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February 10, 2014

Title: A Government That Governs Least, Governs Best
Topic: Government Interference
Written by Barry Smitherman

Texas is under assault from a liberal regime in Washington, DC that opposes everything our great state stands for. The fat-cats in WDC don’t like our free enterprise, personal freedom, and traditional family values that we cherish here in Texas.

While my opponents agree that we must stand up to the federal government, I am the only candidate for Attorney General with a proven record of doing so. I’ve been on the front lines fighting against Obama’s federal overreach, suing the EPA seven times in order to protect jobs and energy for our families and future generations of Texans. 

To read more click [here!]

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December 13, 2013

Title: Standing up for Texans while Dems Cow-Tow
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Barry Smitherman

Part 1 of 2

Barry Smitherman discusses his lawsuit against the EPA concerning the shut-down of Texas power plants, which would cost Texans job and increase electrical rates.

The rules the EPA proposed were not based on sound science but rather a radical, anti-carbon agenda.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Barry Smitherman

As the number one producer of coal and the number four user of coal, The Cross State Air Pollution case is critically important to Texas and our economy. Obama wants to shut down all coal-fired generating plants.

Barry Smitherman, candidate for Texas Attorney General, vows to fight the EPA on the behalf of all Texas. Learn more about Barry at

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November 25, 2013

Title: Climate Change - Who's Right and Who's Wrong?
Topic: Global Warming OR Climate Change
Discussed by Barry Smitherman

Many people are still under the impression that the earth is under a “climate change” crisis. However, when you look at the facts, the opposite is quite clear.

Barry Smitherman, current Texas Railroad Commission and candidate for Texas Attorney General, gives some interesting facts. In fact, the Supreme Court of the US just recently agreed to hear 5 cases against the EPA and their blatant lies about CO2 emissions – lies that have never been supported by scientists.

CO2 isn’t even a pollutant! The EPA decided to “make” it one!

Listen in as Barry explains how, as Texas Attorney General, he will make changes for everyone.

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August 26, 2013

Title: Smart Meters Are Optional In Texas
Topic: Smart Meters
Discussed by Barry Smitherman

Power Industry wanted to deny citizens nationwide the right to opt-out of having to install a ‘Smart Meter’ on their homes.

Barry Smitherman, former chairman of the Texas PUC, had to wait, but finally lobbied the PUC to allow a customer to opt out of having a smart meter.

Why did Barry Smitherman have to wait one year before voicing his concern?

Listen in.

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August 2, 2013

Title: Smitherman Disagrees with Holder’s Grip On Texas Election
Topic: Supreme Court Ruled In Favor of Texas
Discussed by Barry Smitherman

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled against the Justice Department. Holder wants to ignore their rulings. Barry Smitherman defends Texas against Holder.

Holder announced that the Justice Department will ask a court to require Texas to continue to receive permission from the federal government to change its voting laws.

It is time to tell the Justice Department: “No.” In Texas, the Supreme Court has ruled. That’s it. Let’s move on. Listen in…

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May 17, 2012

Title: What In The World Is A Railroad Commission?
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Barry Smitherman

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Barry Smitherman answers:

Can we push legislation next year to change the name of the railroad commission? What in the world does the railroad commission actually do?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Barry Smitherman

Has it been proven that there is at least one frac job somewhere in America that caused potable water contamination? Does fracking cause earthquakes?

Talk to our listeners about the importance of this race and why you are the most qualified candidate!

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