done?

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September 29, 2005

Title: The I D Movement: Intelligent Design
Topic: Intelligent Design
Discussed by Bill Sydow
with Staff Writer/the LINK Letter

Bill Sydow, conservative, evanglical geologist/ engineer helps us understand what "Intelligent Design" is. Who started the I D movement, and what the controversy is really about. Who opposes teaching the "Theory of Intelligent Design."

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