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November 14, 2022

Title: Threats Against Houses of Worship
Topic: Second Amendment
Discussed by Adam Kraut
with Second Amendment Foundation (

Adam Kraut is the Executive Director for the Second Amendment Foundation. Today, Adam discusses recent threats made against houses of worship and whether or not people have the Constitutional right to carry a weapon in a church.

Click here  to read more on this topic from the Second Amendment Foundation.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What type of threats are being made against houses of worship? Where have these threats been made?

How does the FBI determine threats? Adam explains that the FBI monitors social media and websites; they also infiltrate organizations.

What restrictions should be placed on those who want to Constitutionally carry a weapon into a church? Adam discusses what the Second Amendment actually says and a recent Supreme Court ruling.

Can individuals who Constitutionally carry be a deterrent to those wanting to do harm? Have Justices on the Supreme Court stated that police are rarely present during active shootings and, therefore, have no general duty to protect the general public?

What is the most viable solution to stopping active shooters? Adam says: “Force met with force.”

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September 26, 2022

Title: Protecting the Second Amendment from Biden’s Extreme Wishes
Topic: Second Amendment
Discussed by Cam Edwards
with Author

Cam Edwards is the spokesperson for the Second Amendment Foundation. He is also the Editor of Bearing Arms and hosts the popular podcast Cam & Company focusing on Second Amendment news and information.

Today, Cam discusses whether or not Americans want stricter gun control laws.

Questions/Issues Discussed

Do Americans want more gun control laws? Cam discusses a recent Rasmussen poll. Why do some Americans favor more gun control laws? Can we “ban our way to safety”?

According to the Rasmussen poll, many Americans do want current gun laws enforced more vigorously. Would this help? Cam believes that it would definitely help and breaks down which laws need to be tweaked first. He says: “What we’re seeing right now is that criminals feel emboldened because they think they can get away with these crimes. And sadly, in many cases, they are getting away with murder.”

How high does gun control rank on voters’ wish list of priorities they want Biden to address? Guess what?!? It’s on the bottom of the list. Sorry, Biden!

Are Americans who defend their 2nd Amendment Rights winning the debate?

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February 24, 2022

Title: Protecting the Second Amendment from Biden’s Extreme Wishes
Topic: Second Amendment
Discussed by Cam Edwards
with Author

Cam Edwards is the spokesperson for the Second Amendment Foundation. He is also the Editor of Bearing Arms and hosts the popular podcast Cam & Company focusing on Second Amendment news and information.

Today, Cam discusses whether or not Americans want stricter gun control laws.

Questions/Issues Discussed

Do Americans want more gun control laws? Cam discusses a recent Rasmussen poll. Why do some Americans favor more gun control laws? Can we “ban our way to safety”?

According to the Rasmussen poll, many Americans do want current gun laws enforced more vigorously. Would this help? Cam believes that it would definitely help and breaks down which laws need to be tweaked first. He says: “What we’re seeing right now is that criminals feel emboldened because they think they can get away with these crimes. And sadly, in many cases, they are getting away with murder.”

How high does gun control rank on voters’ wish list of priorities they want Biden to address? Guess what?!? It’s on the bottom of the list. Sorry, Biden!

Are Americans who defend their 2nd Amendment Rights winning the debate?

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February 11, 2022

Title: Protecting the Second Amendment from Biden’s Extreme Wishes
Topic: Second Amendment
Discussed by Cam Edwards
with Author

Cam Edwards is the spokesperson for the Second Amendment Foundation. He is also the Editor of Bearing Arms and hosts the popular podcast Cam & Company focusing on Second Amendment news and information.

Today, Cam discusses whether or not Americans want stricter gun control laws.

Questions/Issues Discussed

Do Americans want more gun control laws? Cam discusses a recent Rasmussen poll. Why do some Americans favor more gun control laws? Can we “ban our way to safety”?

According to the Rasmussen poll, many Americans do want current gun laws enforced more vigorously. Would this help? Cam believes that it would definitely help and breaks down which laws need to be tweaked first. He says: “What we’re seeing right now is that criminals feel emboldened because they think they can get away with these crimes. And sadly, in many cases, they are getting away with murder.”

How high does gun control rank on voters’ wish list of priorities they want Biden to address? Guess what?!? It’s on the bottom of the list. Sorry, Biden!

Are Americans who defend their 2nd Amendment Rights winning the debate?

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April 14, 2021

Title: What is Biden’s Gun Plan?
Topic: Second Amendment
Discussed by Alan Gottlieb
with Second Amendment Foundation (

Part 1 of 2

How did Hitler kill 11 million Jews? He lied to them.

Alan Gottlieb is a Jewish American author, Conservative political activist, gun rights advocate, and businessperson. Gottlieb has published over 19 books. He is also the Founder and Executive Vice President of the Second Amendment Foundation.

Click here for more from Alan and SAF.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Will criminals suddenly comply with gun laws if new ones are passed?

Are Biden’s proposed gun laws aimed at law abiding citizens, not the people who break the law?

Could a bill protecting our Second Amendment Rights pass the House and Senate with our current elected officials in WDC?

Could a bill restricting our Second Amendment Rights pass the House and Senate with our current elected officials in WDC?

If a restrictive bill passes both the House and Senate, would President Biden sign it into law?

Are there already back-ground checks for gun purchases at gun shows? This has a complicated answer of “yes” and “no”…

Does the Second Amendment only apply to the militia? How has the Supreme Court ruled on this issue?

What is a “ghost gun”? What is a “gun kit”?

Do criminals support Biden’s gun control laws? HINT: Yep!

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - What is Biden’s Gun Plan?
Topic: Second Amendment
Discussed by Alan Gottlieb
with Second Amendment Foundation (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Have strict gun laws made citizens safer?

What are “red flag lies”? Do they serve a good purpose? Are there some major flaws in the red flag laws?

Will criminals suddenly comply with gun laws if new ones are passed?

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January 21, 2021

Title: What’s UP with the NRA?
Topic: Second Amendment
Discussed by Dave Workman
with Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (

Joe Biden is a strong proponent of strict gun control laws. How will his Presidency effect the Second Amendment in America?

Dave Workman is the Communications Director for Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Why is the NRA filing for bankruptcy? Why are they leaving New York and moving to Texas?

How will the move to Texas have a significant influence on national gun rights?

What must 2nd Amendment advocates do to prepare for the next two years?

HHow will the NRA be an active player in protecting our 2nd Amendment Rights?

You can find more from Dave Workman from, Liberty Park Press, and the Conservative Firing Line.

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January 27, 2017

Title: What’s UP For Gun Owners?
Topic: Second Amendment
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

What are Donald Trump’s plans for the Second Amendment? Larry Pratt has been the Executive Director for Gun Owners of America for over thirty years. Listen in as he offers his expert opinion on several concerns surrounding gun ownership in America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has Donald Trump been quoted saying he will enforce all the current gun laws on the books? Larry cites some specific quotes from Trump and how they’ve been possibly misinterpreted...

Are background checks really affective?

Isn’t America safer with criminals in jail? (This is a trick question…) Is there a direct correlation between the sudden release of criminals with a new crime wave?

Should conceal carry laws be stretched across state laws? Larry discusses Article IV of the Constitution which addresses this issue…

How far should we compromise?

Does Larry Pratt think Donald Trump is a friend of the Second Amendment?

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February 25, 2013

Title: Guns Don’t Kill - Culture Does
Topic: Second Amendment
Discussed by General Jerry Curry
with Curry for America

Is our decaying culture to blame for the mounting anti-gun hysteria in America? Does anyone take responsibility for their own actions anymore?

Major General Jerry R. curry is a retired combat veteran, Army Aviator, Paratrooper, and Ranger. He has served as a Presidential appointee in three administrations. Will General Curry be the next President?

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February 22, 2013

Title: Arming Al-Qaeda While Disarming Americans
Topic: Second Amendment
Discussed by Ted Shoebat
with Ted Shoebat (

If you believe CCN, NBC, ABC, or that funny guy from the Daily Show, then all is well with the world. Well, except for global warming and gun control. Wait….speaking of gun control, is the Obama administration really arming the Muslim brotherhood with weapons? Why is he sending weapons of mass destruction to terrorists when he wants all our American guns? Is this a mistake?

Ted Shoebat, the son of a PLO terrorist, says no, this is not a mistake. In fact, he believes this is on purpose!

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January 15, 2013

Title: Fighting Mama Bears and Annie Oakley
Topic: Second Amendment
Discussed by Anna Rittgers
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Part 1 of 2

Five bullets fired from a .38 revolver weren’t enough for a Georgia mother of two to stop one intruder in a home invasion. What if there had been more attackers?

The mother and her children would be dead; a man would be without his wife and children. Anne Rittgers, a Senior Fellow at CWFA and mother of 2, says: “Any executive action by President Obama to restrict guns will drastically limit women’s capability to fight back against attackers and protect herself and her family”.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Second Amendment
Discussed by Anna Rittgers
with Independent Women’s Forum (

Guns are used every day by men, women, seniors - even teens - all across the country in self-defense.

Disarming Chicago citizens has not stopped murders, rapes, robberies, and other crimes; disarming the citizens in Chicago has only made crime worse!

This is true for other parts of the country and the world that have banned certain types of guns or banned them all together.

In addition, crimes are committed every day by criminals armed with weapons other than guns. Are we going to ban all those “weapons” too?

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January 14, 2013

Title: Will RINO’s be the Death of the 2nd Amendment?
Topic: Second Amendment
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

A gun ban is coming. But how many guns and what types?

Will Obama use executive orders and remove the Second Amendment from the Constitution? Larry Pratt is the Executive Director of Gun Owners of America. Today he discusses the importance of keeping a watchful eye on RINO’s in DC.

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March 13, 2007

Title: Armed America: The Story of How and Why Guns Became as American as Apple Pie
Topic: Second Amendment
Discussed by Clayton E. Cramer
with Author

Firearms have always been a fundamental part - right - of American Life. Can elected bodies outlaw private ownership of firearms, require registration or deny the registration of private ownership of firearms? Originally, the US Constitution only applied to white, male, property owners in some instances 'free blacks' were counted, what changed all this?

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Title: Armed America (Segment 2 of 2)
Topic: Second Amendment
Discussed by Clayton E. Cramer
with Author

(Segment 2) Discussing this great read: Armed America: The Story of How and Why Guns Became As American As Apple Pie!

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February 17, 2005

Title: Should a woman arm herself?
Topic: Second Amendment
Discussed by Mari Nelle
with Second Amendment Sisters

A co-founder and Director of Second Amendment Sisters shares her belief on why women should arm themselves. Also, who are the Second Amendment Sisters and what do they do? A grandmother, like many of our listeners, Mari Nelle become a citizen activist!

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