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July 21, 2017

Title: Are New Gun Laws on the Horizon?
Topic: Gun Laws
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

Larry Pratt, the Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, discusses what could be on the horizon for gun control laws in America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Proposed Bill: Gun carry permits could essentially be treated the same as your driver’s license.

After most mass killings involving the use of guns, do gun control advocates go ballistic demanding stricter gun ownership laws?

In the weeks following the June 14 shooting in the WDC area of Republicans, what has been the reaction of Conservative lawmakers?

Should lawmakers be permitted to carry a gun everywhere, even in their Capitol office?

Is there concrete evidence that here is less crime committed in states that allow concealed carry?

Are those who do have carry permits committing crimes using their weapons?

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June 13, 2017

Title: What’s UP With London and Guns?
Topic: Gun Laws
Discussed by Erich Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

Did gun control contribute to deaths and injuries in the recent London rampage? Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, Erich Pratt, believes this is absolutely true. Today, Erich will be discussing research information which supports his opinion.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Would armed citizens in London have taken down the suspects quicker with less loss of life and injury if they had been permitted to open-carry?

Why were the police on the scene unarmed?

FACT: 86% of American police officers believe armed citizens are needed to stop or prevent mass shootings.

Are there statistics concerning the use of firearms in self-defense in America?

Are there examples in the US where those attacked by terrorists responded by using weapons, in turn saving lives? Erich Pratt tells a story of a specific incident that saved many lives – in a gun free zone!

When confronted by armed criminals, do victims suffer less injuries when he/she is armed with a gun?

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June 1, 2017

Title: Should We All Buy Guns?
Topic: Now: Armed Protection Needed
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

The U.S. House's Sergeant-at-Arms is seeking at least $2 million to increase security at Congress members' offices in their home districts. This is in response to the increase of death threats against Members’. What a sad, scary world we live in…

Larry Pratt has been the Executive Director of Gun Owners of America for over thirty years. Listen in as he discusses this very serious issue.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What happened to trigger this insanity? Larry Pratt believes it is a loss of civility – temper tantrums, if you will.

Have we really reached the point that Elected Officials need armed protection?

Should we all begin carrying guns now?

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May 19, 2017

Title: Gun Buying Habits of Americans
Topic: Gun Control
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

Larry Pratt has been the Executive Director of Gun Owners of America for over thirty years. Larry will be discussing several issues surrounding guns and gun sales today.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why do gun sales increase after mass shootings?

Do gun sales increase only in the county where the shooting occurred or is there an increase across the country?

Should gun owners be required to take a gun safety course?

Do many first-time gun buyers participate in gun safety training programs voluntarily?

Sign up for FREE email updates from Gun Owners of America.

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March 7, 2017

Title: Concealed Carry Reciprocity Bill Introduced into Senate
Topic: Gun Rights
Discussed by Michael Hammond
with Gun Owners of America (

What is reciprocity? Should the Federal Government allow reciprocity for concealed handguns?

Michael Hammond is the former Executive Director of the Senate Steering Committee and was often called the "101st Senator" when he worked on Capitol Hill. Today, Michael serves as the Legislative Counsel of Gun Owners of America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Michael Hammond begins the segment by sharing a real-life story about a woman who innocently and accidentally found herself on the wrong side of the law, facing two decades in prison, simply for making a wrong turn into New Jersey with a gun in her car.

What is SB446, introduced by Texas Senator John Cornyn?

Do laws preventing concealed handgun owners from crossing state lines really stop people from committing crimes? Or is this just another lie from the left?

Click here for FREE emails from Gun Owners of America.

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January 27, 2017

Title: What’s UP For Gun Owners?
Topic: Second Amendment
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

What are Donald Trump’s plans for the Second Amendment? Larry Pratt has been the Executive Director for Gun Owners of America for over thirty years. Listen in as he offers his expert opinion on several concerns surrounding gun ownership in America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has Donald Trump been quoted saying he will enforce all the current gun laws on the books? Larry cites some specific quotes from Trump and how they’ve been possibly misinterpreted...

Are background checks really affective?

Isn’t America safer with criminals in jail? (This is a trick question…) Is there a direct correlation between the sudden release of criminals with a new crime wave?

Should conceal carry laws be stretched across state laws? Larry discusses Article IV of the Constitution which addresses this issue…

How far should we compromise?

Does Larry Pratt think Donald Trump is a friend of the Second Amendment?

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December 5, 2016

Title: Are Gun-Free Zones the Answer?
Topic: Gun Control
Discussed by Michael Hammond
with Gun Owners of America (

The Ohio State attacker had free reign to attack anyone he wanted at Ohio State since that university is a gun-free zone. The Somali-born student injured 11 people, one of them critically, when he attacked a crowd of pedestrians on campus in an incident one lawmaker said "bears all the hallmarks of a terror attack." What was his weapon of choice? A knife.

Michael Hammond is Legislative Council for Gun Owners of America. He is here today to discuss this incident and offers helpful information.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are officials (through the MSM) refusing to admit this specific attack was terrorist-related?

Thank goodness an alarm went off for an un-related incident in the “gun-free zone”, because a campus police officer was on scene and stopped the attacker within one minute. Michael Hammond elaborates on the MSM original story and what really happened.

Did you hear the story of the young woman who reported that three military-trained students barricaded themselves in front of their classroom door – it is amazing!

If companies like McDonalds and Nike can use social media to determine where I shop, eat, and travel, why can’t the FBI use the same information to target terrorists?

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June 14, 2016

Title: No More Grandpa’s Guns
Topic: Gun Rights
Discussed by Erich Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

PLEASE NOTE: The following interview was recorded BEFORE the deadly Sunday morning massacre in Orlando, FL. The following interview is NOT related to this event. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims and their families who have been affected by this tragedy. May God bring them peace and comfort during this difficult time. May He hold them in His arms and cover them with His grace and mercy.

One promise Obama made before taking office was for stricter gun control. Thankfully, this is one promise that has not been fulfilled. However, he is now attempting to ban senior citizens from owning firearms.

Erich Pratt is the Director of Communications for Gun Owners of America. He is here today to discuss the seriousness of this issue. If you think it won’t happen, just look at the last seven years of Obama’s Presidency…

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is Obama’s “back door” plan to take guns away from senior citizens?

How many Military Vets have had their guns taken away from them and why?

Is this just a mental health issue? Hint: NO!

Erich Pratt reveals just a few of the recent incidences where senior adults have thwarted crimes because they had a gun. Listen in!

What is Obama’s ultimate goal? How does he plan to take away all the guns? “The gun ban affects everybody,” Erich Pratt says. Click here  for more information on this important freedom issue.

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January 22, 2016

Title: Gun Rights will be No More
Topic: Gun Control
Discussed by Michael Hammond
with Gun Owners of America (

Michael Hammond is Legislative Counsel for Gun Owners of America. He is here today to discuss Loretta Lynch’s testimony concerning the Justice Department’s role in implementing executive actions on gun control. After hearing Loretta’s testimony, Michael believes that Obama has no intention of allowing any type of debate concerning gun control. He is simply going to “wave his hand, declare himself king, and say this is what the law is.” Obama wants to make it illegal to collect guns or even be a gun hobbyist. He also wants to make these “crimes” punishable by up to five years in prison!

You will basically need to have a dealer’s license to buy or sell guns in America,” Michael continues. But guess what? The Obama administration isn’t giving dealer’s licenses to anyone who doesn’t own a brick-and-mortar store! To make matters worse, Loretta Lynch isn’t revealing what the guidelines even are. So, basically, every individual person who own more than a few guns could potentially find themselves in jail. Michael Hammond also reveals that the “no court cases were cited” in order to implement these so-called guidelines.

Gun Owners of America wants Loretta Lynch and the Obama administration to, at bare minimum, “reverse all of Obama’s executive actions “. Is this too much to hope for? After all, Obama has to sign the paper to erase his legacy!

Michael also briefly discusses the differences between executive “actions” and executive “order”. You can learn more about your rights as a gun owner here.

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January 7, 2016

Title: Analyzing the President’s Gun Speech
Topic: Gun Control
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

What is the answer to the ever-increasing problem of gun violence in America? The President seems to think the problem can be solved by taking guns away from honest, hard-working American citizens who are simply wanting to protect their family or hunt for food. Many Conservatives in Congress are shouting “Don’t worry! We won’t let him take your guns!” But do they really have the guts to stand up to Obama and his leftist, gun-hating friends?

Larry Pratt says, “They know what they should do, but they are not likely to do it.” Just look what they did with Obamacare! They haven’t done anything about that issue, so why should we expect a different outcome now? Larry brings up Eric Cantor and refreshes our memory about what happened to him!

Larry also breaks down Obama’s wishes for new gun laws and regulations, which he outlined in his speech on Tuesday, January 5th. What Obama wants to do not only borders on tyranny, but is just plain foolish and absurd, especially when it involves senior citizens gun rights. Additionally, his proposals will do absolutely nothing to deter criminals from obtaining guns – whether legally or illegally at a gun show or a gun shop.

Long story short, Larry Pratt says, “Government can’t be trusted. They break their word. They get information and they abuse it.” If you have questions regarding Obama’s new proposed gun regulations, please contact Gun Owners of America  at (888) 886-GUNS.

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October 5, 2015

Title: It’s a Heart Problem, Not a Gun Problem
Topic: Mass Killings and Shootings in America
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

Part 1 of 2

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Since 1950, only two mass shootings were not in gun-free zones. Maybe it’s time we rid the nation of gun-free zones! Let’s take a look at other countries around the world. Australia confiscated all the semi-automatic weapons from its citizens. During the following year, they experienced a dramatic rise in armed robbery crimes. How does this happen if the criminals don’t have guns? They do! It’s the average citizen trying to protect their home and family that doesn’t have a weapon!

Larry Pratt, the Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, also discusses a mass shooting in Norway where “one dirt bag murdered over 90 people. No good guy had a gun to help!” The same situation occurred on Thursday, October 1, 2015, because the college campus in Oregon was a gun-free zone! A lone, brave ex-serviceman charged the shooter and was shot five times. But how many people could have been saved if he had been allowed to carry a weapon on campus? We will never know.

There was another shooter in Oregon a few years ago who tried to commit mass murder. Thankfully, a man actually committed a crime in order to stop him! Listen in as Larry describes this situation and how lives were saved – by a criminal!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - It’s a Heart Problem, Not a Gun Problem
Topic: Mass Killings and Shootings in America
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Every community where citizens are allowed to openly carry a weapon experiences a much lower crime rate. It’s a proven fact. Larry also reveals that, as the number of honest gun owners increases, the murder rate decreases. However, in cities like Chicago and New York City, which do not allow its citizens to own legal handguns (much less openly carry them), the murder rate increases! Most of the crime in our country actually comes from these cities (and Washington, DC).

Removing guns from law-abiding citizens does nothing to stop criminals from obtaining them. Larry Pratt says, “The whole country would start to resemble Chicago.” So why do so many Americans believe the lies about the crime rates in gun-free cities? Listen in as Larry discusses the low-information voter.

Now, more than ever, it is so important for Christians to bow down and worship our Heavenly Father. Yes, even over gun control. Most people don’t buy a gun with the intent of purposefully killing someone. As mothers and fathers, however, we must protect our families. We cannot do that when the very right is literally taken from us. There will always be bad people in this world. We must take a proactive approach to this issue instead of throwing it under the bus.

Larry Pratt has one solution: make the punishment fit the crime. When a criminal commits a crime with a gun, why do we send them to jail to enjoy three meals a day, work-out equipment, and a roof over their head for 5, 10, or 30 years? He says, “Use the Biblical notion: Justice delayed is justice denied. If someone is convicted of murder… walk them down the hall and pull the switch.

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August 28, 2015

Title: NO Epidemic of Mass Public Shootings
Topic: Mass Killings and Shootings in America
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

Part 1 of 2

Larry Pratt has been Executive Director of Gun Owners of America for 30 years. GOA is a national membership organization of 300,000 Americans, dedicated to promoting their second amendment freedom to keep and bear arms.


A Congressional Research Services (CRS) study released on July 30 is devoid of evidence to back gun control groups’ claims of an “epidemic” of “mass public shootings.”

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - NO Epidemic of Mass Public Shootings
Topic: Mass Killings and Shootings in America
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

What is a common denominator in mass shootings and mass public shootings? The overwhelming evidence points to the signal largest common factor in all of these incidents is the fact that all of the perpetrators were either actively taking powerful psychotropic drugs or had been at some point in the immediate past before they committed their crimes.

Multiple credible scientific studies going back more than a decade, as well as internal documents from certain pharmaceutical companies that suppressed the information show that SSRI drugs (Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors ) have well known, but unreported side effects, including but not limited to suicide and other violent behavior.

In fact, counter to claims of “207 mass shootings” in the first 207 days of 2015–a claim CNN’s Fareed Zakaria suggested is “almost literally true“–the CRS study shows an average of “21 mass shootings” annually in the US during the time period of 1999-2013.

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May 15, 2015

Title: The Difference Between Garland and Paris
Topic: Gun Rights
Discussed by Erich Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

When armed terrorists attacked Charlie Hebdo headquarters over Muhammad cartoons on January 7, unarmed police officers were forced to flee for their lives. When armed men attacked people gathered in Garland, Texas, over Prophet Muhammad cartoons on May 3, armed police cut them down.

FACT: The Garland attack lasted 15 seconds. The Paris attack lasted 48 hours. The difference between Garland and Paris can be summed up in one word: guns. There was tragic loss of life in both situations. However, if it hadn’t been for the armed police officers in Garland, Texas, many more would have perished. Erich Pratt, with Gun Owners of America, explains how and why the outcome of the two attacks were so different.

There have been quite a few mass shootings or attempted mass shootings in recent years. The FBI is now admitting that there are ISIS groups in America but they do not know where they are. In response, some believe that police departments should be equipped with armored vehicles. But what is Erich’s opinion?

You can learn more about gun rights [here].

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April 21, 2015

Title: Concealed Carriers aren't the Problem
Topic: Gun Rights
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

In Texas, concealed carry permit handgun owners commit crimes at roughly the same rate as police officers: 0.18%. Total. This includes violent crimes. So what’s all the fuss about? Why not allow open carry in Texas? The FBI Director was recently asked about the crimes committed by people who are legally carrying a handgun. Larry Pratt is the Executive Director of Gun Owners of America. He reveals the response by the FBI director.

Larry also explains the difference between concealed handgun owners and criminals carrying guns. Gun control advocates are totally fixated on those who legally own guns and ignore the real problem: armed criminals. The facts don’t lie. States with concealed carry laws have less crime than those with strict gun laws. But this is not the MSM believes….

Also discussed in the interview with Larry Pratt are the staggering statistics surrounding the increasing number of deaths caused by drunk driving in America. Listen in to hear those numbers! Although every death is tragic, maybe we should be less focused on gun deaths and more focused on drunk driving deaths. “There is a definite correlation with those who drink and commit crimes. They have no regard for human life,” Larry Pratt believes.

Click [here] for more information about concealed handgun laws and gun rights.

Quote of the Interview (concerning accidental deaths and discharges of weapons): “Americans are really not the doofuses that the elite thinks that they are.” – Larry Pratt, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America

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Title: Don't Touch my Guns!
Topic: Gun Rights
Discussed by Mike Hammond
with Gun Owners of America (

Family values are a good thing! Right? Well, maybe not! Walmart says it is upholding family values, but a church in New York City is mad about it! Mike Hammond is part of the Legislative Council team for Gun Owners of America. He is here today to discuss the issue this church has with Walmart selling guns in their stores. FYI: Walmart is the biggest gun retailer in the country.

Mike Hammond explains how this church on Wall Street believes it can bully Walmart around because it owns 3,500 shares of the company. Even if a liberal judge rules in favor of this “church” (listen in as Mike explains why it can hardly be called a church), the total number of outstanding shares in Walmart is 3.23 Billions shares. How many shares are owned by the Walton family, though? Take a guess!

Listen in as Mike Hammond explains more about this lawsuit. What does corporate law state concerning the issue? Do the Board of Directors have a say in the matter or is it up to the liberal judge?

Listen in to the last part of this segment with Mike Hammond as he and Terry debate/discuss the church’s role in politics. It gets pretty heated!

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June 24, 2013

Title: Zimmerman Now On Trial
Topic: Zimmerman Now On Trial
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

Part 1 of 2

When the police arrived on the scene, Zimmerman told them that Martin attacked him and that he shot Martin in self-defense.

Zimmerman was bleeding from the nose and from two vertical lacerations on the back of his head. After being treated he was taken to the police station, questioned for approximately five hours, and then released without being charged.

Protests erupted and the news media lynched Zimmerman in the public arena. Now the criminal trial has begun.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Zimmerman Now On Trial
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

Larry Pratt, the Executive Director of “Gun Owners of America”, discusses Florida’s ‘Stand Your Ground Law’.

Do you have the right to defend yourself with deadly force?

Low Information Voter’s might have the tendency to listen to the jokes that might be said about Zimmerman and/or Martin and form their opinion. Callers will be spouting their opinion on talk shows nationwide.

What information from what sources will you use when forming your opinion on Zimmerman’s guilt or innocence?

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January 14, 2013

Title: Will RINO’s be the Death of the 2nd Amendment?
Topic: Second Amendment
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

A gun ban is coming. But how many guns and what types?

Will Obama use executive orders and remove the Second Amendment from the Constitution? Larry Pratt is the Executive Director of Gun Owners of America. Today he discusses the importance of keeping a watchful eye on RINO’s in DC.

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July 25, 2012

Title: 14 Dead After Truck Crashes In Texas --- Where Is Obama?
Topic: Illegal Aliens
Discussed by Mike Hammond
with Gun Owners of America (

Part 1 of 2

Should we outlaw trees in Texas?

Should we outlaw trucks in Texas?

Should we outlaw drivers?

Will Obama meets with the surviving family members of the 14 people that died?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Illegal Aliens
Discussed by Mike Hammond
with Gun Owners of America (

Was it Gods wish and timing for the 14 of these people to die in a senseless truck accident in Texas?

Was it Gods wish and timing for the 13 people in Aurora, Colorado to be slaughtered that fateful night?

Are our second amendment rights now being threatened?

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June 19, 2012

Title: Gun Owners of America Sue the ATF. But why?
Topic: Seventh Amendment
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Larry Pratt answers:

What is Operation Fast and Furious? And why are Gun Owners of America suing the ATF over it?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Seventh Amendment
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

If the Gun Owners of America are successful in suing the ATF, how will this affect the future?

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February 2, 2012

Title: Fast and Furious May Reach a Tipping Point on February 2nd!
Topic: Fast and Furious Project Gunrunner
Discussed by Mike Hammond
with Gun Owners of America (

Part 1 of 2

What was Fast and Furious, and can you bring us up to date?

What conceivably would be the reason for this? Were U.S officials trying to track the guns up the food chain?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Fast and Furious Project Gunrunner
Discussed by Mike Hammond
with Gun Owners of America (

Bring us up to date on the hearings, those that have pleaded the Fifth Amendment.

Why should Americans be watching what the Obama Administration is doing with Fast and Furious?

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January 18, 2012

Title: If You Pack, Beware of a Possible Pick-Pocket – Mitt Romney?
Topic: Gun Control
Discussed by Mike Hammond
with Gun Owners of America (

Part 1 of 2

Is Mitt Romney a gun hater? For those who have guns, does he want to snatch them away?

How many of the presidential candidates have returned the survey that your organization has sent them?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Gun Control
Discussed by Mike Hammond
with Gun Owners of America (

How many surveys have you sent to Mitt Romney concerning his position on gun ownership, and how many has he returned completed?

Is it safe to say that the modern democrats, from Clinton to Obama, were not gun friendly?

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September 23, 2011

Title: Did the ATF Tell Gun Shop Owners To Sell Guns To Crooks?
Topic: Fast and Furious Project Gunrunner
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

Did the ATF tell gun shop owners to sell guns to crooks that were used to kill Americans?

Who knew what and when: are the flames getting higher and hotter within the Obama Administration? Why is the MSM – the main stream media – basically ignoring this issue?

Up to this point in time - the Justice Department has held no one accountable for authorizing this operation. But the real question is why did the Obama Administration, through the ATF, want to sell guns to known crooks who would use them? Do the ends justify the means? This is a great interview, please listen in and then send us your comments via the comment tab on the home site.

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July 13, 2011

Title: Did The Fast and Furious Gunrunner Project Make You Feel Safer?
Topic: Fast and Furious Project Gunrunner
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

The Fast and Furious and Project Gunrunner scandal continues to grow while increasingly leading investigators to the highest levels of the Justice Department. Will the Buck stop on the President’s Desk? Did something very criminal take place?

Larry Pratt answers:
1. What was the purpose of Fast and Furious and Project Gunrunner?
2. What actually happened?
3. Who’s to blame?
4. What now?

Find them online at

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March 23, 2010

Topic: National Biometric ID Card
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

A new ID Card is at the center of the new immigration plan. But this isn’t just for immigrants - it’s for everyone! Lawmakers will tell you that the ID Card is better because it will prevent illegals from working in the Us, but that’s just a cover-up. Log on to for more on this and other issues affecting you, your family, and America.

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December 18, 2009

Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

The Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, Larry Pratt, is dead-set against Obama Care. Why? Log on to to learn more.

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Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

Without “clean up”, Obama Care would not pass. What is “clean up”?

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November 6, 2009

Topic: Gun Control
Discussed by Erich Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

Did the November 3rd election speak volumes to Obama? Does he care? Or is he just acting like he doesn’t care? Erich Pratt is the Director of Communications for the Gun Owners of America. Log on to for more information.

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April 4, 2007

Topic: Sudden Jihad Syndrome
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

Larry Pratt compiled a list of murders and attempted murders carried out by Muslims acting on what the founder of Islam taught them. Here. In America. What should we do? Log onto for more.

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March 16, 2007

Topic: Sudden Jihad Syndrome
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

Larry Pratt compiled a list of murders and attempted murders carried out by Muslims acting on what the founder of Islam taught them. Here. In America. What should we do? Log onto for more.

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