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April 7, 2020

Title: Doctor Visit Change-Ups
Topic: Doctor Visit Change-Ups
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as legal advice. Always consult your attorney for advice on this and other legal issues.

Are you worried about seeing your doctor for unrelated Coronavirus symptoms?

Are doctors concerned that their patients will not receive adequate care for symptoms unrelated to the Coronavirus?

Andy Schlafly has been an attorney for the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons for over 25 years. Today he offers some helpful tips and advice.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are physicians feeling uneasy right now? About what?

Are some doctors concerned that a misstep may cause them to lose their professional liability coverage?

Are doctors in some states being told they can NOT prescribe a drug that is proven to help patients with the Coronavirus? Is this politically motivated?

Should doctors have the right to prescribe off-label drugs for the Coronavirus without interference from politicians?

Is telemedicine going to expand and become the future of medicine?

Should we be on guard against permanent loss of liberty due to the Coronavirus?

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