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June 6, 2019

Title: More Taxes for Cleaner Air
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Tom Pyle
with Institute for Energy Research (

Part 1 of 2

Responders to survey questions overwhelming desire cleaner air and water, but once told what it would cost them individually and as a family, the majority of survey responders say NO to paying more for little or no tangible increase in cleaner air and/or water.

Tom Pyle is the President of the Institute for Energy Research (IER). He warns everyone not to be fooled by the “Green New Deal’ rhetoric sure to be spewed from the mouths of Democrat Presidential candidates in the soon-to-be air Presidential Primary debates the end of June.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

With respect to the cost of electricity, what did the latest study reveal when comparing today’s cost with future costs from wind and solar?

Must those in Germany choose between heating and cooling their homes and food and medicine? Are there people dying because of “green policies”?

How does America’s air and water compare to other industrialized countries like China and India?

Has America made giant leaps toward cleaner air and water the past 50 plus years?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - More Taxes for Cleaner Air
Topic: Environmental Issues
Discussed by Tom Pyle
with Institute for Energy Research (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

How would consumer electric rates be affected by increasing total wind and solar energy capacity? LISTEN CLOSE! Are you ready for your electric bill to double or triple???

Tom Pyle says this: “We have been blessed in this country with the most generous supply of natural resources in the world…We have politicians who want to take that away on the altar of climate change. For them, it is not about the environment; it’s a religion.

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March 30, 2017

Title: There’s Nothing Conservative About a Carbon Tax
Topic: Carbon Tax
Discussed by Tom Pyle
with Institute for Energy Research (

Part 1 of 2

Conservatives have long been the voice for limited government, lower taxes, free markets, and individual liberty. However, a small but persistent group of RINO’s are trying to persuade Conservatives to abandon these principles and embrace a national energy tax, or Carbon Tax.

Tom Pyle, with the Institute for Energy Research, urges everyone to pay close attention to this issue because it WILL affect you.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are James Baker and George Shultz lobbying President Trump to impose a Carbon Tax on the use of fossil fuels in America?

How will this affect consumers?

Is the Climate Leadership Council convinced that man’s use of fossil fuels is driving catastrophic, cataclysmic man-caused climate change?

What is the Council’s goal?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - There’s Nothing Conservative About a Carbon Tax
Topic: Carbon Tax
Discussed by Tom Pyle
with Institute for Energy Research (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Would American tax payers be stuck paying the Carbon Tax when we ship to foreign countries AND when we import from foreign countries?

How did Donald Trump react to the Council’s proposal?

Why is the Climate Leadership Council, a group led by James Baker and George Shultz, pushing for a Carbon Tax on the use of fossil fuels in America? Do they stand to make money?

Tom Pyle states: “I think they really just want to hang out at cocktail parties. And the liberals won’t invite them unless they’re Progressive.”

Is America doing just fine without a Carbon Tax?

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February 6, 2017

Title: Judge Neil Gorsuch and the EPA
Topic: Judge Neil Gorsuch
Discussed by Tom Pyle
with Institute for Energy Research (

Will Donald Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch be a friend or foe of the EPA? Tom Pyle, with the Institute for Energy Research, has strong opinions concerning Gorsuch. Listen in as he discusses his nomination.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is it imperative that the next Supreme Court Justice have respect for the separation of powers? Tom Pyle explains why Judge Neil Gorsuch is very supportive of this issue.

What is the Chevron Difference and why is Judge Gorsuch opposed to it? Tom cites a specific example to explain.

Should parents discuss energy and environmental issues with their children?

Should the Senate confirm the nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch?

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February 1, 2017

Title: Keystone and Dakota Pipelines
Topic: Keystone and Dakota Pipelines
Discussed by Tom Pyle
with Institute for Energy Research (

Part 1 of 2

President Trump has signed executive actions to advance the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines and to streamline the permitting process for important energy and infrastructure projects.

Tom Pyle is the President of the American Energy Alliance. They recently issued a statement, commenting that they “look forward to analyzing these particular actions when the White House releases the final text of the orders”.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Cherries from Michigan…Apples from the State of Washington…Pineapples from Hawaii…How did all those products make it to our favorite grocery stores?

Which is safest mode to transport crude oil: truck, train, or pipeline?

When an accident occurs, is more crude oil spilled by train or by pipeline?

Trucks, trains, and pipelines all move products from source areas to consumption areas, allowing consumers a vast array of choices in food and products. Do we really want to go back to using and consuming products made/grown from within a 10-20 mile area from where we live? Is this even feasible in today’s economy?

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Title: Keystone and Dakota Pipelines - Part 2 of 2
Topic: Keystone and Dakota Pipelines
Discussed by Tom Pyle
with Institute for Energy Research (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Is it a proven fact that the more energy a nation consumes, the more successful it is? Not only is a nation more prosperous, the citizens live longer and have better education opportunities (especially for females).

Is cheaper energy better for all economies, specifically those below the poverty level?

Listen in as Tom Pyle explains the economics of the Keystone and Dakota Pipelines.

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November 28, 2016

Title: Obama is Frantic
Topic: Obama is Frantic
Discussed by Tom Pyle
with Institute for Energy Research (

Institute for Energy Research President Thomas Pyle released the following statement in response to the Obama administration’s final methane regulation recently issued by the Bureau of Land Management:

"With the Trump Presidency just months away, President Obama is frantically trying to impose his climate agenda on the American people. The latest example is the final methane regulation issued…by the Bureau of Land Management.”

Listen in as Tom Pyle explains what this could mean for ALL Americans.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are these new regulations harmful for American families?

Should Obama be taking credit for America becoming the top producer of oil and gas in the world?

Are the new 337 pages of regulations environmentally necessary?

Tom Pyle and many others believe that these regulations are not about “saving the environment”, but rather making money. Listen as he explains his opinion.

Are the new regulations economically harmful?

Will the new regulations only apply to Federal land or to private land, as well?

Who pays (financially) for the new regulations?

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August 12, 2016

Title: Fact-Checking Donald Trump
Topic: Donald Trump
Discussed by Tom Pyle
with Institute for Energy Research (

Hillary Clinton can have a medical meltdown and it is not even mentioned on the nightly news. Donald Trump can say something about the Second Amendment and the MSM claims he encouraged gun owners to kill Hillary. This, my friends, is the difference between the right and the left.

Tom Pyle, with American Energy Alliance, is here today to discuss a very important topic: fact-checking the Presidential Candidates on the economy.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Hillary’s camp says: Keep it in the ground. Trump says: Drill baby drill. Which helps Texans the most?

Which is more important: the prairie chicken or  human baby?

Which country better protects the environment: Iraq, Iran, Venezuela, or the United States?

Is America in danger of running out of oil and natural gas?

Is the American economy better off today because oil is selling for about $40 per barrel instead of $100 or $125 per barrel?

Recently, in a major economic speech, Donald Trump said that he would unleash an “energy revolution that would bring vast, new wealth to our country.” What is Trump’s plan and how will it help Texans?

Most Americans have experienced stagnant wages the past seven-plus years. Trump recently stated that “turning the energy industry loose to harness American oil and gas annual wages would increase by more than 30 billion over the next seven years.” Is Trump just blowing smoke?

Click here  for more on this issue.

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March 9, 2016

Title: Stop Work. Now!
Topic: EPA Rules and Regulations
Discussed by Tom Pyle
with Institute for Energy Research (

Tom Pyle is the President of the American Energy Alliance. He is encouraging everyone to stop working now. Yes, that’s right! He wants everyone to just stop working in order to curb an out-of-control EPA. “We’re just following the orders of the Supreme Court!” he declares.

Before Scalia’s death, the SCOTUS Justices reprimanded the EPA concerning a carbon-related regulation the EPA attempted to push on individual states; they wanted utilities to undermine rate-payers. “More states have filed a lawsuit against this particular regulation than any other [one] – ever,” Tom points out. “We should not turn over the control of our electricity to Washington, DC.” Furthermore, Congress never passed a bill allowing the EPA the right to this atrocity! The EPA is just doing it on their own! And President Obama fully approves of their illegal actions.

CO2 is not a pollutant, even though Obama and the environmentalists at the EPA like to shout otherwise. They know it is not a pollutant, but because “they want it to be, it is”. They are wasting billions upon billions of tax-payer dollars trying to shut down coal-fired energy plants, when they know it will do nothing to affect the temperature of our planet! “They are catering to an extreme environmental community,” Tom Pyle believes. “These policies hurt the poorest among us: seniors, people on fixed income, and those just trying to make it in this economy.

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September 23, 2015

Title: Taxpayer Money for Electric Car Charging Stations
Topic: Electric Cars
Discussed by Tom Pyle
with Institute for Energy Research (

In Texas, we like our trucks and SUV’s. Most Texans don’t like those tiny smart cars or other electric cars. If you do, then great! But it was your choice to buy that car, wasn’t it? You were able to choose that smart car over a truck.

But, what if the government forced you to buy a certain car? Tom Pyle is with the American Energy Alliance. They recently conducted a survey examining voter’s response to transportation policy. First, most respondents do not believe that high wage earners should receive a credit for buying an electric vehicle. In fact, the majority believe that the government shouldn’t be involved at all!

Case in point… Some elected officials want all taxpayers to help fund and pay for electric car charging stations. Tom reveals that respondents don’t want to bear the cost. They also do not want a mandate or subsidy regarding what types of vehicles we can buy. “If electric cars made economic sense, they wouldn’t be subsidized,” Tom points out.

Government is already too involved with other aspects of our lives. We need to keep what type of vehicle we drive our own choice and privilege. Check out their website linked above to learn more information.

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