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October 8, 2015

Title: Pay to Play Global Warming Puppets
Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by Myron Ebell
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Have you ever thought about who actually does the research for various studies that affect our laws and tax regulations? Who is paying their bills?

Myron Ebell is with the Center for Energy and Environment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. He is here today to discuss a letter sent to Obama and some of his minions, including science advisor John Holdren. In this letter, twenty professors basically congratulated them for causing more financial strain on the American citizens through strict climate regulations.

The lead professor on this study is Jagadish Shukla of George Mason University, who has received 63 Million dollars in federal grants (aka taxpayer money) since 2001 to conduct climate change/global warming studies. In this letter, Professor Shukla actually urges the criminalization of opponents of global warming, comparing them to mobsters!

Good News! Congressman Lamar Smith (R-TX) has told Professor Shukla that he better be careful because they’re coming after him and all his money! Listen in!

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July 10, 2015

Title: Is the Pope a Socialist?
Topic: The Pope and Climate Change
Discussed by Myron Ebell
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Part 1 of 2

We’ve done several interviews on the “The Pope and Climate Change” in recent weeks. In his encyclical, the Pope sided with an atheist environmentalist who claims man is the main cause of climate change. But what else did the Pope discuss in his 45,000-word letter to the church?

Myron Ebell is director of the Center for Energy and Environment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute and chairs the Cooler Heads Coalition, which is comprised of over two dozen non-profit groups that question global warming alarmism and oppose energy rationing policies. He says that the Pope has done more damage than just climate change – it’s a mess across the board. Not only is the encyclical “sloppy and incoherent”, the Pope has even criticized capitalism and the private ownership of property!

In addition to being sloppy, incoherent, and enormously critical, the encyclical is very inconsistent within its own document! Listen in as Myron explains….

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Is the Pope a Socialist?
Topic: The Pope and Climate Change
Discussed by Myron Ebell
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

In his recent Encyclical, the Pope called for serious review of the dominant model of development, production, commerce, and consumption. In other words, he believes capitalism isn’t working; socialism is the answer.

Myron Ebell is completely dumbfounded by the Pope’s claims concerning all these issues. In one breath, he says we need to help the poor, but in the next breath, he criticizes all the ways we are accomplishing it! It also appears that Pope Francis is only using one-sided information from “experts”. He isn’t even giving the other side a chance!

The Pope’s most recent encyclical can be read here.

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June 10, 2009

Topic: The American Clean Energy and Security Act
Discussed by Myron Ebell
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Guest Myron Ebell is the Director of Energy and Global Warming with the Competitive Enterprises Institute. He and other experts say that, if passed, HR 2454, the 946 page energy-rationing bill known as “The American Clean Energy and Security Act” or the “Waxman-Markey” bill, would be the biggest government takeover of the economy since WWII. What is the purpose of this bill? What will it mean for you and your family? Log on to for more information.

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Topic: The American Clean Energy and Security Act
Discussed by Myron Ebell
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Just how far is the government going to go? If HR 2454 is passed, EVERYTHING will be more expensive - not just gas and electricity, but food, clothing, even water! Remember what happened to your electricity, gasoline, and grocery bills last summer? This bill will make you wish last summer’s prices were back! Log on to to send an email to your Elected Officials today!

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Title: Al Gore 1984
Topic: You Tube Vidoes
Discussed by Myron Ebell
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Log on to to view the promo put together by the Competitive Enterprises Institute in protest of HR 2454. Call or email your Elected Officials and tell them to vote NO on HR 2454!!!

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July 24, 2008

Title: Can you afford an additional $4500 to heat and cool your home per year? Part 3 of 3
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Myron Ebell
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Can you afford an additional $4500 to heat and cool your home per year? What will Al Gore's policies cost you?

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July 23, 2008

Title: Al Gore Preaches the Impossibility! Part 2 of 3
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Myron Ebell
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Al Gore preaches to America: Produce all your electricity by wind, sun and geothermal. Inconvenient truth: Can not be done! Myron Ebell is with the Competitive Enterprise Institute and can be found at This is part tw of a three part special update.

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July 22, 2008

Title: Al Gore Preaches the Impossibility! Part 1 of 3
Topic: Climate Change
Discussed by Myron Ebell
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Al Gore preaches to America: Produce all your electricity by wind, sun and geothermal. Inconvenient truth: Can not be done! Myron Ebell is with the Competitive Enterprise Institute and can be found at This is part one of three.

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May 22, 2008

Title: Polar Bears Threatened by You and Me! Part Two of Two
Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by Myron Ebell
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Activists proclaim 'we are harming polar bears' because we use too much energy; energy to drive our cars and energy to heat and cool our homes. By having the ‘Polar Bears’ listed as a “threatened” species, Congress will begin ENERGY SUPPRESSION. What will it cost you?

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May 21, 2008

Title: Polar Bears Threatened by You and Me! Part One of Two
Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by Myron Ebell
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Activists proclaim 'we are harming polar bears' because we use too much energy; energy to drive our cars and energy to heat and cool our homes. By having the ‘Polar Bears’ listed as a “threatened” species, Congress will begin ENERGY SUPPRESSION. What will it cost you?

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November 19, 2007

Title: What’s Wrong With Global Warming, Anyway?
Topic: Global Warming
Discussed by Myron Ebell
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

When talk turns to global warming, there are only three socially acceptable opinions that may be expressed. 1: It’s Bad; 2: It’s Terrible and 3: It’s going to be catastrophic. But will it really be bad for “man kind”?

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October 5, 2006

Topic: Energy Prices
Discussed by Myron Ebell
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Myron Ebell explains who is controlling - or manipulating - energy prices. Also, will $50/barrel be good or bad?

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July 11, 2006

Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Myron Ebell
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

GM spent over 1 billion dollars to develop an all-electric car for California drivers. 900 were on the road when GM discontinued the program. Do the math: That’s 1,111,111.10 per car! Consumers did not want them! Go figure. For more, visit

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August 11, 2005

Title: Understanding the price for oil and gas
Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Myron Ebell
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

What affects the price of oil and gas?

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August 5, 2005

Title: Understanding the price for oil and gas.
Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Myron Ebell
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

What affects the price of oil and gas?

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March 18, 2005

Title: What impact will drilling oil in ANWR have on you and me?
Topic: Energy and the Environment
Discussed by Myron Ebell
with Competitive Enterprise Institute

Myron Ebell, the Director of Global Warming and International Environmental Policy at, answers: Does America need more domestically produced oil and gas? How much oil and gas may be in ANWR? How many visitors go to ANWR per year? How large is ANWR? How many acres can be used? What adverse effect has Prudoe Bay Production had on the environment?

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