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November 15, 2012

Title: Does The Republican Party Need A Facelift?
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Sabrina Schaeffer
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Should America limit if not outright ban abortions in America? What percentage of the voter turnout last Tuesday were women? What can the GOP do to regain the trust and vote of American women?

Why do Conservatives need to learn about how to market to and talk to women? What can Conservatives do to show women that "Liberty is no war on women"? What is the goal of the Independent Women's Forum?

The Independent Women's Forum is on a mission to expand the conservative coalition, both by increasing the number of women who understand and value the benefits of limited government, personal liberty, and free markets, and by countering those who seek to ever-expand government in the name of protecting women. IWF is a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) research and educational institution. By aggressively seeking earned media, providing easy-to-read, timely publications and commentary, and reaching out to the public, we seek to cultivate support for these important principles and encourage women to join us in working to return the country to limited, Constitutional government.

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May 11, 2012

Title: A Best of Segment: Which Americans Are Getting Married? Is Marriage Over in America?
Topic: Marriage
Discussed by Sabrina Schaeffer
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Latest census data reveals fewer Americans are getting married. Does this indicate that marriage will become obsolete? But are there strong positive benefits for couples who are married? Do single parents raising children live in poverty longer than married couples who are raising children? Can the trend be reversed? For more visit

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March 21, 2011

Title: Wage Gap: Fact or Fiction?
Topic: Wage Gap: Fact or Fiction
Discussed by Sabrina Schaeffer
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Choices: to exercise or not; to have a k-cup at home at 50-cents per cup or a Starbucks at $4.00 a cup? What about majoring in English-Lit or Anthropology or studying for an MBA or an Engineering Degree or how about a JD – a law degree? We all make choices every day, some easy without a lot of consequences, while others have tremendous tradeoffs. Sabrinal Schaeffer, senior fellow with the Independent Women’s forum joins us discussing the “Wage Gap: Fact of Fiction”. More information can be found at

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March 7, 2011

Title: Yet Another Report on the Status of Women citing Bogus Data
Topic: Status of Women
Discussed by Sabrina Schaeffer
with Independent Women’s Forum (

The White House is trumpeting its newly released report on “Women in America” as the first comprehensive federal report on women since 1963, though much of it seems a reiteration of the National Economic Council’s report from just a few months ago. The new report does detail the gains women have made in education and in the workforce, but repeats misleading statistics about women earning 75 cents of each dollar earned by men. The report does NOT provide the context for how personal choices drive certain statistics. One aspect of the report which should be studied by all teenagers, especially females: women tend to have higher poverty rates. Could babies having babies out of wedlock have anything to do with this fact?

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November 29, 2010

Title: Which Americans Are Getting Married? Is Marriage Over in America?
Topic: Marriage
Discussed by Sabrina Schaeffer
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Latest census data reveals fewer Americans are getting married. Does this indicate that marriage will become obsolete? But are there strong positive benefits for couples who are married? Do single parents raising children live in poverty longer than married couples who are raising children? Can the trend be reversed? For more visit

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October 9, 2009

Topic: Stay-At-Home Moms
Discussed by Sabrina Schaeffer
with Independent Women’s Forum (

A new census report on stay-at-home moms has some very disturbing - and more than likely - incorrect results. What’s wrong with it? Log on to for more information.

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