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August 21, 2015

Title: America: A Melting Pot of Culture
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Simi K. Rao
with Simi K. Rao (

Part 1 of 4

Dr. Simi Rao  was born in India. She immigrated to the United States about fifteen years ago and now lives in Denver, Colorado, working as a physician. She loves America, specifically because of the diverse people from all across the world who live here.

In this first of four segments today with Simi, she discusses why she came to America. She was already a physician in India, but wanted to pursue her post-graduate degree in internal medicine. She chose to live in Ohio with some of her family, including her new husband.

Simi also recalls what she thought of America when she first moved here. She knew English, so she didn’t experience much of a culture shock. She did, however, miss her parents, which is very usual.

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Title: Part 2 of 4 - America: A Melting Pot of Culture
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Simi K. Rao
with Simi K. Rao (

Growing up in India, Simi had contact with people from several different cultures and religions; there were also several languages spoken, just like in America.The boundaries between countries are artificial,” she says. “We need to just get out there and experience new and wonderful things.”

Dr. Simi Rao says Americans really need to take the time to get to know their neighbors and even the strangers you meet. You never know when you’ll make a friend for life! She also encourages people to ask questions when they meet someone from a different country. Don’t be afraid of offending someone or appearing ignorant. Let them know that you are curious because you truly want to know more about them!

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Title: Part 3 of 4 - America: A Melting Pot of Culture
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Simi K. Rao
with Simi K. Rao (

Discrimination is a very real thing. It’s not just a black/white issue. After 9/11, people became fearful those who are from Middle Eastern descent. Dr. Simi Rao is a Hindi. She says that she has never personally experienced hatred or discrimination due to her religion, but she does recall one instance where she felt judged because of her sex.

In this segment, she also discusses some of her likes and dislike about America. First, being a medical doctor, she loves the cleanliness in America! It’s also not as crowded here as it is in India. She is also a big fan of the freedom women have to walk around alone and drive a car without fear of being attacked or being thrown in jail simply for being a womanalone.

Dr. Rao does miss India, though. She misses the close friendships and the neighbors that would just drop in at any given moment. Here in America, you can’t do that. People expect you to call first and give them ample warning!

Simi discusses some of the differences in the dating world among the various cultures in the next segment. She also talks a little bit about her two books – romance novels!

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Title: Part 4 of 4 - America: A Melting Pot of Culture
Topic: America Today
Discussed by Simi K. Rao
with Simi K. Rao (

Many immigrants who come to America have a major culture shock. Most do not know English, or know very little. Many have not grown up with the same privileges that Americans have. Even the dating world can be an incredible surprise!

There are still many cultures around the world that practice “arranged marriages”. Most Americans just don’t understand how people can still do this! Isn’t it old fashioned? Aren’t arranged marriages just for royalty? Listen in as Dr. Simi Rao explains the process for those of us who don’t know and are curious!

Dr. Simi has written two great romance novels: “Inconvenient Relations”  and “The Accidental Wife”  Click on the links to order a paperback copy or Kindle version of her books!

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