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December 16, 2014

Title: EPA Wants Texas to Follow New York's Example
Topic: EPA Rules and Regulations
Discussed by Dr. Wayne Winegarden
with Pacific Research Institute (

Part 1 of 2

The gas tax in New York is just outrageous! Here in Texas we have it good. Our gas prices keep falling thanks to the lower price of $50 per barrel on oil. In fact, prices are falling all across the country. But that’s not the case in New York due to their 50 cent per gallon tax on gasoline.

Dr. Wayne Winegarden has 20 years of business, economic, and policy experience with an expertise in applying quantitative and macroeconomic analyses to create greater insights on corporate strategy, public policy, and strategic planning. Basically, he helps create solutions to make the world go round with the best possible solution for everyone involved.

Dr. Winegarden also discusses the electric rates in New York compared to the rest of the country. He says it has nothing to do with geography and everything to do with policy: “Energy is vital to prosperity. New York should reform its over-regulated energy market — both to save consumers money and boost economic growth.”

Listen in as Dr. Winegarden explains how technological advances are actually hindering economic growth in many cases and how the EPA is overstepping their authority.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - EPA Wants Texas to Follow New York's Example
Topic: EPA Rules and Regulations
Discussed by Dr. Wayne Winegarden
with Pacific Research Institute (

Dr. Winegarden’s article in the New York Times, “The Empire State’s Ugly War on Energy”, is just common sense. The average American realizes that placing higher taxes and more regulations on cheaper, more reliable fossil fuels is harming the economy. The average American knows that solar and wind energy are less reliable and high in cost.

The government is not stupid. They know exactly what they are doing when they place harsh regulations and policies on the backs of hard-working Americans. They have strategic plans to make them appear better in the long run.

Listen in as Dr. Winegarden explains New York’s strategy and what the state is losing in jobs and economic growth by not utilizing the fracking technique. Also, what can Texans do to ensure that similar regulations from the EPA aren’t implemented in our great state?

You can learn more from Dr. Winegarden and others at

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