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June 22, 2011

Title: Let’s Call Congressman Tim Murphy, and Tell Him, “Thanks for helping the little guy, the stay-at-home mom, the senior citizen, and all in America.”
Topic: Say Thank You to an Elected Officials
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

When someone tells you, “Thank you!” does it make you feel good? Too often we are quick to call our elected officials demanding that they vote for or against something. But how often do we simply call them and say, “Thank You!

Let’s call Congressman Tim Murphy, using the Capitol switchboard number at 202.225.3121. He has been standing up for the little guys in America, the average “Joe” in America, those without a lot of money. He has been defending the homeowners, the small businessman and woman, the stay-at-home mom, the senior citizen. Too often the little guys and gals of America are left behind, defenseless. But Congressman Tim Murphy has not forget them. Call his office, you can use the Capitol switchboard number at 202.225.3121 and ask to be connected to Congressman Tim Murphy. Just tell who ever answers to please tell the Congressman, Thank you for fighting for the all Americans!

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March 11, 2011

Title: Special Thanks to Congressman Tim Murphy
Topic: Say Thank You to an Elected Officials
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

We often ask our elected officials to vote this way or that way. But how often do we simply call them to say, “Thank You!” Congressman Tim Murphy, representing the 18th District in Pennsylvania, has been fighting extra hard for the little guy, the senior citizen, the average American. Our elected officials often receive calls asking them to vote one way or another. But how often do they receive a “Thank You” call for just doing a great job.

Let’s all call Congressman’s Tim Murphy’s office and just tell him “Thank you for fighting for the little guy, the senior citizen and the average American.” You can use the capitol switchboard number at (202) 225.3121 and ask for Congressman Tim Murphy.

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March 10, 2011

Title: Special Thanks to Congressman Tim Murphy
Topic: Say Thank You to an Elected Officials
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

We often ask our elected officials to vote this way or that way. But how often do we simply call them to say, “Thank You!” Congressman Tim Murphy, representing the 18th District in Pennsylvania, has been fighting extra hard for the little guy, the senior citizen, the average American. Our elected officials often receive calls asking them to vote one way or another. But how often do they receive a “Thank You” call for just doing a great job.

Let’s all call Congressman’s Tim Murphy’s office and just tell him “Thank you for fighting for the little guy, the senior citizen and the average American.” You can use the capitol switchboard number at (202) 225.3121 and ask for Congressman Tim Murphy.

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