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September 20, 2011

Title: Has The Federal Government Seized Rights Reserved for States?
Topic: Tenth Amendment Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 2

Has Congress usurped States Rights?

Conservatives and Tea Party activists are fighting for their Tenth Amendment Rights. But are they fighting for all their Tenth Amendment Rights?

For years Americans have been standing up for the First Amendment Right of free speech and their Second Amendment Right to bear arms. As more and more Americans are becoming familiar with the Tenth Amendment, will Congress and the federal government win out over states’ rights?

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Title: Can You Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too?
Topic: Tenth Amendment Rights
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 2 of 2

Has Congress usurped States Rights? Is Obamacare unconstitutional in regards to ‘forcing’ all Americans to purchase health insurance?

Conservatives and Tea Party activists are advocating for the repeal of Obamacare saying it is unconstitutional.

Some Republicans in Congress, on the other hand, are advocating for a national medical tort reform system. But isn’t tort law a ‘states’ rights issue’? Can you have your cake and eat it, too?

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