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August 20, 2012

Title: Are The Hounds Still Sniffing Holders Heels and Will They Bite Him On The Backside?
Topic: Fast and Furious Project Gunrunner
Discussed by Alan Gottlieb
with Second Amendment Foundation (

Please explain to our listeners what is the "fast and furious scandal"? Why will it not go away?

Why is the contempt-of-Congress charge against Attorney General Eric Holder historic? What exactly are the charges being brought against him?

Let's look into the crystal ball - after November 6th 2012, will the scandal go away, or will congress continue to press for the release of these documents?

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June 21, 2012

Title: Eric Holder and Fast and Furious
Topic: Fast and Furious Project Gunrunner
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Part 1 of 2

Expert attorney and Tea Party leader Judson Phillips has been following the Fast and Furious allegations against Eric Holder. He and others on Capitol Hill are baffled as to why emails and other communication concerning the issue have disappeared. Few in the public sector realize that there is a mandate on how long companies (of any size) must keep inter-office emails and other communication concerning business practices.

Listen in as Judson explains further.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Fast and Furious Project Gunrunner
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

What are the rules for subpoenas? Did Eric Holder purposefully ignore the law? Was it an oversight? Of course, the liberal MSM is not reporting this information. Was the Attorney General's office aware of the program? Has this been proven?

Judson Phillips also describes how the Mexican government and its citizens are furious with the program because the guns were being used to kill their own people!

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February 2, 2012

Title: Fast and Furious May Reach a Tipping Point on February 2nd!
Topic: Fast and Furious Project Gunrunner
Discussed by Mike Hammond
with Gun Owners of America (

Part 1 of 2

What was Fast and Furious, and can you bring us up to date?

What conceivably would be the reason for this? Were U.S officials trying to track the guns up the food chain?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Fast and Furious Project Gunrunner
Discussed by Mike Hammond
with Gun Owners of America (

Bring us up to date on the hearings, those that have pleaded the Fifth Amendment.

Why should Americans be watching what the Obama Administration is doing with Fast and Furious?

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October 11, 2011

Title: Should Executive Branch Officials Be Charged With Murder?
Topic: Fast and Furious Project Gunrunner
Discussed by Kellen Giuda
with The Tea (

Was Operation "Fast and Furious" an inherently idiotic idea that has resulted in the death of many Mexican Nationals AND a Border Patrol Agent in the US of A?

Did Attorney General Eric holder lie to congress under oath about his knowledge of Fast and Furious?

Kellen Giuda further discusses, in his opinion, that three egregious criminal actions took place during Operation "Fast and Furious."

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Title: Should Attorney General Eric Holder Be Tried For The Murder of Brian Terry?
Topic: Fast and Furious Project Gunrunner
Discussed by Bob Beauprez
with A Line of Sight (

Did Eric Holder lie under oath to Congress when he said he only knew of Operation "Fast and Furious" for a couple of weeks when memos dated back months have been discovered?

Will it hinge on the definition of how long ‘a couple of weeks’ “IS”?

Which President said: “The Buck Stops on My Desk?” Will the buck stop on Obama’s desk when we learn ‘the rest of the story’?

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September 23, 2011

Title: Did the ATF Tell Gun Shop Owners To Sell Guns To Crooks?
Topic: Fast and Furious Project Gunrunner
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

Did the ATF tell gun shop owners to sell guns to crooks that were used to kill Americans?

Who knew what and when: are the flames getting higher and hotter within the Obama Administration? Why is the MSM – the main stream media – basically ignoring this issue?

Up to this point in time - the Justice Department has held no one accountable for authorizing this operation. But the real question is why did the Obama Administration, through the ATF, want to sell guns to known crooks who would use them? Do the ends justify the means? This is a great interview, please listen in and then send us your comments via the comment tab on the home site.

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July 13, 2011

Title: Did The Fast and Furious Gunrunner Project Make You Feel Safer?
Topic: Fast and Furious Project Gunrunner
Discussed by Larry Pratt
with Gun Owners of America (

The Fast and Furious and Project Gunrunner scandal continues to grow while increasingly leading investigators to the highest levels of the Justice Department. Will the Buck stop on the President’s Desk? Did something very criminal take place?

Larry Pratt answers:
1. What was the purpose of Fast and Furious and Project Gunrunner?
2. What actually happened?
3. Who’s to blame?
4. What now?

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