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June 24, 2013

Title: Zimmerman Now On Trial
Topic: Zimmerman Now On Trial
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

Part 1 of 2

When the police arrived on the scene, Zimmerman told them that Martin attacked him and that he shot Martin in self-defense.

Zimmerman was bleeding from the nose and from two vertical lacerations on the back of his head. After being treated he was taken to the police station, questioned for approximately five hours, and then released without being charged.

Protests erupted and the news media lynched Zimmerman in the public arena. Now the criminal trial has begun.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Zimmerman Now On Trial
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

Larry Pratt, the Executive Director of “Gun Owners of America”, discusses Florida’s ‘Stand Your Ground Law’.

Do you have the right to defend yourself with deadly force?

Low Information Voter’s might have the tendency to listen to the jokes that might be said about Zimmerman and/or Martin and form their opinion. Callers will be spouting their opinion on talk shows nationwide.

What information from what sources will you use when forming your opinion on Zimmerman’s guilt or innocence?

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