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February 13, 2015

Title: America Needs a New Energy Policy
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Louis Finkel
with American Petroleum Institute

Part 1 of 2

Did Obama’s administration encourage oil and gas exploration in America? Or are lower gas prices in spite of Obama and his minions? Millions of Americans are enjoying the lower gas prices, but at what cost?

Louis Finkel is the Executive Vice President for Government Affairs with the American Petroleum Institute. He is responsible for integrating API’s advocacy resources – federal affairs, state affairs, mobilization, and communications. He explains that for every penny gasoline goes down, it puts another BILLION dollars into the pockets of American consumers. This is all well and good, but thousands of oil and gas employees are waiting on pins and needles to see if they have a job when they go to work tomorrow. Those who are responsible for drilling the wells are worried they’re going to lose it all, just like the oil crash in the 80’s.

Louis believes that what America needs right now more than anything is better policies. In Texas alone, up to 62,000 new jobs could be created if Obama would just pass good policies! Listen in as he explains his point of view and why it is so important for the administration to begin drilling on federal land, not just the private sector. 

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - America Needs a New Energy Policy
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Louis Finkel
with American Petroleum Institute

America is now the leading oil and gas producer in the world, but it really has nothing to do with Obama. His policies are putting a stop to new drilling at every turn, resulting in a massive decrease in oil and gas production on federal land, while privately-owned land production is thriving.

America’s job, economic, and military security all center around the energy industry. It is time Obama and his cronies realize this and start making up for lost time by opening the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic. Louis Finkel explains why Obama is stalling, which is really quite shocking when you think about it.

Louis also believes that when America is allowed to export oil to other countries in the world, our status in the global market will sky rocket. We are not depending on others as much anymore; we have our own. Let’s get drilling, Mr. President! Click [here]  for more on the oil and gas industry.  

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February 10, 2014

Title: Dr. Jekyll Meets Mr. Hyde
Topic: Keystone XL
Discussed by Cindy Schild
with American Petroleum Institute

The latest State Department Report concludes that there would not be a big environmental impact from Keystone XL Pipeline if it were to be built but stresses the project might not meet President Obama’s broader climate strategy.

Wait a minute. Is this another case of a dictatorship – not a republic governed by laws?

After five years, five federal reviews, dozens of public meetings, and over a million comments, Cindy Schild has some conclusions about the Keystone Project. Listen in as she shares her insight.

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July 7, 2010

Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Denise McCourt
with American Petroleum Institute

Denise McCourt is the Industry Relations Director for the American Petroleum Institute, which represents nearly 400 member companies in the US. She discusses why Congress will not allow US oil companies to drill in the most promising areas for oil and gas exploration and who owns the majority of stocks. Log onto for more information.

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September 30, 2008

Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Denise McCourt
with American Petroleum Institute

Denise McCourt is the Industry Relations Director for the American Petroleum Institute, which represents nearly 400 member companies in the US. She discusses why Congress will not allow US oil companies to drill in the most promising areas for oil and gas exploration and who owns the majority of stocks. Log onto for more information.

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