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July 15, 2022

Title: Gun Laws: What Can Help and What Will Hurt?
Topic: Gun Laws
Discussed by Stephen Willeford
with Stephen Willeford (

Part 1 of 2

Stephen Willeford is a representative of Guns Owners of America. He is referred to as “The Guy with a Gun” for stopping the Sutherland Springs, Texas, mass shooting in 2017. Today Stephen discusses mass shootings, gun violence, gun laws, and gun ownership.

Click here for more information about Stephen Willeford.

Click here for more information about Gun Owners of America.

Click here for the Gun Violence Archive report discussed in this interview.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Over the July 4th weekend, at least 220 people were killed and 570 people were wounded in over 500 shootings instances across America. Who is to blame: the gun, the manufacturer, or the retailer?

Are Red Flag laws needed in Texas? Stephen explains the existing laws and why we don’t need new laws. He shares an interesting, yet terrifying, story…

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Gun Laws: What Can Help and What Will Hurt?
Topic: Gun Laws
Discussed by Stephen Willeford
with Stephen Willeford (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Using 2019 FBI data on homicides using a weapon:
13,922 total homicides
10,258 using a firearm
Only 364 with a rifle

Why are gun control lobbyists and activists more focused on rifles (specifically automatic rifles) than any other type of gun?

What provisions would Stephen include in a gun bill to protect private gun owners as well as those trying to protect others? Stephen says he would first get rid of all gun-free zones in America. Listen in for other suggestions…

What can WE do to protect ourselves, loved ones, students, co-workers, church members? Stephen discusses “Guardian Programs” and how many shootings have occurred in these locations. (HINT: The answer is NONE!)

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July 21, 2017

Title: Are New Gun Laws on the Horizon?
Topic: Gun Laws
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

Larry Pratt, the Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, discusses what could be on the horizon for gun control laws in America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Proposed Bill: Gun carry permits could essentially be treated the same as your driver’s license.

After most mass killings involving the use of guns, do gun control advocates go ballistic demanding stricter gun ownership laws?

In the weeks following the June 14 shooting in the WDC area of Republicans, what has been the reaction of Conservative lawmakers?

Should lawmakers be permitted to carry a gun everywhere, even in their Capitol office?

Is there concrete evidence that here is less crime committed in states that allow concealed carry?

Are those who do have carry permits committing crimes using their weapons?

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June 13, 2017

Title: What’s UP With London and Guns?
Topic: Gun Laws
Discussed by Erich Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

Did gun control contribute to deaths and injuries in the recent London rampage? Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, Erich Pratt, believes this is absolutely true. Today, Erich will be discussing research information which supports his opinion.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Would armed citizens in London have taken down the suspects quicker with less loss of life and injury if they had been permitted to open-carry?

Why were the police on the scene unarmed?

FACT: 86% of American police officers believe armed citizens are needed to stop or prevent mass shootings.

Are there statistics concerning the use of firearms in self-defense in America?

Are there examples in the US where those attacked by terrorists responded by using weapons, in turn saving lives? Erich Pratt tells a story of a specific incident that saved many lives – in a gun free zone!

When confronted by armed criminals, do victims suffer less injuries when he/she is armed with a gun?

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November 5, 2015

Title: Getting to know the Gun Law
Topic: Gun Laws
Discussed by Alexandria (Alex) Kincaid
with Alex Kincaid (

Part 1 of 2

NOTE: Please do not construe any information discussed in this segment as legal advice. If you have any questions, please contact Alexandria Kincaid or another attorney.

Many people in Texas own some type of firearm, but most do not know all the laws surrounding the specific ownership. Can you just give someone a gun? How do you transfer gun ownership from one person to another? Can you take your gun to work? Can you take a gun across state lines? How is “possessing” a gun different than “owning” a gun?

Alexandria (Alex) Kincaid is a known as the “Second Amendment Guru”. As a prosecutor, Alex realized the real need for people to know the facts about gun laws. Therefore, she has devoted her life to defending the people’s right to own and bear arms. Her new book, “Infringed”, is available for pre-order here

Today, Alex Kincaid wants to shed light on the facts and laws concerning gun ownership. One of the issues they deal with on a daily basis are the “state-to-state” gun laws. “You have to use a licensed dealer if you’re going to give a gun to another person in another state,” Alex says. Even if that person is a relative! And, yes, even if you are just loaning the person your gun! She also discusses the law regarding the transfer of guns within the same state. This is where it can get confusing for some people. Listen in carefully!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Getting to know the Gun Law
Topic: Gun Laws
Discussed by Alexandria (Alex) Kincaid
with Alex Kincaid (

NOTE: Please do not construe any information discussed in this segment as legal advice. If you have any questions, please contact Alexandria Kincaid or another attorney.

In the previous segment, Alex Kincaid discussed her new book, “Infringed”. The purpose of the book is to reveal common mistakes gun owners make when buying, selling, transporting, or using a firearm. For instance, most people don’t even know what a “concealed carry” law means! Her book explains that, and much, much more.

Senior citizens need to be careful when making end-of-life decisions in regards to handguns they may own. If a guardian is appointed, then a senior’s gun rights are removed! “It is because of the Gun Control Act,” Alex Kincaid says. Listen in as she explains how President Obama does, in fact, have the legal right to take away Social Security benefits from all seniors who own a gun!

NOTE: Right now, if you pre-order her book
here you will receive a $5 discount! Woohoo!

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