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January 11, 2016

Title: New Year. New Ghettos.
Topic: Forced Diversity
Discussed by Lowell Ponte
with The Great Withdrawal (

Obama and his minions – even the Supreme Court of the United States – wants to force you to live next to a food stamp dependent, low-income family. Yes, that’s right! They want to diversify every neighborhood in America, giving everyone the same “opportunity” no matter what their income is. It’s all part of their big plan to make everyone “feel important.”

Lowell Ponte explains how Obama plans to infiltrate the suburbs with Section 8 Housing Projects, which have virtually ruined inner cities. In fact, SCOTUS has already given the Obama administration the right to rezone certain cities and suburbs to allow low-income families to move to “rich neighborhoods”. Furthermore, Washington DC will soon require you to sell your house to a Muslim family because they need more Muslims in your subdivision (or any other ethnicity because they need to show more “diversity”).

We’re not talking about modifying zoning law where none exists,” Lowell clarifies. “The Federal Government now claims the power to impose the zoning law.” Their goal is to redistribute the wealth in your neighborhood to others who have done nothing to earn it. Lowell and other experts even fear that we will soon see the government force white families from their homes for no reason to allow an ethnic family to move in!

If you think this is far off base or just extreme fear-mongering, please get a FREE copy of Lowell Ponte’s book, “We have Seen the Future and it Looks Like Baltimore”, here  or by calling 1.800.630.1494. Simply mention you heard about his book on The What’s UP Radio Show. Read the book and learn the facts for yourself! And spread the word to others. Share think link on Facebook and Twitter. You can also send a link to your email contacts. Just copy and paste the link above.

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November 30, 2015

Title: Baltimore Braces for Trials by Fire
Topic: Baltimore Riots
Discussed by Lowell Ponte
with The Great Withdrawal (

The trial for the first of six police officers indicted in the death of Freddie Gray begins today, November 30. The riots which occurred after Gray’s death were atrocious – 200 police officers were injured, 350 business were damaged, and hundreds of vehicles and other structures were set on fire. Whether the police officers are found guilty or not, new protests are likely to occur, especially if the verdict is not guilty. America should be prepared.

Lowell Ponte, former editor for the Reader’s Digest, has written a new book with Craig R. Smith entitled: “We Have Seen the Future and it Looks Like Baltimore: American Dream vs. Progressive Dream”. In the book, they explore the past, present, and future of Baltimore, Maryland. The city was a great pioneer in the railroad industry and was one of the top two destinations for immigrants seeking the American Dream. Now, Baltimore is known as the “Heroin Capital of the World” and the standard of living is less than half of the entire state of Maryland.

Lowell Ponte believes America has been undergoing an enormous social transformation toward the progressive dream, which is all about collectivism. “You are not identified as a unique creation of God. You are, instead, identified as your racial group, your sexual preference, your religion, your ethnicity. It’s a war against all,” Lowell opines.

Lowell goes on to discuss the massive amount of murders which occur in Baltimore compared to cities with much higher populations, what the future looks like for this city, and what it could mean for all Americans.

Lowell and his co-author would like to give you a FREE copy of “We Have Seen the Future and it Looks Like Baltimore: American Dream vs. Progressive Dream”. Please call 800.630.1494 to get your FREE copy today. For more information about the book, click [here].

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May 5, 2014

Title: Takers Outnumber the Makers
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Lowell Ponte
with The Great Withdrawal (

Part 1 of 3

Lowell Ponte is co-author of  The Great Withdrawal,  The Great Debasement,  The Inflation Deception: 6 Ways Government Tricks Us...7 Ways to Stop It! (2011), and Crashing The Dollar: How to Survive a Global Currency Collapse (2010).

Currently, Dr. Lowell Ponte is a columnist at .

Today, Lowell defines the terms makers  and  takers and explains the number of takers compared to the number of makers in America.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Takers Outnumber the Makers
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Lowell Ponte
with The Great Withdrawal (

The middle class has been losing ground for several decades. Now, 86 million private sector workers are sustaining 148 million who receive benefits in the form of food stamps, SSI, welfare, housing, etc.

That means 49 percent of households have someone receiving government assistance.

Listen in as Lowell discusses more figures.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Takers Outnumber the Makers
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Lowell Ponte
with The Great Withdrawal (

No county can survive and thrive when the takers outnumber the makers. America is drawing close to the halfway mark.

The takers say taxes aren’t high enough – they want more, more, more! But the makers – the people paying the taxes – say they are too high!

What is America to do? We will not survive as a free nation much longer if things do not change soon.

Log on to  for more information on Lowell Ponte.

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March 25, 2014

Title: Crimea's Economic Fallout on US
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Lowell Ponte
with The Great Withdrawal (

Tremors from the earthshaking Russian-US Confrontation over Crimea are now revealing just how vulnerable our banking system and economy are to collapse.

While President Barack Obama was threatening to seize Russia's assets in the US, Russian President Vladimir Putin was way ahead of him. Putin was apparently successfully in withdrawing $105.1 Billion in US Treasury Notes that Russia had deposited with the US Federal Reserve.

This far-away crisis has greatly increased the threat to ordinary savers in the United States and worldwide.

For a free copy of Lowell Ponte’s book, The Great Withdrawal, call (800) 630-1494.

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June 25, 2012

Title: Inflation Deception
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Lowell Ponte
with The Great Withdrawal (

Part 1 of 2

Big government must be stopped. It’s getting out of control. Actually, it’s been out of control for a while now. But wait, there’s hope! Obama’s friends say the new proposed tax will only affect millionaires! Oh, but that’s what they said about the other ones too.

Author Lowell Ponte says most Americans are actually millionaires, but we just don’t know it because of all the money we give to the government! America has turned from a democracy to a “Inflatocracy”: a new form of government of, by, and for inflation; government that deliberately debases its paper money for social engineering, mind manipulation, wealth redistribution, secret taxation, and seizing more power.

Log on to  for more information about Lowell Ponte and Craig R. Smith’s book: “Inflation Deception: 6 Ways Government Tricks Us and 7 Ways to Stop it!

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Lowell Ponte
with The Great Withdrawal (

We are becoming slaves to the government. Do you know how much of your hard-earned money is given to the government? On average, 61% of an individual’s income is “given” to the government! President Nixon once said that anything given above 35% is slavery.

Log on to  for more information about Lowell Ponte and Craig R. Smith’s book: “Inflation Deception: 6 Ways Government Tricks Us and 7 Ways to Stop it!

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April 5, 2012

Title: U.S. Economy Facing Major "Fire or Ice" Threat - Frozen Economy or a Blaze of Inflation!
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Lowell Ponte
with The Great Withdrawal (

Part 1 of 2

The government's "core inflation index" says that price increases are very low. What are some examples of rising prices that this index leaves out?

Speaking of soaring gas prices, you say that government policies have flooded our economy with the monetary equivalent of gasoline. How dangerous is this? If inflation gets out of control, what might hyperinflation be like? To obtain a free copy of The Inflation Deception pick up the phone and call (800) 630-1494!!!

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Economic Crisis
Discussed by Lowell Ponte
with The Great Withdrawal (

Why is the Federal Reserve creating deliberate inflation? If you were chairman of the Federal Reserve, what would you do?

How can we protect our families and savings from these risks? Where can our listeners get some additional information on what we covered today? Is there anything I missed that you would like to share with our listeners? To obtain a free copy of The Inflation Deception, pick up the phone and call (800) 630-1494!!!

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