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April 21, 2015

Title: Don't Touch my Guns!
Topic: Gun Rights
Discussed by Mike Hammond
with Gun Owners of America (

Family values are a good thing! Right? Well, maybe not! Walmart says it is upholding family values, but a church in New York City is mad about it! Mike Hammond is part of the Legislative Council team for Gun Owners of America. He is here today to discuss the issue this church has with Walmart selling guns in their stores. FYI: Walmart is the biggest gun retailer in the country.

Mike Hammond explains how this church on Wall Street believes it can bully Walmart around because it owns 3,500 shares of the company. Even if a liberal judge rules in favor of this “church” (listen in as Mike explains why it can hardly be called a church), the total number of outstanding shares in Walmart is 3.23 Billions shares. How many shares are owned by the Walton family, though? Take a guess!

Listen in as Mike Hammond explains more about this lawsuit. What does corporate law state concerning the issue? Do the Board of Directors have a say in the matter or is it up to the liberal judge?

Listen in to the last part of this segment with Mike Hammond as he and Terry debate/discuss the church’s role in politics. It gets pretty heated!

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July 25, 2012

Title: 14 Dead After Truck Crashes In Texas --- Where Is Obama?
Topic: Illegal Aliens
Discussed by Mike Hammond
with Gun Owners of America (

Part 1 of 2

Should we outlaw trees in Texas?

Should we outlaw trucks in Texas?

Should we outlaw drivers?

Will Obama meets with the surviving family members of the 14 people that died?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Illegal Aliens
Discussed by Mike Hammond
with Gun Owners of America (

Was it Gods wish and timing for the 14 of these people to die in a senseless truck accident in Texas?

Was it Gods wish and timing for the 13 people in Aurora, Colorado to be slaughtered that fateful night?

Are our second amendment rights now being threatened?

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February 2, 2012

Title: Fast and Furious May Reach a Tipping Point on February 2nd!
Topic: Fast and Furious Project Gunrunner
Discussed by Mike Hammond
with Gun Owners of America (

Part 1 of 2

What was Fast and Furious, and can you bring us up to date?

What conceivably would be the reason for this? Were U.S officials trying to track the guns up the food chain?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Fast and Furious Project Gunrunner
Discussed by Mike Hammond
with Gun Owners of America (

Bring us up to date on the hearings, those that have pleaded the Fifth Amendment.

Why should Americans be watching what the Obama Administration is doing with Fast and Furious?

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January 18, 2012

Title: If You Pack, Beware of a Possible Pick-Pocket – Mitt Romney?
Topic: Gun Control
Discussed by Mike Hammond
with Gun Owners of America (

Part 1 of 2

Is Mitt Romney a gun hater? For those who have guns, does he want to snatch them away?

How many of the presidential candidates have returned the survey that your organization has sent them?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Gun Control
Discussed by Mike Hammond
with Gun Owners of America (

How many surveys have you sent to Mitt Romney concerning his position on gun ownership, and how many has he returned completed?

Is it safe to say that the modern democrats, from Clinton to Obama, were not gun friendly?

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