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January 22, 2024

Title: Can the State Confiscate Someone’s Property without Compensation?
Topic: Property Rights
Discussed by Jim Burling
with Pacific Legal Foundation (

Jim Burling is the Vice President of Legal Affairs at the Pacific Legal Foundation. Today, Jim discusses a very sad case involving a Texas farmer and his family who were harmed due of the actions of the State of Texas.

Click here for more information about this case, DeVillier v. State of Texas.

Click here for more information about the Pacific Legal Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What did the Texas Department of Transportation do to Richie Devillier’s family and hundreds of other families?

Has the State of Texas admitted to any wrongdoing?

Why is the State of Texas denying just compensation for the farmer and his family?

What does the law state about just compensation in cases like this?

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October 10, 2022

Title: Couple Fighting the EPA. Will They Win?
Topic: EPA Rules and Regulations
Discussed by Jim Burling
with Pacific Legal Foundation (

Will SCOTUS classify the puddle in your backyard that appears during a rainstorm as part of the “Waters of the US” governed by the EPA?

Jim Burling is the Vice President of Legal Affairs with the Pacific Legal Foundation, a national non-profit defending Americans threatened by government overreach and abuse. Today, Jim discusses how the EPA wants to control every square inch of land/water across the United States – even a puddle in your backyard.

Click here to read more on this case and how the decision by SCOTUS could affect you and your family.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has the EPA become the “local building permitting department”?

The Sackett’s purchased a vacant lot in a build-out subdivision approximately 300 feet from a lake. Why has the EPA dug in its heels and told the Sackett’s “You Shall Not Build There”? Jim tells the rest of the story, which is outrageous, by the way!!

Is the Sackett’s land in the middle of nowhere, where one could assume it could be classified as a wetland? HINT: Nope.

Should every property owner and every aspiring property owner be concerned with the wrong ruling in this case?

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