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June 18, 2024

Title: Justice Alito on Secret Recording
Topic: Supreme Court Justices
Discussed by Michael O'Neill
with Landmark Legal Foundation (

Does America need to turn back to God? Justice Alito believes we do!

Michael J. O’Neill is the Vice President of Legal Affairs at the Landmark Legal Foundation. Michael agrees with Justice Alito and discusses why the Left is up-in-arms about Alito’s “extremist views”.

Click here to learn more about the Landmark Legal Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Were secret recordings made during a Supreme Court Historical Society dinner that Democrats are using to castigate Supreme Court Alito and others? Michael O’Neill shares details about the exchange between a liberal film-maker posing as Conservative and Justice Alito.

Supreme Court Justices are allowed to have firmly held convictions and beliefs. Is the Left accusing Justice Alito of having a secret agenda and legislating from the bench? Michael O’Neill explains the difference between having an opinion and following the rule of law, citing one recent case regarding the over-the-counter abortion pill.

Does the Left desperately want to take over control of the US Supreme Court? Are they doing everything in their power to dismantle and rebuild it?

Click here to help support the Landmark Legal Foundation.

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January 27, 2017

Title: Who is Neil Gorsuch?
Topic: Supreme Court Justices
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Who is on Donald Trump’s short list for replacing deceased Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia? Andy Schlafly discusses one rumored pick: Neil Gorsuch.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who is Neil Gorsuch? What are his qualifications?

Why is there so much disagreement concerning Gorsuch’s qualifications?

Looking at Gorsuch’s record, does he appear pro-life and pro-traditional marriage? Andy Schlafly offers several specific case examples.

If not Neil Gorsuch, who else is well-suited for the job?

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January 10, 2017

Title: The Next United States Supreme Court Justice
Topic: Supreme Court Justices
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Pressure by groups that are not pro-life has been building which could deflect Trump away from fulfilling his pledge to appoint a pro-life, pro-family Justice to the United States Supreme Court.

Andy Schlafly has been working diligently on this issue and has some answers for us today. Click here to view the letter/petition Andy has started to urge President-Elect Donald Trump to choose a pro-life, pro-family candidate to replace Justice Scalia.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is NOW the time to be engaged?

What prominent groups have hefty influence over Trump’s decision? Are some groups Conservative, but many more liberal?

Andy shares which candidates voters should be leery of and which candidates are absolutely wonderful.

How is Andy’s petition being viewed in the news and by Trump’s advisors?

What are other pro-life, pro-family groups doing to help Andy? HINT: Nothing…

Is adding this issue to our prayer list important?

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April 29, 2015

Title: Can Elena Kagan be a Fair Judge?
Topic: Supreme Court Justices
Discussed by Brian Camenker
with Mass Resistance (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Several decades ago, a Supreme Court nominee, Robert Bork, was deemed unfit for the High Court strictly because of his Conservative views. The left lied about him. They ruined him. So, why don’t Conservative turn the tables on the Justices today? Brian Camenker, President of Mass Resistance, believes, “Our side just wants to be nice…They will even give up their rights in order to be nice.

Brian discusses the controversy surrounding Justice Elena Kagan. At the time of her nomination, Brian and others protested profusely because of her views on homosexuality. “There’s no way she should have ever been voted in.” She legitimized massive amounts of homosexual activities while at Harvard Law School and brought in many homosexuals and transgender professors.

Legalizing gay marriage is just the first step. Lowering the age of consent is next. Then they will want to do away with the number of people who can enter into a marriage. It’s coming, folks! It’s coming sooner than you think. And they’re after your kids first.

You can read the full report on this topic [here].

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August 11, 2010

Topic: Supreme Court Justices
Discussed by Dr. Richard Land
with Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the S.B.C. (

Dr. Richard Land, with the Southern Baptist Convention Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, says “people should remember (Kagan’s nomination) when they vote. Elections have consequences, long-term consequences.” Visit their website at

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