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June 12, 2015

Title: Is the Oil Industry Dead?
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Mark P. Mills
with Manhattan Institute (

Part 1 of 2

The last time we had an excess of oil in reserves was 1986. There are now 2 billion more people on the earth consuming more oil than ever before. 30 million more barrels daily, to be exact. The world’s population will not stop expanding. People will not stop needing to cook and heat and cool their homes and businesses. Therefore, we must continue to produce and provide oil and gas to the world. But how?

Mark Mills is senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute. Mark served in the White House Science Office under President Reagan. He holds several patents from his work in microprocessors, fiber optics, missile guidance, and nuclear energy. Mark is here to discuss the oil industry’s transition for Shale oil 1.0 to Shale 2.0. He does not believe the oil industry is dead or dying. In fact, Mark says the demand will only increase.

Businesses get lazy when the profits come easy, and that’s what is going on now,” Mark explains about the current slump. He also discusses how technology has affected the oil industry – both positively and negatively. Tune in to the next segment with Mark as he examines the government’s role.

NOTE: Mark’s report on this topic can be found [here].

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Is the Oil Industry Dead?
Topic: Oil & Gas
Discussed by Mark P. Mills
with Manhattan Institute (

In the beginning of this segment, host Terry Lowry relives the glory days from his time in the oil and gas industry. He tells a lively story about spending money!! Listen in…

Companies do not just go spend money like they used to. They still need new, young faces to join their teams, though! Mark Mills explains how technician and trade jobs are most needed. Hundreds of thousands of people are retiring; these are high-paying jobs that are in high demand.

Beware of government interference, though! Obama and his minions are blocking the exportation of oil every chance they can. “Laws from a century ago need to be changed and reflect modern time,” Mark says. Furthermore, lies about fracking are crippling the production growth of oil and gas. The EPA has even admitted they lied! Time to step up the game, folks. We need new policies. Period.

The Federal Government currently owns over half of the undeveloped land in America, most of which can be used for oil and gas production, boosting our economy even further. But, no! Obama won’t allow it. The Dems won’t allow it. The environmentalists won’t allow it because a dung beetle in the middle of a muddy swamp might be disturbed. Oh, the horror.

NOTE: Mark’s report on this topic can be found [here].

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September 16, 2014

Title: Anthropogenic Global Warming
Topic: Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Mark P. Mills
with Manhattan Institute (

Part 1 of 2

Anthropogenic is just a fancy way of saying “man-caused”. Man, these people at the EPA really do have the best words-smiths at their beck and call.

Everybody loves polar bears, especially the adorable baby one in the Coca-Cola commercials at Christmastime. According to the EPA and the global warming alarmists, soon that baby will be all alone without a mama and daddy because we killed them with our hot air.

Al Gore, we have news for you. The arctic ice coverage is up 68% - not completely gone as you predicted and the polar bear population has increased, as well. Uh-oh! Somebody has some explaining to do! The problem is that he won’t backpedal at all. He won’t apologize. None of the environmentalists see anything wrong with what they are feeding low information voters.

Their goal is to convince as many people as possible that we are bad, bad humans and fossil fuels will kill us all within a hundred years so we must stop using them completely.

Listen in as Mark P. Mills, a presenter during the “At the Crossroads: Energy and Climate Policy Summit”, exposes their lies.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Fracking is Good for our Nation's Future
Topic: Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Mark P. Mills
with Manhattan Institute (

Mark P. Mills will be the keynote speaker on Friday morning, September 26 with the “At the Crossroads: Energy and Climate Policy Summit”. In this segment, he gives a little background about hydraulic fracturing and why it has become such an amazing asset during the last thirty years. America is set to become the world’s number one producer of natural gas over the next few years, and we owe a big part of that success to fracking.

One of the biggest rumors around fracking is that is causes contamination to the water supply. Well, according to the EPA, there is not one single shred of evidence concerning polluted water supplies. Their own research disputes their very claim!

Listen in as Mark gives a preview of the keynote address he will be giving for the “At the Crossroads: Energy and Climate Policy Summit” on September 25 and 26 in Houston.

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