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June 27, 2012

Title: RomneyCare From A Birds Eye View!
Topic: RomneyCare
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Part 1 of 2

Do big businesses have an advantage over small businesses in that they are able to deduct health insurance premiums?

Do big and small businesses still have a problem finding coverage and finding affordable coverage?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: RomneyCare
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Is a government-centric health care system the best thing for the nation? What are the two extremes compared to that we have to choose from?

When it comes to tort reform and limiting lawsuits, is the driving force behind many Republicans the model that wants to destroy the funding mechanism for many democrats, who receive a majority of their campaign funds from trial lawyers?

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October 6, 2011

Title: Step Right Up and Get Your $50.00 Taxpayer Subsidized Abortions In Massachusetts Under Romneycare
Topic: RomneyCare
Discussed by Tricia Erickson
with The Conservative Pundit

President Bush 41 was pro-choice before he became pro-life. What about Mitt Romney?  Did he have a “Road to Damascus Conversion” and change from being Pro-abortion to become Pro-life?

Tricia discusses:

1. Did Romney make this statement on a 1994 campaign flyer: “Retain a woman’s right to choose” as one of his foremost concerns?

2. In 1994, did the Boston Globe accurately report Romney’s stance on the RU-486 abortion pill as: “I would favor having it available”?

3. During a 1994 debate, did Romney state: “I believe that abortion should be safe and legal in this country”? Did Romney further state in this same debate: “I believe that since Roe v Wade has been the law for 20 years we should sustain and support it”?

4. Did his state-mandated health insurance program, Romneycare, include a $50 co-pay for abortion at taxpayer’s expense, after his pro-life conversion?

5. Did Romney give Planned Parenthood an instrumental role on the policy board in his Massachusetts healthcare plan…again after his pro-life conversion?

Romney is again running for President. He has studied the key voters in Republican Primary States and has found the majority of them to be Pro-Life.  Is his recent flip back to being Pro-life just another sign of a ‘political flip-flop’?

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