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March 7, 2017

Title: Concealed Carry Reciprocity Bill Introduced into Senate
Topic: Gun Rights
Discussed by Michael Hammond
with Gun Owners of America (

What is reciprocity? Should the Federal Government allow reciprocity for concealed handguns?

Michael Hammond is the former Executive Director of the Senate Steering Committee and was often called the "101st Senator" when he worked on Capitol Hill. Today, Michael serves as the Legislative Counsel of Gun Owners of America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Michael Hammond begins the segment by sharing a real-life story about a woman who innocently and accidentally found herself on the wrong side of the law, facing two decades in prison, simply for making a wrong turn into New Jersey with a gun in her car.

What is SB446, introduced by Texas Senator John Cornyn?

Do laws preventing concealed handgun owners from crossing state lines really stop people from committing crimes? Or is this just another lie from the left?

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December 5, 2016

Title: Are Gun-Free Zones the Answer?
Topic: Gun Control
Discussed by Michael Hammond
with Gun Owners of America (

The Ohio State attacker had free reign to attack anyone he wanted at Ohio State since that university is a gun-free zone. The Somali-born student injured 11 people, one of them critically, when he attacked a crowd of pedestrians on campus in an incident one lawmaker said "bears all the hallmarks of a terror attack." What was his weapon of choice? A knife.

Michael Hammond is Legislative Council for Gun Owners of America. He is here today to discuss this incident and offers helpful information.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why are officials (through the MSM) refusing to admit this specific attack was terrorist-related?

Thank goodness an alarm went off for an un-related incident in the “gun-free zone”, because a campus police officer was on scene and stopped the attacker within one minute. Michael Hammond elaborates on the MSM original story and what really happened.

Did you hear the story of the young woman who reported that three military-trained students barricaded themselves in front of their classroom door – it is amazing!

If companies like McDonalds and Nike can use social media to determine where I shop, eat, and travel, why can’t the FBI use the same information to target terrorists?

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January 22, 2016

Title: Gun Rights will be No More
Topic: Gun Control
Discussed by Michael Hammond
with Gun Owners of America (

Michael Hammond is Legislative Counsel for Gun Owners of America. He is here today to discuss Loretta Lynch’s testimony concerning the Justice Department’s role in implementing executive actions on gun control. After hearing Loretta’s testimony, Michael believes that Obama has no intention of allowing any type of debate concerning gun control. He is simply going to “wave his hand, declare himself king, and say this is what the law is.” Obama wants to make it illegal to collect guns or even be a gun hobbyist. He also wants to make these “crimes” punishable by up to five years in prison!

You will basically need to have a dealer’s license to buy or sell guns in America,” Michael continues. But guess what? The Obama administration isn’t giving dealer’s licenses to anyone who doesn’t own a brick-and-mortar store! To make matters worse, Loretta Lynch isn’t revealing what the guidelines even are. So, basically, every individual person who own more than a few guns could potentially find themselves in jail. Michael Hammond also reveals that the “no court cases were cited” in order to implement these so-called guidelines.

Gun Owners of America wants Loretta Lynch and the Obama administration to, at bare minimum, “reverse all of Obama’s executive actions “. Is this too much to hope for? After all, Obama has to sign the paper to erase his legacy!

Michael also briefly discusses the differences between executive “actions” and executive “order”. You can learn more about your rights as a gun owner here.

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