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January 28, 2015

Title: Come and Take It!
Topic: Vision for Texas
Discussed by Dr. Steve Hotze
with Conservative Republican of Texas, PAC

Dr. Steve Hotze is here today to give us an update on his lawsuit against Obamacare. Dr. Hotze claims that Obamacare is in direct violation of Article 1, Section 7, which is the Origination Clause of the United States Constitution. Why is this important and what makes Hotze’s lawsuit different than others? Listen in as he explains the Origination Clause and what has happened since December concerning the lawsuit.

Dr. Hotze also discusses HB 623, the brain-child of Andy Schlafly and introduced by State Rep. Cecil Bell. HB 623 is the Preservation of State Sovereignty and Marriage Act, which would ban Texas civil servants from issuing a homosexual mirage license. Taxes or public funding should not be used to issue homosexual mirage licenses or be used to enforce any court order to recognize homosexual mirage. Furthermore, HB 623 will disallow any state employee to issue a mirage license other than to a man and a woman. If they violate this law, they would lose their job and any earned pension.

No, you are not misreading the above “mirage” and no, it is not a typo. Listen in to find out why Dr. Hotze calls it a mirage and not marriage. One judge over-turned a vote approved by 76% of the Texas voters concerning the definition of marriage as between one man and one woman. One lone judged told us we are wrong. Well, Dr. Hotze has some news for that judge!

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Title: Use It or Lose It
Topic: Vision for Texas
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

“The wicked strut about on every side, when vileness is exalted among the sons of men.” (Psalm 12:8)

Texas and America have a choice: Either we choose to be a Christian nation that wisely builds its laws upon the firm foundation of the Bible, as our Founding Fathers intended, or we foolishly choose to be a secular nation that establishes its laws upon the shifting sand of the desires of ambitious men.

Andy Schlafly is working closely with Dr. Steve Hotze’s PAC, Conservative Republican of Texas, on HB623, which was discussed in the previous segment. In fact, Andy helped draft the bill himself!

Even if a miracle occurs and the SCOTUS upholds traditional marriage as between one man and one woman, it is still likely that states who do not allow same-sex marriage will be forced to recognize couples who have been married in states which do perform them. For example, Texas could be forced to recognize lesbian and gay marriages which were performed in New York.

There will be no stopping point if the SCOTUS rules that all states must recognize, allow, and perform same-sex marriages. Pandora’s Box will be opened and it will be nearly impossible to shut it. The Framers knew that each branch of government would attempt to over-reach their power; that is precisely why the Framers addressed this in the Constitution in the form of Checks and Balances. We, the people, must not allow the SCOTUS to do this to our country.

Listen in as Andy explains why he helped draft HB623 the Preservation of State Sovereignty and Marriage Act, the Power of the Purse, and what is in store for Texas.

Please click [here] to view HB623.

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December 15, 2014

Title: Standing Tall for Texans and All Americans
Topic: Vision for Texas
Discussed by Dr. Steve Hotze
with Conservative Republican of Texas, PAC

Part 1 of 3

Dr. Steve Hotze has been fighting the good fight for a long, long time for Houstonians, Texans, and all Americans. He has a vision – a vision for everyone. Dr. Hotze says we should all be concerned about job creation. Our government does not create jobs – the private sector does. Listen in as Dr. Hotze explains how the government hinders business owners whenever possible.

Many leaders from across Texas helped comprise the Vision for Texans and All Americans. These leaders include Cathie Adams with Texas Eagle Forum, Talmadge Heflin with the Texas Public Policy Foundation, yours truly, Terry Lowry, and many others from various Conservative organizations. You can find the Vision for Texans and All Americans at Conservative Republicans of Texas, PAC

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