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February 20, 2023

Title: Death by HCQ?
Topic: Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)
Discussed by Dr. Jane Orient
with Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (

Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as medical or legal advice. Always consult your medical physician or attorney for health or legal advice.

There has now been one death “attributed” to taking hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for COVID. The estate of Jeremy Parker has sued the anti-vaccination organization, America’s Frontline Doctors, for alleged wrongful death. Dr. Medina Culver, an osteopathic physician and Instagram influencer based in Henderson, Nevada, is also named in the case. The lawsuit alleges negligence by the group and Culver for the death of Parker.

Dr. Jane Orient discusses this unusual case and offers her professional medical opinion and facts surrounding HCQ and Ivermectin. Dr. Orient has been the Executive Director for the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons since 1989.

Click here  to read Dr. Jane Orient’s op-ed on this issue.

Click here  for more information about Dr. Jane Orient.

Click here  for the latest from the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.

Click here  to help support the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons as they continue to preserve the sanctity of the patient-physician relationship and the practice of private medicine.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have there been any other deaths attributed to taking HCQ? Dr. Orient reveals that they don’t even know if Jeremy Parker even took HCQ or had COVID at the time of his death!

In countries where malaria and other serious diseases are prevalent, HCQ is prescribed as a preventive measure and to treat the diseases. Is HCQ available in these countries without a prescription?

How many deaths have been attributed to COVID? Dr. Orient points out that very few patients received early treatment with a repurposed drug – and this number is increasing. Click here  for more information.

How many deaths are suspected to be the result of a patient receiving a COVID vaccination? Click here for the latest data from VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. NOTE: Dr. Orient explains that there is no proof that the vaccination is responsible for the patients’ deaths.

What was Jeremy Parker’s official cause of death reported by the coroner?

Should doctors who have prescribed HCQ for COVID in the past be more cautious in the future due to this lawsuit?

Why did the CDC attempt to stop physicians from prescribing HCQ for COVID?

Should patients who currently take or have taken HCQ use caution?

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October 1, 2020

Title: Did Medical Technocracy Kill Americans?
Topic: Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)
Discussed by Dr. Jane Orient
with Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as medical advice. Always consult your physician for advice on this and other medical issues.

FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn recently stated that physicians have the legal right to prescribe approved drugs for off-label uses.

So why do so many physicians refuse to prescribe Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 positive patients?

Dr. Jane Orient has some insight into this issue today.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What political lessons should we learn from COVID-19?

What is “medical technocracy”?

Do medical technocrats push their personal ideology? Do they have a financial interest in a vaccine for COVID-19?

Has the COVID-19 ordeal reinforced known medical truisms?

Are viral diseases treatable?

Dr. Orient reveals that countries using hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 have a 75% lower mortality rate than countries where Medical Technocracy is blocking it. Click here  for FACTS.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Did Medical Technocracy Kill Americans?
Topic: Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)
Discussed by Dr. Jane Orient
with Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (

Disclaimer: Please do not construe any statement made during this interview as medical advice. Always consult your physician for advice on this and other medical issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

With COVID-19, what are most doctors telling their patients during a telemedicine conference?

Are doctors across the country prescribing hydroxychloroquine? Dr. Orient suggests using Speak with an MD if your doctor won’t prescribe hydroxychloroquine.

What is the outcome if patients wait until they are extremely sick with COVID-19 symptoms to go to the ER?

Are the medical technocrats getting rich off COVID-19?

Has there been 100,000+ needless deaths in America since March 1st, 2020? Is this the equivalent of a war crime?

Is President Trump aware of this problem? Is he relying too heavily on advisors who have a vested interest in a vaccine?

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June 9, 2020

Title: AAPS Sues the FDA Over Non-Use of Hydroxychloroquine
Topic: Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Andy Schlafly is the General Counsel for the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. To help protect all Americans, the AAPS has filed a lawsuit against the Food and Drug Administration. The goal of the lawsuit is to enable all Americans access to Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), a life-saving drug that has been in use since the 1950s.

For details about HCQ and the AAPS lawsuit against the FDA, click here.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why has the Trump administration shipped two million doses of HCQ to Brazil?

President Trump is taking HCQ as a preemptive measure. Why can’t the average American? br />
Who is Rick Bright, PhD? Is he a medical doctor? What authority does he have to block HCQ?

WWhy has the AAPS filed a lawsuit against the FDA? What is the purpose/goal of the lawsuit?

Is it shocking that medical workers in Brazil will have access to HCQ as a way of preventing COVID-19 while Americans are blocked by the FDA from accessing the same medication for the same use?br />
Have some elites and celebrities been able to acquire and take HCQ over-the-counter to prevent contracting COVID-19?

AAndy says this: “It’s like in a communist county. The people who have the connections are able to get the freedom that they want to get. But the average American is being denied this. For this to occur in the United States of America is an outrage.”

Will the summer heat destroy the stockpile of Hydroxychloroquine that is being stored in warehouses?

What court is the lawsuit filed in? How does Andy feel about the outcome?

Can Rick Bright be held criminally and civilly liable for blocking the use of HCQ, which could have saved lives?

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May 20, 2020

Title: Coronavirus: What Treatments Work?
Topic: Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)
Discussed by Peter Pitts
with The Center for Medicine in the Public Interest (

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in people and many different species of animals, including camels, cattle, cats, and bats. Rarely do animal coronaviruses infect people and then spread from person to person.

Peter Pitts is the President and co-founder of the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest. Today, he discusses details of the Coronavirus that you may not have heard, including some of the treatments available.

Peter was the FDA’s Associate Commissioner for External Relations, serving as Senior Communications and Policy Adviser to the Commissioner from 2002-2004.

Click here for more.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there a family of coronaviruses?

What was SARS? Where did it originate? Where did it spread? Peter Pitts discusses more later in the segment…

Did the Coronavirus begin in China? Or was it manufactured in America and sent to China? Peter Pitts says: “People who are saying that should take off their tinfoil hats.”

Have Americans been overwhelmingly reliant on pharmaceuticals made in China? Peter points out that 90% off all the prescription drugs consumed by Americans are not manufactured in the US.

Does the FDA have the funds and man-power to randomly inspect all the prescription drug companies across the world?

Why are some doctors across the world using hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to treat the Coronavirus?

Should President Trump do less press conference and allow the experts to give the information?

IIs there a worldwide epidemic of medicine counterfeiting occurring now? Click here  to order your copy of “Coincidence or Crisis”, a discussion of global prescription medicine counterfeiting.

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April 15, 2020

Title: Coronavirus: What Treatments Work?
Topic: Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)
Discussed by Peter Pitts
with The Center for Medicine in the Public Interest (

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in people and many different species of animals, including camels, cattle, cats, and bats. Rarely do animal coronaviruses infect people and then spread from person to person.

Peter Pitts is the President and co-founder of the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest. Today, he discusses details of the Coronavirus that you may not have heard, including some of the treatments available.

Peter was the FDA’s Associate Commissioner for External Relations, serving as Senior Communications and Policy Adviser to the Commissioner from 2002-2004.

CClick here for more.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is there a family of coronaviruses?

WWhat was SARS? Where did it originate? Where did it spread? Peter Pitts discusses more later in the segment…

Did the Coronavirus begin in China? Or was it manufactured in America and sent to China? Peter Pitts says: “People who are saying that should take off their tinfoil hats.”

Have Americans been overwhelmingly reliant on pharmaceuticals made in China? Peter points out that 90% off all the prescription drugs consumed by Americans are not manufactured in the US. br />
Does the FDA have the funds and man-power to randomly inspect all the prescription drug companies across the world?

Why are some doctors across the world using hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) to treat the Coronavirus?

Should President Trump do less press conference and allow the experts to give the information?

IIs there a worldwide epidemic of medicine counterfeiting occurring now? Click here  to order your copy of “Coincidence or Crisis”, a discussion of global prescription medicine counterfeiting.

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