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March 20, 2024

Title: Can America Be Saved?
Topic: America Today
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

Part 1 of 3

Grave moral problems such as broken homes, abortion, shattered communities, and lost faith are tearing our country apart.

John Horvat recently wrote about this very problem and returns to the program to discuss the research and solutions. John Horvat is a scholar, researcher, educator, international speaker, and author of “Return to Order”.

Click here to read more from John Horvat on this and other issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do many researchers, politicians, and preachers across America accurately pinpoint the problems destroying our nation or offer viable solutions?

Will there always be some who will be upset with the solutions – no matter what they may be? John says: “Of course, because people don’t like to be told they’re wrong!”

Are the moral issues we are facing today insurmountable? John reminds us that our God is powerful!

Are more and more Americans living a hopeless life full of fear and anxiety?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Can America Be Saved?
Topic: America Today
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

Questions/Issues Discussed:

John Horvat believes the only real solution to hopelessness is a return to Christendom. Does the urgency of the mountain of moral issues facing our nation really call for a return to moral values as defined and described in our Bible?

If we recommend a return to Biblical morality, are we “imposing our will onto others”?

Can enough laws be passed to force people to behave morally? John points out: “If you try to legislate morality… you are creating a prison, not a society.”

Why do so many people reject Biblical moral beliefs and values? John discusses the ABC Syndrome – the Anything But Christ Syndrome.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Can America Be Saved?
Topic: America Today
Discussed by John Horvat
with Return to Order

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How did the 1960’s change the world?

How can Christians create positive change around the world?

What should we do while waiting for our call home to heaven or for the return of Christ? John says: “Christianity, by its nature, is expansive. We have the Good News and want others to have the Good News, too.”

Click here . to help support Return to Order.

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March 23, 2023

Title: Who is the Evil Empire Today?
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Dr. Paul Kengor
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Part 1 of 3

March 8, 1983, Ronald Reagan referred to the Soviet Union as “the focus of evil in the modern world.”

Author Dr. Paul Kengor is a Professor of Political Science at Grove City College and the Executive Director of their Institute for Faith and Freedom. Today, he discusses President Ronald Reagan’s famous Evil Empire Speech and the Evil Empire we are facing today.

Click here to read Dr. Paul Kengor’s powerful article on this topic.

Click here for more information about Dr. Paul Kengor.

Click here to order a copy of Dr. Kengor’s book, “God and Ronald Reagan”.

Click here for the video of excerpt of Ronald Reagan’s Evil Empire Speech played during today’s program.

Click here for the full speech.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Did Ronald Reagan’s Evil Empire Speech transform the world’s perception of him?

How did President Reagan begin his speech? Dr. Kengor explains that Reagan was addressing a group of Evangelical pastors in Florida. He also discusses Reagan’s love of story-telling.

Why did Ronald Reagan often quote Abraham Lincoln? Abraham Lincoln: “I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go.”

How did faith give Ronald Reagan strength?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Who is the Evil Empire Today?
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Dr. Paul Kengor
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who was the audience President Reagan was addressing in his Evil Empire Speech?

DDuring his Evil Empire Speech, did President Reagan pretend America was “perfect”? Or did he acknowledge the failings of America? Dr. Kengor points out that President Reagan actually first pointed fingers at the United States and its moral evils before mentioning the Soviet Union – and the liberals went crazy!

Did President Reagan often tell others that if America ever ceased to be good, America will cease to be great? (2 Chronicles 7:14)br />
Did President Reagan ever allow the Liberal Left to knock him down? Dr. Kengor compares the Liberal Left to the melting wicked witch of the west. His imitation of her (and other famous people) is absolutely hilarious!

Did President Reagan admonish the audience to pray for those living in totalitarian systems? Why did the Liberal Left have a problem with this part of his speech as well?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Who is the Evil Empire Today?
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Dr. Paul Kengor
with The Institute for Faith and Freedom (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

In his famous Evil Empire Speech, did President Ronald Reagan urge Christians to stay in the fray? Dr. Kengor shares his favorite quote from the speech (which can be found in his article). 

Did President Reagan believe Christians have a moral responsibility to oppose sin and evil with all our might?

Like leaders during the cold-war, do Christian leaders today cower before the evil in our land in fear and trembling not wanting to offend anyone? SHORT ANSWER: Absolutely.

Did those living within the Evil Empire cheer while their leaders quaked in their boots? Dr. Kengor shares an amazing story about a Russian guard who tried to emotionally defeat a prisoner after President Reagan’s Evil Empire Speech. Guess what? He was NOT successful!

Who is the Evil Empire today? Dr. Kengor’s answer might surprise you!

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April 15, 2016

Title: Houston, we have a problem. April 11, 1970.
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Part 4 of 4

“There are so many things that we take for granted that go back to people that are Christians motivated to do something,” Bill declared in the last segment. Churches were once the foundation for assisting the needy in every community across the globe, specifically in America. It was the church that fed and clothed the poor. It was the church who cared for the sick and dying, creating hospitals. It was the church that took in orphans and found them loving families. It was the church who started the prison system as a way to help the criminal find repentance. It was the church that started colleges and universities.

Prayer. What has happened to prayer? Prayer is a powerful motivator and an even more persuasive unifier. On April 11, 1970, Apollo 13 made that fateful call: “Houston, we have a problem.” When the oxygen tank exploded, millions of people around the world from all different religions and cultures gathered to pray.

Bill states: “Thousands prayed in New York City's Times Square, at Chicago's Board of Trade, at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, and in St. Peter's Square where the Pope led 50,000 people in prayer for the astronaut’s safe return. Even President Richard Nixon asked the nation observe a Day of Prayer.” The list of people and groups who banded together goes on and on, regardless of race or social status.

This same unity needs to be evident in America once again. People must wake up to the turmoil that is erupting in every community throughout our great nation. “It’s in crisis that people turn to Christ,” Bill believes. “God love us and wants us to love Him back, but it has to be voluntary.” We cannot continue to kill babies and allow perverted minorities to infiltrate our schools and churches and then expect God to swoop down from Heaven and save us.

Bill asks this question: “If you were God, what would you do?

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February 23, 2015

Title: The Five Categories of American Voters
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Part 1 of 3

Even prior to the Civil War, America was divided into five political categories: Radical Northern Republicans, Moderate Republicans, Practical Neutral Voters, Moderate Southern Democrats, and Extreme Southern Democrats. Today, we have the Pro-Life Republicans, Establishment Republicans, Practical Neutral Voters, Pro-Choice Democrats, and Extreme Democrats.

Bill Federer is a historian and founder of American Minute. He explains the difference between the pre-Civil War voters and the modern day voters. He also discusses the current debate over Congress and the Supreme Court’s urge to overstep their boundaries. The Founders laid out specific guidelines for such issues, but during the Civil War this issue was pretty tense. (Sound familiar?)

Listen in to the next segment with Bill Federer as he explains General Lee’s Special Order 191 and its connection with the outcome of the Civil War.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Five Categories of American Voters
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

There has always been division among the people in America concerning social and moral issues. Bill Federer discusses Robert E. Lee’s misplaced Special Order 191 from 1862. At this time, the South was winning the Civil War, so General Lee decided to split his army, which was a strange tactic. His Special Order 191 was lost by the curriers and found by the Northern Army. Therefore, the South lost many, many men and ultimately lost the war.

Listen in as Bill also discusses Abraham Lincoln’s famous Emancipation Proclamation. Honest Abe was hesitant to issue the proclamation. But, why? Congress was pretty upset by this. Tune in to the next segment as Bill explains their dilemma.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Five Categories of American Voters
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Bill Federer has been discussing the Civil War and the real facts about the north and the south, Lincoln, the Emancipation Proclamation, and Congress’s dilemma. For example, many people do not know that some of the northern states had slaves which were not freed after Abe’s proclamation! They were still part of the union and therefore were not forced to abide by the President’s law. In fact, the proclamation didn’t even have the authority to free the slaves in the South! That’s where Congress stepped in. Listen in as Bill explains.

It is sad that so many black people today believe that the Democrats are to be thanked for freeing the slaves and giving them rights. The Republicans passed the 13th Amendment, the 14th Amendment, and the 15th Amendment – all giving rights to black people. Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, had the first black person in the White House for dinner (Booker T. Washington). Democrat President Woodrow Wilson segregated the military and Republican President Eisenhower integrated it! Democrat Senator Bird and other Democrats filibustered for 71 days to stop the Republicans Civil Rights Bill in 1965. And that, my friends, is when the Democrat Party began giving blacks free stuff.

Bill Federer’s American Minute is a great way to learn the truth about America’s history. Click here  to sign up for daily emails to share with your family.

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December 14, 2015

Title: The Five Categories of American Voters
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Part 1 of 3

Even prior to the Civil War, America was divided into five political categories: Radical Northern Republicans, Moderate Republicans, Practical Neutral Voters, Moderate Southern Democrats, and Extreme Southern Democrats. Today, we have the Pro-Life Republicans, Establishment Republicans, Practical Neutral Voters, Pro-Choice Democrats, and Extreme Democrats.

Bill Federer is a historian and founder of American Minute. He explains the difference between the pre-Civil War voters and the modern day voters. He also discusses the current debate over Congress and the Supreme Court’s urge to overstep their boundaries. The Founders laid out specific guidelines for such issues, but during the Civil War this issue was pretty tense. (Sound familiar?)

Listen in to the next segment with Bill Federer as he explains General Lee’s Special Order 191 and its connection with the outcome of the Civil War.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - The Five Categories of American Voters
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

There has always been division among the people in America concerning social and moral issues. Bill Federer discusses Robert E. Lee’s misplaced Special Order 191 from 1862. At this time, the South was winning the Civil War, so General Lee decided to split his army, which was a strange tactic. His Special Order 191 was lost by the curriers and found by the Northern Army. Therefore, the South lost many, many men and ultimately lost the war.

Listen in as Bill also discusses Abraham Lincoln’s famous Emancipation Proclamation. Honest Abe was hesitant to issue the proclamation. But, why? Congress was pretty upset by this. Tune in to the next segment as Bill explains their dilemma.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - The Five Categories of American Voters
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Bill Federer
with American Minute (

Bill Federer has been discussing the Civil War and the real facts about the north and the south, Lincoln, the Emancipation Proclamation, and Congress’s dilemma. For example, many people do not know that some of the northern states had slaves which were not freed after Abe’s proclamation! They were still part of the union and therefore were not forced to abide by the President’s law. In fact, the proclamation didn’t even have the authority to free the slaves in the South! That’s where Congress stepped in. Listen in as Bill explains.

It is sad that so many black people today believe that the Democrats are to be thanked for freeing the slaves and giving them rights. The Republicans passed the 13th Amendment, the 14th Amendment, and the 15th Amendment – all giving rights to black people. Teddy Roosevelt, a Republican, had the first black person in the White House for dinner (Booker T. Washington). Democrat President Woodrow Wilson segregated the military and Republican President Eisenhower integrated it! Democrat Senator Bird and other Democrats filibustered for 71 days to stop the Republicans Civil Rights Bill in 1965. And that, my friends, is when the Democrat Party began giving blacks free stuff.

Bill Federer’s American Minute is a great way to learn the truth about America’s history. Click here  to sign up for daily emails to share with your family.

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August 21, 2015

Title: America: A Melting Pot of Culture
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Simi K. Rao
with Simi K. Rao (

Part 1 of 4

Dr. Simi Rao  was born in India. She immigrated to the United States about fifteen years ago and now lives in Denver, Colorado, working as a physician. She loves America, specifically because of the diverse people from all across the world who live here.

In this first of four segments today with Simi, she discusses why she came to America. She was already a physician in India, but wanted to pursue her post-graduate degree in internal medicine. She chose to live in Ohio with some of her family, including her new husband.

Simi also recalls what she thought of America when she first moved here. She knew English, so she didn’t experience much of a culture shock. She did, however, miss her parents, which is very usual.

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Title: Part 2 of 4 - America: A Melting Pot of Culture
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Simi K. Rao
with Simi K. Rao (

Growing up in India, Simi had contact with people from several different cultures and religions; there were also several languages spoken, just like in America.The boundaries between countries are artificial,” she says. “We need to just get out there and experience new and wonderful things.”

Dr. Simi Rao says Americans really need to take the time to get to know their neighbors and even the strangers you meet. You never know when you’ll make a friend for life! She also encourages people to ask questions when they meet someone from a different country. Don’t be afraid of offending someone or appearing ignorant. Let them know that you are curious because you truly want to know more about them!

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Title: Part 3 of 4 - America: A Melting Pot of Culture
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Simi K. Rao
with Simi K. Rao (

Discrimination is a very real thing. It’s not just a black/white issue. After 9/11, people became fearful those who are from Middle Eastern descent. Dr. Simi Rao is a Hindi. She says that she has never personally experienced hatred or discrimination due to her religion, but she does recall one instance where she felt judged because of her sex.

In this segment, she also discusses some of her likes and dislike about America. First, being a medical doctor, she loves the cleanliness in America! It’s also not as crowded here as it is in India. She is also a big fan of the freedom women have to walk around alone and drive a car without fear of being attacked or being thrown in jail simply for being a womanalone.

Dr. Rao does miss India, though. She misses the close friendships and the neighbors that would just drop in at any given moment. Here in America, you can’t do that. People expect you to call first and give them ample warning!

Simi discusses some of the differences in the dating world among the various cultures in the next segment. She also talks a little bit about her two books – romance novels!

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Title: Part 4 of 4 - America: A Melting Pot of Culture
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Simi K. Rao
with Simi K. Rao (

Many immigrants who come to America have a major culture shock. Most do not know English, or know very little. Many have not grown up with the same privileges that Americans have. Even the dating world can be an incredible surprise!

There are still many cultures around the world that practice “arranged marriages”. Most Americans just don’t understand how people can still do this! Isn’t it old fashioned? Aren’t arranged marriages just for royalty? Listen in as Dr. Simi Rao explains the process for those of us who don’t know and are curious!

Dr. Simi has written two great romance novels: “Inconvenient Relations”  and “The Accidental Wife”  Click on the links to order a paperback copy or Kindle version of her books!

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December 26, 2014

Title: What Does America's Future Look Like?
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Sean Noble
with American Encore

Is it all over? Can America survive the current mess we are in? Has the President been acting like a dictator? Will the new Congress be able to stop Obama from destroying our country even further?

Sean Noble, the President of American Encore, says that it is so important for people to really understand who they are voting for. Low-information voters are really what is causing the majority of issues we are experiencing in today’s society.

The name “American Encore” is a reflection of their vision. They believe that American can become great again. They believe that our best days lay ahead. Listen in as he explains their mission, what needs to happen in America, and the future of our great nation. Log on to

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May 5, 2014

Title: Takers Outnumber the Makers
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Lowell Ponte
with The Great Withdrawal (

Part 1 of 3

Lowell Ponte is co-author of  The Great Withdrawal,  The Great Debasement,  The Inflation Deception: 6 Ways Government Tricks Us...7 Ways to Stop It! (2011), and Crashing The Dollar: How to Survive a Global Currency Collapse (2010).

Currently, Dr. Lowell Ponte is a columnist at .

Today, Lowell defines the terms makers  and  takers and explains the number of takers compared to the number of makers in America.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Takers Outnumber the Makers
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Lowell Ponte
with The Great Withdrawal (

The middle class has been losing ground for several decades. Now, 86 million private sector workers are sustaining 148 million who receive benefits in the form of food stamps, SSI, welfare, housing, etc.

That means 49 percent of households have someone receiving government assistance.

Listen in as Lowell discusses more figures.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Takers Outnumber the Makers
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Lowell Ponte
with The Great Withdrawal (

No county can survive and thrive when the takers outnumber the makers. America is drawing close to the halfway mark.

The takers say taxes aren’t high enough – they want more, more, more! But the makers – the people paying the taxes – say they are too high!

What is America to do? We will not survive as a free nation much longer if things do not change soon.

Log on to  for more information on Lowell Ponte.

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April 28, 2014

Title: Is America becoming a nation of rootless, digitized wanderers?
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Dr. Wilfred McClay
with Oklahoma University

Part 1 of 2

Dr. Wilfred McClay, is the G.T. and Libby Blankenship Chair in the History of Liberty, and Director of the Center for the History of Liberty, at the University of Oklahoma. Dr. McClay says in order to connect with family and friends, share time and the same space together.

But, can a culture flourish without a firm sense of place? So many people suffer from profound feelings of unrest, uneasiness, concern, worry, anxiety, foreboding, and alarm. Even more people feel a sense of insecurity.

So, how do we connect – really connect – to our home, neighborhood, church, work, political and social clubs?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Dr. Wilfred McClay
with Oklahoma University

Change happens. There is nothing we can do about it. Jobs get transferred. Divorce. Death. Even the simple act of growing up catches us off-guard sometime.

The keys to a happy transition are “communication” and “connection”, according to Dr. Wilfred McClay. With communication, comes connection. We must have connection in our lives in order to thrive.

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Title: This White House Nurtures a Culture of Grievance
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Liz Peek
with Liz Peek (

Part 1 of 3

The focus of the current administration is “reward your friends and punish your enemies”. All they seem to care about is getting re-elected. And by “they”, I mean “they” – the majority of our elected officials. Not all - but most.

President Obama is the first black President and everyone is using this fact to their advantage, especially African-Americans. Listen in as Liz Peek explains.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Liz Peek
with Liz Peek (

So what does “They pulled the race-card” mean, exactly? Are they “racist”? Is it “reverse discrimination”?

Turning the focus on to jobs: Do women as a whole subgroup of wage earners only earn 77% of what men earn? Do minimum wage earners earn less than those who make more than minimum wage?

Liz Peek believes that too many low-skilled workers are chasing too many low-level jobs. Listen in as she explains.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Liz Peek
with Liz Peek (

If the Democrat party really wanted to help the black community they would advocate for marriage, stable families, and for better schools that actually would teach reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Liz Peek can be found at

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November 15, 2012

Title: Does The Republican Party Need A Facelift?
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Sabrina Schaeffer
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Should America limit if not outright ban abortions in America? What percentage of the voter turnout last Tuesday were women? What can the GOP do to regain the trust and vote of American women?

Why do Conservatives need to learn about how to market to and talk to women? What can Conservatives do to show women that "Liberty is no war on women"? What is the goal of the Independent Women's Forum?

The Independent Women's Forum is on a mission to expand the conservative coalition, both by increasing the number of women who understand and value the benefits of limited government, personal liberty, and free markets, and by countering those who seek to ever-expand government in the name of protecting women. IWF is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) research and educational institution. By aggressively seeking earned media, providing easy-to-read, timely publications and commentary, and reaching out to the public, we seek to cultivate support for these important principles and encourage women to join us in working to return the country to limited, Constitutional government.

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February 8, 2012

Title: AMAC Members are Vibrant, Vital & Conservative - Why Aren't the GOP Candidates Listening to These Seniors?
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Dan Weber
with Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Dan Weber answers:

What is AMAC?  Do you believe that the GOP candidates who are still standing are listening to what concerns seniors today?

Why should the GOP candidates listen and heed the words, opinions, and proposals of seniors today?  Also, does the President have the power to change the price of gas?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Dan Weber
with Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) (

How should America fix Social Security? Why have our officials stuck their heads in the sand at the mere mention of this issue?

Pretty soon it will be two workers for every one receiving a social security check - can America sustain its social security system without major changes with that type of work force?

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January 6, 2012

Title: Has American society sunk so low that nothing is considered sacred?
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Dan Weber
with Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) (

Part 1 of 2

If you were the president of an organization that was nearing 1 million members, would you take a chance to aggravate any of them by asking that HBO remove a certain talk show host from TV for using an inappropriate word about Jesus Christ?

How many members DO you have? What is your goal for November 2012?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Dan Weber
with Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC) (

Do you believe other organization that may have been in existence for decades are abusing their responsibility when it comes to fighting for God given rights of seniors in America?

What is an example of such an organization?  Is Social Security bankrupt?

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August 24, 2011

Title: Oh, How America Has Changed!
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Phyllis Schlafly
with Eagle Forum (

Illegitimate births for all American s have risen from 26 percent in 1990 to 41 percent today. Among Hispanics, illegitimacy is 53 percent, among blacks it’s 73 percent, and among whites it has risen to a shocking 29 percent.

When one half of the population of any society is inside the wagon being pulled by the remaining portion that is working and producing, that society will fail. Are we that society?

The debt-deal increased borrowing and increased spending and is set to force up to a 50% cut in defense spending. How can America survive?

Send us your comments.

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January 14, 2011

Title: America In Need Of A Course Change
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Robert Peters
with Morality in Media (

Does the American Entertainment Industry Need Moral Compass? Morality in Media President Robert Peters explains the “Hays Code” which the entertainment industry abandoned in 1968. One pillar of the “Hays Code” was that the motion picture industry would NOT present murders or techniques for murder in a way that would inspire imitation. Also, the ‘Hays Code’ stated that brutal killings are not to be presented in detail. How far has the American Entertainment Industry strayed from the “Hays Code’?

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October 13, 2010

Topic: America Today
Discussed by Dr. Richard Amerling
with Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (

A Best of Segment .....

America today: shoppers continue to shop after trampling a worker to death and online viewers urge a young man to kill himself. What will be next? Guest Mark Lanier is a respected attorney and a great Bible Study leader at Champion Forest Baptist Church. Learn more about Mark’s Bible lessons at

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Topic: America Today
Discussed by Ken Connor
with Center for a Just Society (

A Best of Segment .....

Many believe that America has become too materialistic and self-absorbed. For example – the recent trampling “murder” at the Long Island Wal-Mart on Black Friday. Guest Ken Connor is the author of A Just Society. Log onto  for more.

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July 1, 2009

Topic: America Today
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

America today: shoppers continue to shop after trampling a worker to death and online viewers urge a young man to kill himself. What will be next? Guest Mark Lanier is a respected attorney and a great Bible Study leader at Champion Forest Baptist Church. Learn more about Mark’s Bible lessons at

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January 6, 2009

Topic: America Today
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

America today: shoppers continue to shop after trampling a worker to death and online viewers urge a young man to kill himself. What will be next? Guest Mark Lanier is a respected attorney and a great Bible Study leader at Champion Forest Baptist Church. Learn more about Mark’s Bible lessons at

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December 30, 2008

Topic: America Today
Discussed by Ken Connor
with Center for a Just Society (

Many believe that America has become too materialistic and self-absorbed. For example – the recent trampling “murder” at the Long Island Wal-Mart on Black Friday. Guest Ken Connor is the author of A Just Society. Log onto for more.

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Topic: America Today
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

America today: shoppers continue to shop after trampling a worker to death and online viewers urge a young man to kill himself. What will be next? Guest Mark Lanier is a respected attorney and a great Bible Study leader at Champion Forest Baptist Church. Learn more about Mark’s Bible lessons at

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Topic: America Today
Discussed by Dr. Richard Land
with Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the S.B.C. (

What has happened to Christians on our way to heaven? Have we become blinded to the lies of Satan? Are we so afraid of being “politically incorrect” that we hide in the shadows and do not fight for morals to be restored in America? Guest Dr. Richard Land has been President of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberties Convention since 1988. Log onto for more.

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December 12, 2008

Topic: America Today
Discussed by Ken Connor
with Center for a Just Society (

Many believe that America has become too materialistic and self-absorbed. For example – the recent trampling “murder” at the Long Island Wal-Mart on Black Friday. Guest Ken Connor is the author of A Just Society. Log onto for more.

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Topic: America Today
Discussed by Mark Lanier
with Biblical Literacy (

America today: shoppers continue to shop after trampling a worker to death and online viewers urge a young man to kill himself. What will be next? Guest Mark Lanier is a respected attorney and a great Bible Study leader at Champion Forest Baptist Church. Learn more about Mark’s Bible lessons at

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November 3, 2008

Topic: America Today
Discussed by Dr. Richard Land
with Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the S.B.C. (

What has happened to Christians on our way to heaven? Have we become blinded to the lies of Satan? Are we so afraid of being “politically incorrect” that we hide in the shadows and do not fight for morals to be restored in America? Guest Dr. Richard Land has been President of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberties Convention since 1988. Log onto for more.

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