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October 11, 2016

Title: Dem’s Have Appointed over 70% Of Federal Judges
Topic: Judges Gone Wild
Discussed by Andy Schlafly
with Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (

Is the Constitution a living, breathing document? Or, is it set in stone? Andy Schlafly, son of the great Phyllis Schlafly, will be discussing why it is so important for Christians to vote for moral, Biblical values this November 8 as it relates to all Judicial positions in America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What percent of the Federal Judiciary has now been appointed by liberal Democrat Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama?

Do the Federal Courts matter?

Are Democrat or Republican Judges more likely to legislate from the bench?

There seems to be two philosophies concerning our US Constitution. One is a strict interpretation; the other is that the Founding Fathers meant for a living, breathing, changing constitution. What’s the difference?

Listen in as Andy also gives a great prediction of what his mother is doing in heaven right now concerning this election!

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March 7, 2012

Title: Since Ginsburg Likes Use of Foreign Law So Much, Can She Please LEAVE The USA?
Topic: Judges Gone Wild
Discussed by Phyllis Schlafly
with Eagle Forum (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Phyllis Schlafly answers:

Does U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg really like our U.S. Constitution?

Did U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg swear an oath to uphold and defend our U.S. Constitution?

When Clinton nominated Ginsburg in 1993, how were her views already well known?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Judges Gone Wild
Discussed by Phyllis Schlafly
with Eagle Forum (

What was "Sex Bias in the U.S." about? How were Ginsburg and coauthor Brenda Feigan-Fasteau paid?

What are some of the extremist concepts from the Ginsburg book that could have made hilarious entertainment for television viewers of her confirmation hearings?

What is the whole point of Senate hearings? Can a nominee who toys with foreign law truthfully pass the test?

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