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June 7, 2024

Title: Victory for Patients, Physicians, and the First Amendment
Topic: First Amendment Rights
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

On June 3, 2024, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a landmark ruling, establishing the right to object in court to censorship of physicians’ speech on topics ranging from government Covid policies to abortion.

Today, Andy Schlafly discusses details of the case and the huge victory for patients, physicians, and First Amendment rights. In addition to his work with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, Andy is also General Council for the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.

Click here to read Andy Schlafly’s op-ed on this important topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How have government entities and various medical boards interfered with our freedom of speech rights in recent years? Andy gives some examples and explains the case recently before the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Various medical licensing boards have threatened to withhold or revoke board certifications if a physician speaks out in opposition to issues such as abortion or transgender therapy/medications. Without board certifications, is in nearly impossible to practice medicine?

Why did the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and other medical organizations take action via a lawsuit against these specialty medical boards?

Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge James Ho stated: “In America, we don’t fear disagreement – we embrace it. We persuade – we don’t punish. We engage in conversation – not cancellation”. Does this statement set a precedent for other cases?

Are many physicians hesitant to speak out in fear of medical boards revoking their board certifications?

Do Americans have a long way to go to end improper censorship of viewpoints? Andy says: “The public should be aware of this… This is the final frontier… We need to defend the right to speak freely and hear others speak freely.”

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May 10, 2024

Title: Children Need to Be Protected – Not Experimented On
Topic: Transgender Agenda
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Today, Andy Schlafly discusses “natural law” and the protection of children from experimental mutilation. In addition to his work with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, Andy is also General Council for the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.

Click here to read more about this case.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are children capable of granting informed consent for transgender operations that mutilate them?

The Ohio Legislature passed the Saving Ohio Adolescents from Experimentation Act. Why the name: Experimentation? Isn’t the science settled? Andy explains that there is no “good” science behind transgender operations, so they absolutely are “experimental”.

An Ohio judge has ruled against the Saving Ohio Adolescents from Experimentation Act. How will this effect children in the state?

Do some states allow parents to sign consent forms for their minor children to receive sex-change operations?

What is “natural law”? Andy explains that natural law is the basis for many fundamental God-given rights that we have in America. He goes on to discuss statutory rape laws as protected under natural law.

Click here to help support the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles.

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April 2, 2024

Title: November Election: Who Will Win?
Topic: Politics
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Does the recent victory of Republican Bernie Moreno in Ohio offer a glimmer of hope for all Republicans this November?

Today, Andy Schlafly discusses the past and the future of Republican politics.

Click here to read Andy and John Schlafly’s op-ed on this important topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What was it like growing up in the home of Conservative icon, the late Phyllis Schlafly?

Was Andy surprised at Donald’s Trump victory in November 2016? Was he disappointed in his loss in 2020?

How should pro-life Republican candidates approach the issues of abortion and IVF? Andy discusses results of recent Primary Elections and a US Supreme Court decision, urging candidates to continue to fight for life. However, he also believes that other issues, such as the economy, are important, as well.

Should pro-life activists reword their message to appeal to more voters?

Click here to help support the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles.

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November 6, 2023

Title: Disappearing Motherhood: Who’s to Blame?
Topic: Parenting
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

The ratio of workers to retirees is projected to continue falling. By 2034, the best-case scenario is 2.3 workers paying for each retiree. In the worst-case scenario that ratio drops to 2 workers per retiree.

Today, Andy Schlafly discusses this disheartening news and offers his Biblical perspective of the problem.

Click here to read his editorial on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is America experiencing a fertility crash? Andy references several British reports that are laying out the facts that American reporters refuse to acknowledge. In fact, does the American MSM actually praise women who choose not to have children?

What is a “Swifty”? Is she idolized across the world? What is her message about motherhood and babies?

How many women under the age of 45 are having children?

Will childless young adults eventually become an elderly population dependent on public support?

Will Social Security taxes need to be increased or payments decreased with only two workers for each retiree? Andy believes that BOTH scenarios will happen.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Disappearing Motherhood: Who’s to Blame?
Topic: Parenting
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are too many single men and women in America plagued with isolation? Andy Schlafly discusses the grim statistics…

Are many women who hold at least a master’s degree childless?

Is married with children God’s plan?

How should the Church respond to this serious issue? Andy urges church leaders to advocate for marriage/children and educate women on fertility.

Click here to help support the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles.

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August 10, 2023

Title: Questions to Ask Presidential Candidates
Topic: Presidential Politics
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

What questions should average citizen ask of Presidential candidates?

Today, Andy Schlafly discusses this very topic that his mother, the late Phyllis Schlafly, addressed many years. The questions are still very applicable today.

Click here to share the questions on social media.

Click here for the latest Phyllis Schlafly Reports by John and Andy Schlafly.

Questions to Ask Presidential Candidates:

Will you instruct the Defense Department to buy only computer chips and routers manufactured in America under strict security guidelines?

Since everyone agrees on the need to reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil, isn’t it just as important to reduce our dependence on foreign computer parts for our military planes and weapons?

Will you bar from Defense Department business any companies that give away their patents, manufacturing processes, and intellectual property as part of the deal to open a plant in China?

Will you announce that the next time an American dies because of contamination of a prescription drug imported from China, prescription drugs will no longer be allowed to be imported from China?

Do you realize that China is not our “trading partner” but is our no-holds-barred economic competitor, highly protectionist, anti-free-trade, and spending the money it gets from U.S. trade to build up its military to become the world’s number-one superpower?

Do you believe it is important for the U.S. to have a strong manufacturing base and, if so, what is your plan to restore the well-paying manufacturing jobs that have been outsourced to China?

Do you accept a future in which Americans must compete with Asians who work for 50 cents an hour?

Click here  to help support the Phyllis Schlafly Eagles.

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June 29, 2023

Title: Governor Abbott’s Veto Rampage
Topic: Texas Politics
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Never before in the 178-year history of Texas has its governor vetoed so many bills passed by his own party.

Today, Andy Schlafly discusses some of those bills and who Governor Abbott was targeting.

Click here to read John and Andy Schlafly’s op-ed on this issue. John and Andy Schlafly are the sons of the late Phyllis Schlafly.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Were most of the 75 bills recently vetoed by Governor Greg Abbott sponsored by Conservative Texas State Senators? Was Senator Paul Bettencourt one of those targeted sponsors?

Can the Texas Senate just override his vetoes? Andy Schlafly explains why they cannot override his vetoes.

Are Governor Abbott’s veto actions a clear example of political retaliation against Conservatives Republicans?

SB1404 was axed by Governor Abbott. This bill, designed to study the conversion of coal-fired energy plants into cleaner nuclear plants, passed the Texas Senate 31-0 and passed the Texas House nearly unanimously. Was Governor Abbott just being spiteful towards Conservative Republicans with his veto pen?

Was Governor Abbott’s veto rampage also a retaliation against Dan Patrick?

Are campaign donations from big-dollar RINO donors at play here? Andy offers his personal opinion on this matter and explains the law in Texas regarding campaign donations.

Will voters remember Governor Abbott’s actions in the next election cycle?

Click here  to help support the Eagle Forum Education and Legal Defense Fund.

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June 9, 2020

Title: AAPS Sues the FDA Over Non-Use of Hydroxychloroquine
Topic: Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Andy Schlafly is the General Counsel for the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. To help protect all Americans, the AAPS has filed a lawsuit against the Food and Drug Administration. The goal of the lawsuit is to enable all Americans access to Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), a life-saving drug that has been in use since the 1950s.

For details about HCQ and the AAPS lawsuit against the FDA, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why has the Trump administration shipped two million doses of HCQ to Brazil?

President Trump is taking HCQ as a preemptive measure. Why can’t the average American? br />
Who is Rick Bright, PhD? Is he a medical doctor? What authority does he have to block HCQ?

WWhy has the AAPS filed a lawsuit against the FDA? What is the purpose/goal of the lawsuit?

Is it shocking that medical workers in Brazil will have access to HCQ as a way of preventing COVID-19 while Americans are blocked by the FDA from accessing the same medication for the same use?br />
Have some elites and celebrities been able to acquire and take HCQ over-the-counter to prevent contracting COVID-19?

AAndy says this: “It’s like in a communist county. The people who have the connections are able to get the freedom that they want to get. But the average American is being denied this. For this to occur in the United States of America is an outrage.”

Will the summer heat destroy the stockpile of Hydroxychloroquine that is being stored in warehouses?

What court is the lawsuit filed in? How does Andy feel about the outcome?

Can Rick Bright be held criminally and civilly liable for blocking the use of HCQ, which could have saved lives?

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April 7, 2020

Title: Doctor Visit Change-Ups
Topic: Doctor Visit Change-Ups
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as legal advice. Always consult your attorney for advice on this and other legal issues.

Are you worried about seeing your doctor for unrelated Coronavirus symptoms?

Are doctors concerned that their patients will not receive adequate care for symptoms unrelated to the Coronavirus?

Andy Schlafly has been an attorney for the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons for over 25 years. Today he offers some helpful tips and advice.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are physicians feeling uneasy right now? About what?

Are some doctors concerned that a misstep may cause them to lose their professional liability coverage?

Are doctors in some states being told they can NOT prescribe a drug that is proven to help patients with the Coronavirus? Is this politically motivated?

Should doctors have the right to prescribe off-label drugs for the Coronavirus without interference from politicians?

Is telemedicine going to expand and become the future of medicine?

Should we be on guard against permanent loss of liberty due to the Coronavirus?

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February 23, 2017

Title: Supreme Court Nominee FACTS
Topic: Neil Gorsuch: Supreme Court Nominee
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Part 1 of 2

Neil Gorsuch is Donald Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court of the United States. But, is he the right choice? Andy Schlafly doesn’t believe he is. Listen in as he explains why over the next two segments.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

According to a recent Gallup Poll, Neil Gorsuch only received a forty-five percent approval rating. Why such a low number?

Is Trump’s pick of Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court backfiring on him?

What type of church does Neil Gorsuch attend, and why does this matter?

Can judicial candidates publically state their views on personal issues?

Andy will discuss more about Neil Gorsuch and the Federalist Society in the next segment…

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Supreme Court Nominee FACTS
Topic: Neil Gorsuch: Supreme Court Nominee
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are there other pro-life organizations which are unsure that Neil Gorsuch is a good choice for the Supreme Court?

Has Neil Gorsuch made statements that should cause concern for pro-life, pro-family voters?

The MSM and left-leaning newspapers are silent on the Gorsuch nomination. Is this an indication that he really isn’t all that great?

Who is the Federalist Society?

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January 27, 2017

Title: Who is Neil Gorsuch?
Topic: Supreme Court Justices
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Who is on Donald Trump’s short list for replacing deceased Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia? Andy Schlafly discusses one rumored pick: Neil Gorsuch.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is Neil Gorsuch? What are his qualifications?

Why is there so much disagreement concerning Gorsuch’s qualifications?

Looking at Gorsuch’s record, does he appear pro-life and pro-traditional marriage? Andy Schlafly offers several specific case examples.

If not Neil Gorsuch, who else is well-suited for the job?

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January 10, 2017

Title: The Next United States Supreme Court Justice
Topic: Supreme Court Justices
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Pressure by groups that are not pro-life has been building which could deflect Trump away from fulfilling his pledge to appoint a pro-life, pro-family Justice to the United States Supreme Court.

Andy Schlafly has been working diligently on this issue and has some answers for us today. Click here to view the letter/petition Andy has started to urge President-Elect Donald Trump to choose a pro-life, pro-family candidate to replace Justice Scalia.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is NOW the time to be engaged?

What prominent groups have hefty influence over Trump’s decision? Are some groups Conservative, but many more liberal?

Andy shares which candidates voters should be leery of and which candidates are absolutely wonderful.

How is Andy’s petition being viewed in the news and by Trump’s advisors?

What are other pro-life, pro-family groups doing to help Andy? HINT: Nothing…

Is adding this issue to our prayer list important?

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December 1, 2016

Title: Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee List
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

It is highly disappointing that Donald Trump’s current list of twenty-one Supreme Court Justice Candidates include many who are not even pro-life. In fact, at least two have expressly held for Planned Parenthood in abortion cases.

Andy Schlafly has as many questions as he does answers concerning this surprising turn of events.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Of Team Trump’s list of twenty-one Supreme Court Candidates, how many are truly pro-life?

Do Cabinet-level nominees effect long lasting change as compared to a Supreme Court nominee?

How important is Trump’s first Supreme Court nomination? Andy says, “We have to make this a non-negotiable issue.

Can Obama use a recess of Congress to nominate a new Justice?

How does the Christmas break come into play with Congress and this issue?

How can we effect Team Trump’s Supreme Court nomination process? Andy suggests tagging Donald Trump in a tweet, urging him to nominate a truly Pro-Life/Pro-Family Justice to the Supreme Court. There other means, as well. Listen in.

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November 14, 2016

Title: Possible Hillary Prosecution
Topic: Hillary Clinton
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Part 1 of 2

Attorney General prospect, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, hinted this week that Hillary Clinton could still be prosecuted over her private server and emails.

Andy Schlafly, son of beloved Phyllis Schlafly, provides some more information concerning this issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did Phyllis Schlafly possibly campaign for Donald Trump in heaven directly to Jesus?

What is the point of an investigation in Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation? Who benefits from a prosecution?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Possible Hillary Prosecution
Topic: Hillary Clinton
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is the door wide open for an investigation into possible wrong doings by Hillary Clinton? If so, could President Obama slam the door shut?

If Obama did pardon Hillary Clinton for any federal crimes she may have committed, would state and civil offenses be exempt from such a pardon?

Half of the country voted for Hillary. They are already upset that she lost, rioting in the streets, some violently. Will prosecuting Hillary incite more riots, and is it worth it?

There have been rumors circulating on the internet that the Clintons have purchased a home in a country that does not extradite to the US. Could the Clintons really avoid any and all prosecution if this is true?

Would the MSM give President Bush the same free ride they’ve given Hillary?

You can find more from Andy Schlafly here.

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October 11, 2016

Title: Dem’s Have Appointed over 70% Of Federal Judges
Topic: Judges Gone Wild
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Is the Constitution a living, breathing document? Or, is it set in stone? Andy Schlafly, son of the great Phyllis Schlafly, will be discussing why it is so important for Christians to vote for moral, Biblical values this November 8 as it relates to all Judicial positions in America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What percent of the Federal Judiciary has now been appointed by liberal Democrat Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama?

Do the Federal Courts matter?

Are Democrat or Republican Judges more likely to legislate from the bench?

There seems to be two philosophies concerning our US Constitution. One is a strict interpretation; the other is that the Founding Fathers meant for a living, breathing, changing constitution. What’s the difference?

Listen in as Andy also gives a great prediction of what his mother is doing in heaven right now concerning this election!

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June 7, 2016

Title: You Can’t Make Everyone Happy
Topic: Politics
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Part 1 of 2

When you make political endorsements, sooner rather than later, you will make everyone mad. Phyllis Schlafly’s endorsement of Donald Trump angered some of the Board of Directors at Eagle Forum and now they are doing the unthinkable. Andy Schlafly, the son of Phyllis Schlafly, is here today for two segments to discuss the enormous amount of money being wasted on attorneys by the “Gang of 6” in an attempt to make Phyllis go away for good.

Questions/Issues Discussed for Segment 1:

Many years ago, Phyllis Schlafly led the successful campaign against the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Andy discusses how this put Phyllis on the map and the beginning of Eagle Forum.

So, what’s the beef with Donald Trump? Before Phyllis endorsed Trump, what was Andy’s opinion of him? Does he share her same support of Trump?

Cathy Adams, the President of Texas Eagle Forum, is the leader of the “Gang of 6”. Is she just trying to take control of Eagle Forum?

What is the current status of the lawsuit? How much is it costing? Who is the “secret donor” paying for the attorneys for the Gang of 6?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - You Can’t Make Everyone Happy
Topic: Politics
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Questions/Issues Discussed for Segment 2:

Andy offers his opinion concerning the hidden agenda behind the “secret donor”. What does he think their motivation is?

Who, exactly, are the Gang of 6? (HINT: One of them is Andy’s sister!!)

What is Phyllis Schlafly’s current position with Eagle Forum?

How can we pray for Eagle Forum and Phyllis Schlafly?

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June 16, 2015

Title: The Debate Concerning Traditional Marriage is Far from Over
Topic: Defending Traditional Marriage
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are discussed….

Christians have stood on the sidelines for far too long. It’s time for Christians to get in the game and outplay the opponent. The goal is to win, not give in.

Despite what the MSM reports, the vast majority of Americans still believe in traditional marriage as between one naturally born man and one naturally born woman. In fact, this is true world-wide.

NEWS FLASH: The Obama Administration is now pressuring countries around the world to adopt homosexual marriage or else they won’t receive financial assistance from America! Yes! This is true!

Prayer still works! Andy Schlafly encourages everyone to pray without ceasing on this issue. The Supreme Court, in his opinion, is overstepping their authority regarding homosexual marriage. “God does not take His order from the Supreme Court of the United States,” Andy says. God does not change his mind on issues. What has been wrong, will always be wrong.

There is not and never will be a “gay gene”. Science has proven this. Being homosexual is a lifestyle choice, plain and simple. Unfortunately, there is evidence that many, if not most, homosexuals are victims of sexual assault before the age of 18. NOTE: More on this disturbing fact will be discussed later this week.

Andy also encourages listeners to contact Governor Greg Abbott and urge him to call a Special Session to address traditional marriage in Texas. You can contact the Governor’s office at 512.463.2000 You can also send Governor Abbott an email by clicking [here].

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June 9, 2015

Title: The Debate Concerning Traditional Marriage is Far from Over
Topic: Defending Traditional Marriage
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are discussed….

Christians have stood on the sidelines for far too long. It’s time for Christians to get in the game and outplay the opponent. The goal is to win, not give in.

Despite what the MSM reports, the vast majority of Americans still believe in traditional marriage as between one naturally born man and one naturally born woman. In fact, this is true world-wide.

NEWS FLASH: The Obama Administration is now pressuring countries around the world to adopt homosexual marriage or else they won’t receive financial assistance from America! Yes! This is true!

Prayer still works! Andy Schlafly encourages everyone to pray without ceasing on this issue. The Supreme Court, in his opinion, is overstepping their authority regarding homosexual marriage. “God does not take His order from the Supreme Court of the United States,” Andy says. God does not change his mind on issues. What has been wrong, will always be wrong.

There is not and never will be a “gay gene”. Science has proven this. Being homosexual is a lifestyle choice, plain and simple. Unfortunately, there is evidence that many, if not most, homosexuals are victims of sexual assault before the age of 18. NOTE: More on this disturbing fact will be discussed later this week.

Andy also encourages listeners to contact Governor Greg Abbott and urge him to call a Special Session to address traditional marriage in Texas. You can contact the Governor’s office at 512.463.2000 You can also send Governor Abbott an email by clicking [here].

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April 20, 2015

Title: Now is the Time to Take a Stand
Topic: Defending Traditional Marriage
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Part 1 of 2

Christians have stood on the sidelines for far too long. It’s time for us to get into the game. It’s time for Christians to play the hardest because we must win.

Andy Schlafly is an attorney with a number of organizations. Concerning the upcoming SCOTUS hearing on homosexual marriage, he says, “This is just a stepping stone for them…If we remain silent, they will obtain legitimacy for the homosexual agenda.” Andy believes the next hurdle they will fly over, passing the “competition” is convincing our kids that homosexuality is the best option for them. Listen in as he explains.

So, what happens if SCOTUS rules that it is unconstitutional to deny two men or two women to marry? Will ALL churches be forced to perform homosexual marriages? Andy Schlafly says that will happen. It will happen. What about non-profit businesses? Will they be forced to hire radical homosexuals or be fined? Will private, Christian schools be forced to hire gays or face millions of dollars in court costs when they are sued for discrimination for denying employment?

One of the biggest controversies today is “conversion therapy” or “reparative therapy” which bans parents from seeking help for a gay child. “Their goal”, says Andy Schlafly, “is to allow recruitment in only one direction and that is toward homosexuality.” Many studies indicate that nearly half of all teens who claim to be gay or transgender or bisexual have been abused at some point by an adult. Is there any truth to this statement?

Listen to the next segment with Andy Schlafly as he outlines some action steps on how to quit standing on the sidelines and become proactive in the game.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Now is the Time to Take a Stand
Topic: Defending Traditional Marriage
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

The homosexual mafia won’t stop once they legalize gay marriage. They won’t be satisfied. This is just the beginning. Freedom of speech isn’t even safe. There is a climate of fear in our country. Even in the Evangelical Church,” Andy Schlafly declares. “Pretty soon, the Bible will be labeled as hate speech!” Is this a far-out-there statement or the truth? Listen as Andy explains.

Andy encourages listeners to urge their Texas elected officials to vote in favor of HB4105 “The Preservation of Sovereignty and Marriage Act.” This must be passed ASAP – before SCOTUS has a chance to hear arguments for and against the issue. If we can ban gay marriage in Texas, maybe – just maybe – it will show SCOTUS that they cannot bully us around anymore!

If you are able, please attend a rally in Washington, DC on Monday, April 27, on the steps of the Supreme Court. Show those Justices that we mean business!

Andy urges you to contact the Republican Presidential candidates and ask them what their stance on gay marriage is. Three candidates have issued statements saying they will prohibit enforcement of a Supreme Court ruling that imposes homosexual marriage. Listen in as Andy tells who those three candidates are.

Finally, pray, pray, pray. Hit your knees and pray. “The whole country will go down if we lose this,” Andy claims. “Our churches will not even survive.”

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January 28, 2015

Title: Use It or Lose It
Topic: Vision for Texas
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

“The wicked strut about on every side, when vileness is exalted among the sons of men.” (Psalm 12:8)

Texas and America have a choice: Either we choose to be a Christian nation that wisely builds its laws upon the firm foundation of the Bible, as our Founding Fathers intended, or we foolishly choose to be a secular nation that establishes its laws upon the shifting sand of the desires of ambitious men.

Andy Schlafly is working closely with Dr. Steve Hotze’s PAC, Conservative Republican of Texas, on HB623, which was discussed in the previous segment. In fact, Andy helped draft the bill himself!

Even if a miracle occurs and the SCOTUS upholds traditional marriage as between one man and one woman, it is still likely that states who do not allow same-sex marriage will be forced to recognize couples who have been married in states which do perform them. For example, Texas could be forced to recognize lesbian and gay marriages which were performed in New York.

There will be no stopping point if the SCOTUS rules that all states must recognize, allow, and perform same-sex marriages. Pandora’s Box will be opened and it will be nearly impossible to shut it. The Framers knew that each branch of government would attempt to over-reach their power; that is precisely why the Framers addressed this in the Constitution in the form of Checks and Balances. We, the people, must not allow the SCOTUS to do this to our country.

Listen in as Andy explains why he helped draft HB623 the Preservation of State Sovereignty and Marriage Act, the Power of the Purse, and what is in store for Texas.

Please click [here] to view HB623.

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December 10, 2014

Title: Hotze's Lawsuit Against Obamacare
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Dr. Steven Hotze, a Houston physician, has used his own money to file suit against Obamacare. Many say it has the best chance of overturning Obamacare.

On December 2, 2014, Andy Schlafly argued before the New Orleans Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals concerning the case Hotze v. Burwell. This case argues that Obamacare violates Origination Clause, which is Article 1, Section 7 of the United States Constitution, which states that all revenue raising bills must start in the U.S. Congress. Obamacare was initiated in the U.S. Senate.

Listen in as Andy Schlafly explains the case and the three-judge panel’s reaction to the arguments from both sides. This could be a game-changer, folks! Let’s pray in earnest for a positive decision from the court!

Note: Even the Framers of the Constitution regarded the Origination Clause as vitally important. That’s why it’s in the Constitution!

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November 17, 2014

Title: Preservation of Sovereignty and Marriage Act
Topic: Marriage
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

The left claims that there is growing consensus among the American people in favor of gay marriage. They say there is a pressing need for the Supreme Court of the United States to strike down every law each state has passed concerning traditional marriage. In other words, if an individual state has passed a law defining marriage as between one natural born man and one natural born woman, those laws should not be valid. The left wants every state across the nation to allow gay marriage. They say it is what the American people want.

Well, there is a growing consensus that Americans dislike the IRS. Can we just get rid of them?

No one ever polled me. No one has asked my opinion on the matter. My answer would be vastly different! Do I not matter? Of course not! I’m an old gray-hair from Texas. They do not want my opinion.

The SCOTUS has already proven that they are more than willing to create their own rules regarding certain areas on the Constitution. Andy Schlafly, attorney with the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons and son of Eagle Forum President Phyllis Schlafly, says there is a short window of opportunity for individual states to set an example and tell the SCOTUS “not in my state”. He believes states should use the 11th Amendment as a basis for their argument.

Andy Schlafly has submitted great piece of Legislation that Congress should pass immediately: Preservation of Sovereignty and Marriage Act. Listen in as he gives details about this and what we, as concerned citizens, must do to ensure its passage. You can learn more on this and other issues at

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