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August 12, 2015

Title: Houston tries to Steal Two Historic Black Churches
Topic: Eminent Domain
Discussed by Jeremy Dys
with Liberty Institute

On Monday, August 4, 2015, the Liberty Institute  filed a lawsuit  against the City of Houston for threatening to take the property of two historic Black Houston churches in violation of the Texas religious freedom law, including the Texas Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Jeremy Dys is Senior Counsel at the Liberty Institute. He is here today to discuss this blatant attempt to bully these churches and steal their land.

Jeremey explains how these churches in the Fifth Ward have been helping the community for decades, offering church-run food pantries, youth centers, and programs to combat drug use, gang violence, and abuse. The City of Houston now says they want the land (along with a good chunk of other land) to build houses and to use it for retail space and a medical complex, maybe even a library. They are cunning and conniving and they think they can get away with it – even if they have to forcibly take it.

Listen in as Jeremy explains eminent domain and why the City of Houston thinks they can just take the land through this process. Eminent domain, however, does not apply to religious buildings. Jeremey and others at the Liberty Institute are not going to allow the City of Houston to steal these churches from the community. The Liberty Institute is representing the churches for free, as they do with all cases they handle.

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January 6, 2015

Title: Not Paying for Condemned Land is "Constitutionally Insufficient"
Topic: Eminent Domain
Discussed by Bill Peacock
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

Vice President of Research at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, Bill Peacock, recently released a report that is definitely stirring the political pot. He believes – as well as many others – that land owners should have the constitutional right to just and adequate financial compensation for any property taken under the government’s “inherent sovereign power of eminent domain”. This includes cases in which the government has extended the power of eminent domain to a private company.

Wow. That was a mouthful! What, exactly, does it mean? Well, basically, Bill believes that the government shouldn’t be allowed to just take someone’s property without just cause or reason and without paying the owner a fair price.

Wait. What? Can the government even do that? You bet your bottom dollar they can! Listen in as Bill Peacock explains the inner schemes – I mean, workings – of such deals and how even private businesses are becoming involved in the issue! It’ll blow your mind! Also discussed in this segment is Bill’s opinion on “loser pays”.

If you own land, or know someone who does, make sure you save this interview and send it to all your contacts! They will thank you!

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February 12, 2013

Title: A Supreme chance to Fight Crony Capitalism
Topic: Eminent Domain
Discussed by Karen Harned
with National Federation of Independent Business (

At a time when big government, big labor, and big business seem cozier than ever before, it will interesting to see whether the Supreme Court decides to reconsider previous precedent of eminent domain. Should ht government be afforded the ability to forcibly transfer property between private parties, particularly small businesses? Isn’t there something in the Constitution about this???

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April 15, 2011

Title: More Protections For Property Owners Which Will Encouraging More Lawsuits
Topic: Eminent Domain
Discussed by Andy Cochran
with The 7th Amendment Advocate (

Across America, municipalities are condemning private property for private land development under “Eminent Domain Laws”. The proposed legislation would further strengthen the property owner’s right to utilize the civil litigation process and their rights protected by our 7th Amendment to a trial by jury for civil suits. But aren’t there too many frivolous lawsuits now? Is this hypocritical to encourage more lawsuits? Andy Cochran explains “the rest of the story” today. For more information log onto

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July 14, 2005

Title: The Taking Clause
Topic: Eminent Domain
Discussed by State Representative Robert Talton
with Former Elected Official

What is the difference between Public Use and Public Purpose? Should government have the power to take your land to give to someone else just because more taxes could be collected, more jobs created, or just because they can? St. Rep. Robert Talton discusses eminent domain.

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Title: Like trying to define what "is" is - Purpose vs. Use!
Topic: Eminent Domain
Discussed by Senator Jon Lindsay
with Elected Officials

Should the government be able to take your land for a new manufacturing plant, a new football stadium, a new public marina...When will the taking stop?

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June 28, 2005

Title: You are not safe in your own home!
Topic: Eminent Domain
Discussed by State Representative Robert Talton
with Former Elected Official

What is the difference between "public use" and "public purpose"? Public use: roads, highways, schools... Public purpose: we can get more taxes if there were a bigger home or a bigger business on your land instead of what you have now...

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June 27, 2005

Title: Are you safe in your own home? Segment 1 of 2
Topic: Eminent Domain
Discussed by Steve Crampton
with American Family Association (

That the government shall justly compensate the owner of property it is taking for public use was the law of the land until last week! Now the U.S. Supreme Court says the government shall justly compensate the owner of property it is taking for a "public purpose"! Chief Counsel Steve Crampton with the AFA's Center for Law and Policy explains yet another horrible ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court.

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Title: Are you safe in your own home? Segment 2 of 2
Topic: Eminent Domain
Discussed by Steve Crampton
with American Family Association (

That the government shall justly compensate the owner of property it is taking for public use was the law of the land until last week! Now the U.S. Supreme Court says the government shall justly compensate the owner of property it is taking for a "public purpose"! Chief Counsel Steve Crampton with the AFA's Center for Law and Policy explains yet another horrible ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court.

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Title: What if the rich man wants your property?
Topic: Eminent Domain
Discussed by Pete Sepp
with National Taxpayers Union (

Pete Sepp, VP of Communications with the National Taxpayers' Union, explains the far-reaching U.S. Supreme Court ruling on taking of private property!

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May 23, 2005

Title: Why not take someone's property for a new Starbucks?
Topic: Eminent Domain
Discussed by Jacob Sillum
with Reason

Do you want the government to take your property for a new Starbucks? What if the government wants your neighbor's property for a new mall? What about taking your property for a new highway? What is Eminent Domain?

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March 1, 2005

Title: Is your castle safe from development?
Topic: Eminent Domain
Discussed by Steve Anderson
with Institute for Justice

Greed and power are building nationwide to take over your castle! There is an uprising of unholy alliances between the hungry tax man and the land hungry developer. We must say: "If I don't want to sell, I shouldn't be forced to!" Enough is enough!

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