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October 27, 2014

Title: Is it Wrong for Christian to Sue Others?
Topic: Seventh Amendment
Discussed by Dan Linebaugh
with Dan Linebaugh (

Part 1 of 2

Most people think the worst of lawyers – until they need one, then their tune changes like a duck chasing a fish. Houston area attorney Dan Linebaugh has seen it all – the good, the bad, and the ugly. He has been called “greedy” by other Christians. Why? Simply because he is personal injury trial lawyer. But, he is a Christian first.

Dan shares how the Bible gives reference to this topic several times. How would Jesus handle a lawsuit? Would he just “turn the other cheek”? Is the situation different when someone is hurt or killed, rather than when property is damaged?

Dan Linebaugh is the author of “9 Costly Mistakes that People Make Following an 18-Wheeler Crash” and “7 Costly Mistakes that can Ruin Your Auto Accident Case”. You can reach Dan at his law firm in Houston at 281.422.0505 or log on to

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Is it Wrong for Christian to Sue Others?
Topic: Seventh Amendment
Discussed by Dan Linebaugh
with Dan Linebaugh (

What if Obama said, “I’m doing away with trial by jury in all criminal procedures in America”? Dan Linebaugh believes there would be riots in the street, despite many people’s negative opinion of trial lawyers. He says, “Americans love the Constitution. The want to preserve the Constitution. They don’t want to see it decimated.

Our Founding Fathers knew what they were doing when they added the 6th and 7th Amendments to the Bill of Rights. King George was on a rampage and the Founding Fathers realized he needed to be stopped. Is Obama turning into another King George? Will Congress allow him full control of the courts?

The Constitution is what defines us as a country. But, right now, the situation is getting out of hand. The FDA, big corporations, and others are literally getting away with murder because they have been shielded by new laws giving them immunity for any and all damages.

Does this country even still abide by the “Checks and Balances” promise? Listen in as Dan discusses the “what ifs”.

Log on to  for help with a case or for more information about how our 6th and 7th Amendment rights are being stolen from us.

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June 19, 2012

Title: Gun Owners of America Sue the ATF. But why?
Topic: Seventh Amendment
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Larry Pratt answers:

What is Operation Fast and Furious? And why are Gun Owners of America suing the ATF over it?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Seventh Amendment
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

If the Gun Owners of America are successful in suing the ATF, how will this affect the future?

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November 29, 2011

Title: Is the Seventh Amendment to the U.S. Constitution a Good Thing or a Bad Thing?
Topic: Seventh Amendment
Discussed by Joshua Youngkin
with Discovery Institute (

Part 1 of 2

Why is there a lawsuit pending in California against the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab?

Did the LA County Superior Court Judge recently rule that a “jury” will decide whether NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab unlawfully discriminated against a former employee?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Seventh Amendment
Discussed by Joshua Youngkin
with Discovery Institute (

What is meant by “triable issues of fact as to whether the Plaintiff’s demotion, written warning, negative performance evaluations, and ultimate termination were adverse employment actions” which involved discrimination?

Would another jury award remind employers that it is costly to discriminate against those holding intelligent design viewpoints in the workplace?

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June 17, 2011

Title: Is Federal Tort Reform Unconstitutional?
Topic: Seventh Amendment
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Should our listeners reject federal tort reform efforts as being unconstitutional? Are some elected officials attempting to tag spending bills with non-germane issues? Constitutional student and advocate for our Constitutional Rights, Andy Cochran joins us again urging all to study the history of our Bill of Rights. Do you fight for your First Amendment Rights? Do you fight for your Second Amendment Rights? What about fighting for our Tenth Amendment and Seventh Amendment Rights? Log onto  for more on this important issue.

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March 2, 2011

Title: Thomas More Law Center Sues City of Dearborn for Constitutional Rights Violations
Topic: Seventh Amendment
Discussed by Bob Unruh
with World Net Daily (

Thomas More Law Center Sues City of Dearborn on Behalf of Four Christians.   Bob Unruh, news editor for World Net Daily, explains why four Christians are suing the City of Dearborn, Michigan, alleging their First, Fourth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendment Rights were violated. However, without the Seventh Amendment, the others just don’t really matter.

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