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July 25, 2016

Title: Punish the Poor and Elderly
Topic: EPA Rules and Regulations
Discussed by Doug Domenech
with Texas Public Policy Foundation (

In March 2016, the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Doug Domenech published “The EPA’s Clean Power Plan Will Hurt the Poor and Middle Class the Most.   The report compiles data from various studies in order to show the devastating impact of the EPA’s rule on both the cost of energy and on jobs.

The Honorable Doug Domenech is the Director of the Fueling Freedom Project at Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF). Prior to joining TPPF, he served as Secretary of Natural Resources in the Commonwealth of Virginia. As a member of the Governor’s Cabinet Domenech oversaw six state environmental, natural, and historic resource agencies with a staff of over 2,000.

Today, Doug will be discussing the above-mentioned report, detailing its devastation, specifically to low-income and fixed-income households.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party pushed for higher energy prices as the hammer to reduce demand?

When the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party stand on their high horses and shout that they are the defenders of the middle class, senior citizens, and the poor, especially poor Hispanic and black Americans, are they being less than honest?

Doug Domenech points out, however, that the higher energy prices do not just affect electricity bills at home; you have to consider the higher costs of electricity at the daycare center or church, at the grocery store or police station. Who pays for that? You do!

When Obama’s buddies in Congress failed to obtain enough votes to authorize his ‘green agenda’, he then instructed the EPA to go ahead with it, full speed ahead. This didn’t actually work out too well for the President. Listen in as Doug explains.

Without access to affordable, abundant energy, can the poor climb the economic ladder to better health, better housing, and better jobs?

Without access to affordable, abundant energy, will the middle-class in America continue to see more unemployment, stagnant wages, and more of their hard-earned money going to pay energy bills??

If low cost, affordable energy is the way to create jobs and prosperity, who best to guide America: Hillary or Trump?

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