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January 18, 2012

Title: Hiring and Firing - Can Churches Decide if They Want to Hire a Homosexual Pastor or Not?
Topic: Elections Matter
Discussed by Professor Bradley Jacob
with Regent University (

Part 1 of 2

Can Churches decide if they want to hire a homosexual pastor or not?

How does this kind of issue make this new Supreme Court decision exciting?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Elections Matter
Discussed by Professor Bradley Jacob
with Regent University (

Were you surprised that the Supreme Court unanimously ruled in favor of a ministerial exception for this Religious Liberty case?

Concerning the Supreme Court, does the Chief Justice in relation to the other Justices, carry that much pull?

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March 8, 2011

Title: 10 million dollar Verdict Reversed by US Supreme Court: Good or Bad?
Topic: Supreme Court Decisions
Discussed by Professor Bradley Jacob
with Regent University (

Mr. Snyder was offended that the Baptist Pastor Fred Phelps and some of his church members protested at the cemetery where he was burying his son.   So Mr. Snyder sued for $10 Million dollars and the jury agreed with him, awarding a $10 million dollar judgment. But the U. S. Supreme Court reversed the award. Why?  Is this good or bad for the American people?  Professor Bradley Jacob, from Regent University, adds clarity to this issue. For more, log onto .

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