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June 19, 2014

Title: Putin Wins. America Loses.
Topic: Obama's War on Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Liz Peek
with Liz Peek (

President Obama’s push to restrict coal usage in the United States is a great gift to China and Russia. Energy markets are global and if we substitute natural gas for coal to produce electricity, we will drive coal prices down and gas (and oil) prices higher.

However, the new EPA regulations promoted by Obama will make it cheaper for China to import significant amounts of coal in the years ahead.

What does this mean for America and our relationship with Putin?

Liz Peek is a columnist for Fox News and The Fiscal Times. Listen in as she discusses Obama’s War on Fossil Fuels.

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April 28, 2014

Title: This White House Nurtures a Culture of Grievance
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Liz Peek
with Liz Peek (

Part 1 of 3

The focus of the current administration is “reward your friends and punish your enemies”. All they seem to care about is getting re-elected. And by “they”, I mean “they” – the majority of our elected officials. Not all - but most.

President Obama is the first black President and everyone is using this fact to their advantage, especially African-Americans. Listen in as Liz Peek explains.

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Liz Peek
with Liz Peek (

So what does “They pulled the race-card” mean, exactly? Are they “racist”? Is it “reverse discrimination”?

Turning the focus on to jobs: Do women as a whole subgroup of wage earners only earn 77% of what men earn? Do minimum wage earners earn less than those who make more than minimum wage?

Liz Peek believes that too many low-skilled workers are chasing too many low-level jobs. Listen in as she explains.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Liz Peek
with Liz Peek (

If the Democrat party really wanted to help the black community they would advocate for marriage, stable families, and for better schools that actually would teach reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Liz Peek can be found at

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March 24, 2014

Title: Playing the Trump Card
Topic: Foreign Policy
Discussed by Liz Peek
with Liz Peek (

Putin plays in a different sandbox than what Obama plays in. Putin is a man’s man living in a real world where bad guys have guns and are not afraid to use them. Obama throws baseballs like a sissy and plays with weak boys.

The recent addition of Crimea to Russia is similar to Putin’s takeover of Abkhazia and South Ossetia after Georgia elected a pro-western leader. Many experts believe that Putin wants to rebuild the Soviet Empire and protect himself from revolution.

Liz Peek became a columnist and political analyst after more than two decades on Wall Street. Not only does she contribute her knowledge to The Fiscal Times, she also writes for FoxNews, The New York Sun, and Women on the Web.

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March 5, 2014

Title: A Pen. A Phone. Obama goes it Alone
Topic: Amnesty
Discussed by Liz Peek
with Liz Peek (

Part 1 of 2

Obama has already ordered the Justice Department to stop enforcing the Defense of Marriage Act. Now, he is poised to topple our immigration laws, too.

Young immigrants who are members of United We Dream (UWDare demanding that the president stop deportations of illegals. They recently rallied in Phoenix, marching the streets while chanting, “Obama, Obama, don’t deport my mama!”

Liz Peek is a columnist for  and  She says that immigrants come to America seeking a better life – the American Dream. But what are they finding instead? Listen in as Liz discusses.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Amnesty
Discussed by Liz Peek
with Liz Peek (

Liz Peek continues her frank discussion about the illegal immigration epidemic facing our country. There are no jobs for Americans; why would the illegal immigrants expect anything more?

When they cannot find a job, they look to the almighty government to give them a free (or very, very cheap) home and free food. They demand free college education and free cars. Where does it end?

You can find Liz at

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January 20, 2014

Title: Pot Makes Young Adults Stupider
Topic: Govern By Polls
Discussed by Liz Peek
with Liz Peek (

Part 1 of 2

In poll after poll, the majority of Americans have expressed a desire for ObamaCare to be repealed. Therefore, government should repeal it. The same logic has been used to legalize the sale and use of marijuana.

But, the marijuana of today is NOT the same marijuana of the 1960’s. The THC factor of a 1960’s joint was usually 1%. It might have been as high as 3%. Today, the THC can be as high as 90%.

A 25 year study shows early use of pot leads to lost IQ that is never regained. What America really does NOT need is teenagers and young adults that are ‘stupider’.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Govern By Polls
Discussed by Liz Peek
with Liz Peek (

New York places about a $4.50 cent tax on the sale of a pack of cigarettes. Authorities report that about 61% of the cigarette sales in New York are smuggled in from other states. Legalizing the sale of marijuana will NOT do away with the Mafia, the drug lords, or illegal sales.

Some argue that states could collect sales revenue from the sale of marijuana. If raising sales tax revenue is a valid argument, I dare you to advocate taxing the purchases we all make on the internet. That would go over like a lead balloon.

Legalizing the sale of marijuana is not the solution. For more, log on to

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