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December 6, 2023

Title: Just War and Christian Realism
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Mark Tooley is the President of the Institute on Religion and Democracy. Today, he discusses the importance of spreading the Truth about the War in Israel and why young people today need the proper tools to engage in an often-hostile world.

Click here to read more from Mark Tooley on this and other issues.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are many American young people not sure who’s right or wrong in the war between Israel and Hamas?

How many young Americans side with Hamas? NOTE: This number will astound you!!

Are many college campuses awash in moral blindness that includes contempt for Western Civilization?

Why does the IRD host an annual Christianity and National Security Conference for students and Professors from Christian Colleges?

Are students at Christian Colleges taught true, historic Christian teachings about war, peace, and global statecraft? Mark Tooley explains that, unfortunately, students at Christian colleges are not being taught a Biblical Worldview regarding these issues and that is why they began the annual conference seven years ago.

What is a “Just War Tradition”? Are students at Christian colleges familiar with this term and its meaning?

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Title: Part 2 of 2: Just War and Christian Realism
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Mark Tooley
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Where is the Christianity and National Security Conference held each year?

What is Christian Realism? Are students at Christian colleges familiar with this term and its meaning?

Do students who attend the IRD annual conference understand that we live in a fallen world?

What is Global Statecraft? Are students at Christian colleges familiar with this term and its meaning?

Do students who attend the IRD annual conference gain more understanding about Christian responsibilities?

Is interacting with these Christian college students tremendously encouraging?

What is the cost to students and Professors for the annual conference?

How can we assist with the 2024 Christianity and National Security Conference?

Click here to help support Providence, a division of the Institute on Religion and Democracy.

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August 22, 2023

Title: Is Western Civilization Decaying?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Dr. Joseph Loconte
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Part 1 of 3

The Left would like us to believe that American history is full of nothing but racism and hate.

New guest, Dr. Joseph Loconte, PhD, is a Senior Fellow at the Institute on Religion and Democracy. He also serves as a Distinguished Visiting Professor at Grove City College in Pennsylvania. Today, Dr. Loconte discusses the true reason for the decay of Western Civilization.

Click here to read Dr. Loconte’s op-ed on this subject.

Click here for more information about Dr. Joseph Loconte.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Are our traditional beliefs and institutions merely tools of the oppressor against the oppressed? Dr. Loconte reminds us that every culture and society will have oppression because that is our human nature. However, in America, “we have achieved a level of justice and openness and generosity and humanity that is absolutely unparalleled in the history of mankind.”

Are people as free in China to make their own decisions as we are in America?

Do we have a moral obligation to preserve the true history of our Judeo-Chistian civilization?

Were higher education courses in Western civilization once the cornerstone of preserving Judeo-Christian values for the next generation?

Is there a deep, cultural crisis affecting America and the West? Dr. Loconte discusses some of the evidence of the decline…

Do too many people on both sides of the political aisle believe that government is the solution to all of our problems?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Is Western Civilization Decaying?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Dr. Joseph Loconte
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Questions/Issues Discussed:

As our society decays and becomes more and more self-absorbed, has the Right failed to grasp how Christian ideas must be communicated to the next generation?

Have Christian philosophies about freedom, forgiveness, charity, equality, and justice been corrupted? Dr. Loconte passionately explains why he believes we must approach all of those issues from a Biblical point of view or society will continue to crumble.

In his recent op-ed, why did Dr. Loconte share the story of a young Korean woman who found life in New York City after escaping North Korea? What helped her learn more and more – MSM or old books?

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Is Western Civilization Decaying?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Dr. Joseph Loconte
with Institute on Religion and Democracy

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is “civilizational decay”? Dr. Loconte says: “There is no way you can maintain a healthy civilization if you begin to reject those founding ideals and institutions that helped to create and sustain a civilization in the first place!”

Does America still have a blind civil and criminal justice system?

Can our decaying and dying culture be revived and resuscitated? Dr. Loconte remains hopeful and urges us to do the same.

Click here to help support The Institute on Religion and Democracy.

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August 5, 2022

Title: Is Christian Education a Step of Faith?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Part 1 of 3

87% of millennials who were homeschooled report that they have strong Christian beliefs, while millennials who were enrolled in public or private Christian schools were more likely to walk away from the faith later in life.

Today, Dr. Josh Mulvihill with the Gospel Shaped Family dispels some of the arguments Christian parents and even pastors make against Christian education. Dr. Mulvihill says: “Public education is winning a ton of converts from Christian homes as they disciple Christian children into secular creeds and doctrines.”

Click here to read Dr. Mulvihill’s op-ed on this topic.

Click here for more information about the Gospel Shaped Family.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Objection: Christian education shelters children from the real world. Josh explains the many reasons why he says: “Public education isn’t the real world, unless you want your children emersed in a world of sin and artificiality.”

Objection: I went to a public school and I love Jesus. Josh offers this argument: Not everyone who smokes gets lung cancer. Would you still encourage everyone to smoke?

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - Is Christian Education a Step of Faith?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Objection: You should send your children to a public school to evangelize others.

Are your children really prepared to evangelize? Josh, as a Pastor for nearly 20 years, believes that the majority are absolutely not prepared, but they are vulnerable to peer pressure. Josh discusses secular humanism and urges parents to learn more about this dangerous worldview that is being taught in public schools across the nation.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - Is Christian Education a Step of Faith?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Dr. Josh Mulvihill
with Gospel Shaped Family (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Objection: Parents can unteach and reteach their children after school to counter secular thinking.

Josh calls this “education bulimia”, explaining that many times the material being taught is problematic and even parents have a difficult time discerning the truth in the curriculum.

Objection: Christian education is too expensive.

Josh urges parents to examine just how much they spend on “extras” every month. Could you do without a few things in order to school your children in a Christian worldview?

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March 25, 2022

Title: The Church is Failing
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by David Closson
with Family Research Council (

Part 1 of 2

Different generations have different Biblical views and beliefs. Is this a good thing?

David Closson is the Director of the Center for a Biblical Worldview with the Family Research Council. Today he discusses an important topic we should learn more about: The Modern Christian Worldview.

Click here for more on the Family Research Council’s Center for a Biblical Worldview.

Click here for the latest research by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University.

Click here to read George Barna’s article on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do millennials have different beliefs than their parents and grandparents? David Closson breaks down the different generations and what they truly believe. He also explains why their research studies ask the “hard” questions…

Who are “bridges” and what do they believe? Do those in the bridge group give us a glimpse of what’s coming?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - The Church is Failing
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by David Closson
with Family Research Council (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do “bridges” have a vastly different worldview about basic biblical truths, such as the definition of God?

Do only millennials need help learning true biblical beliefs? David says: “I don’t want to pile too much on the millennials or the bridges, because Gen X and the Boomer generations aren’t that great either when it comes to whether or not they have a Biblical Worldview.” He goes on discuss what faithful church-goers actually believe. These results might just shock you!

Is there a clear difference between those who express a head knowledge, but don’t have a heart knowledge? Does this apply to all generations, not just the “bridges”?

What can Christians do to learn more and more about Biblical Truths? How can we prepare to share that Truth with others? David stresses the importance of reading God’s Word, prayer, and being connected with other believers.

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September 23, 2021

Title: What Does Tolerance Mean Today?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Kerby Anderson
with Probe Ministries (

Part 1 of 2

Americans applying biblical teaching to their thinking has dropped significantly. The greatest level of decline is found among Born Again Protestants. And the biggest issue is “tolerance”.

Kerby Anderson is the President of Probe Ministries and host of the nationally-syndicated Point of View radio talk show.

Click here for the survey results from Probe Ministries discussed by Kerby Anderson today.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

More and more born-again Christians are reluctant to tell others they believe there is only one road to heaven. Is this reluctance amplified by the changing definition of the word tolerance?

What does the world deem tolerant when someone is proclaiming their faith in Christ? Kerby mentions the famous verse John 14:6: “Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'” Is this intolerance – or the truth?

Why are younger born-again Christians (millennials) reluctant to tell others about Christ? * Scripture References: Romans 12:1-2 and Colossians 2:8

Can the Church survive? Kerby urges hard-hitting education in the pulpit, not feel-good sermons.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Is Jesus the Only Way to Heaven?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Kerby Anderson
with Probe Ministries (

An alarming number of Americans, even those attending church who claim to be born-again Christians, do not believe that salvation in Jesus Christ is the only true way to heaven.

Probe Ministries provides life-long opportunities to integrate faith and learning through balanced, biblically based scholarship, training people to love God by renewing their minds and equipping the Church to engage the world for Christ.

Their President, Kerby Anderson, discusses the results of a recent survey they conducted.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do many young adult born-again Christians believe that Mohammad, Buddha, and Jesus all provide paths to true salvation? Kerby Anderson explains who they surveyed and what “pluralism” means.

Do many born-again Christians doubt Jesus lived a sinless life?

Do many Pastors and church leaders wrongly assume those attending their churches have and hold onto a Biblical Worldview? Kerby believes that pastors and church leaders need to go back to the basics of “Biblical Worldview 101”.

Must believers continue to tell others that the only way to heaven is through salvation in Jesus Christ?

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September 16, 2021

Title: Do You Have a True Biblical Worldview?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by David Closson
with Family Research Council (

The majority of people who attend an Evangelical church think they have a Biblical Worldview. But in reality, how many do?

David Closson discusses head knowledge vs heart knowledge using information the Family Research gathered in recent studies on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is a worldview?

How many born-again Christians claim a Biblical worldview? How many actually do?

How many Conservatives/Moderates/Liberals claim to have a Biblical world view? How many actually do?

How many millennials claim a Biblical worldview? How many actually do?

David discusses the questions asked and who they asked….

Why are there massive inconsistencies between perception and reality for most Americans?

How do we teach others to see the world around them through a Biblical lens? Bruce explains how and why the Center for Biblical Worldview seeks to help Christians defend and advance their faith…

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August 25, 2021

Title: Is Jesus the Only Way to Heaven?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Kerby Anderson
with Probe Ministries (

An alarming number of Americans, even those attending church who claim to be born-again Christians, do not believe that salvation in Jesus Christ is the only true way to heaven.

Probe Ministries provides life-long opportunities to integrate faith and learning through balanced, biblically based scholarship, training people to love God by renewing their minds and equipping the Church to engage the world for Christ.

Their President, Kerby Anderson, discusses the results of a recent survey they conducted.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Do many young adult born-again Christians believe that Mohammad, Buddha, and Jesus all provide paths to true salvation? Kerby Anderson explains who they surveyed and what “pluralism” means.

Do many born-again Christians doubt Jesus lived a sinless life?

Do many Pastors and church leaders wrongly assume those attending their churches have and hold onto a Biblical Worldview? Kerby believes that pastors and church leaders need to go back to the basics of “Biblical Worldview 101”.

Must believers continue to tell others that the only way to heaven is through salvation in Jesus Christ?

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July 23, 2021

Title: Is America a Christian Nation?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Kerby Anderson
with Probe Ministries (

Is America a Christian nation? New research reports that only one-third of Americans still believe in an active creator God.

Kerby Anderson is the President of Probe Ministries and author of “Signs of Warning. Signs of Hope.” Kerby is also the host of the nationally-syndicated Point of View radio program. Today he compares a survey they did ten years ago and the one they just recently conducted concerning American’s Christian Worldview.

Click here for the full report by Probe Ministries on this topic.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who and what are the “nones”?

Is America changing before our very eyes?

Do pastors need to treat their congregation as more secular than Biblical? Kerby explains this bold observation.

Why has the number of “unaffiliated” nearly tripled in adults in the 18-29 age range? Are they hostile or sympathetic to Christianity?

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November 5, 2020

Title: Being a Conservative Christian is HARD!
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Brittany Raymer
with Focus on the Family

Why is it so hard to be a Conservative Christian in today’s society? Brittany Raymer, with Focus on the Family, encourages us to not to back down or cower when faced with brown-shirt style intimidating tactics to push Conservative, Christian values out of our society.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Does the MSM and Hollywood have a definition for womanhood that is contrary to the qualities of a Conservative Christian woman?

The Girl Scouts initially congratulated Amy Coney Barrett on becoming the 5th woman appointed to the Supreme Court. Why did the Girl Scouts quickly delete their congratulations?

Are many “liberated females” becoming more vocal, demanding adherence to their secular beliefs? Is abortion one of their main issues?

Are there more or less women today who believe in the sanctity of life, marriage, family, and faith?

Do we all have a choice on how to live our lives today? Brittany says: “Be aware and be well informed… And go to church!

Do we, as Christians, need to be careful about what we watch and listen to?

You can find more from Focus on the Family and The Daily Citizen here.

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Title: Can Christians NOT Believe in the Bible?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Part 1 of 2

FACT: Only 2% of Christian millennials believe in a Biblical worldview. Click here  for the statistics from the Cultural Research Center.

Glenn Stanton is the Director of Global Family Formation at Focus on the Family. Today he discusses the importance of having an eternity impacting conversation with millennials about matters of faith and the Bible.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who are millennials?

Will millennials’ lack of Biblical knowledge about sin and creation affect their eternity?

What were some of the questions asked for this recent survey?

The majority of students in public school are now taught evolution as “fact”. Does this make them question the Creation of God? Glenn Stanton believes this is one of the most challenging topics parents face. He offers some helpful information in how to respond…

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Can Christians NOT Believe in the Bible?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What happens to a person’s faith if/when they deny the inherent Word of God?

Can you be a Christian and not believe in the Bible?

Do families who have a bible study together at least once a week, stay stronger in their faith?

For more on issues of faith from Focus on the Family, click here.

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October 23, 2020

Title: Can Christians NOT Believe in the Bible?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Part 1 of 2

FACT: Only 2% of Christian millennials believe in a Biblical worldview. Click here  for the statistics from the Cultural Research Center.

Glenn Stanton is the Director of Global Family Formation at Focus on the Family. Today he discusses the importance of having an eternity impacting conversation with millennials about matters of faith and the Bible.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who are millennials?

Will millennials’ lack of Biblical knowledge about sin and creation affect their eternity?

What were some of the questions asked for this recent survey?

The majority of students in public school are now taught evolution as “fact”. Does this make them question the Creation of God? Glenn Stanton believes this is one of the most challenging topics parents face. He offers some helpful information in how to respond…

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Can Christians NOT Believe in the Bible?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What happens to a person’s faith if/when they deny the inherent Word of God?

Can you be a Christian and not believe in the Bible?

Do families who have a bible study together at least once a week, stay stronger in their faith?

For more on issues of faith from Focus on the Family, click here.

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October 5, 2020

Title: Can Christians NOT Believe in the Bible?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Part 1 of 2

FACT: Only 2% of Christian millennials believe in a Biblical worldview. Click here  for the statistics from the Cultural Research Center.

Glenn Stanton is the Director of Global Family Formation at Focus on the Family. Today he discusses the importance of having an eternity impacting conversation with millennials about matters of faith and the Bible.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Who are millennials?

Will millennials’ lack of Biblical knowledge about sin and creation affect their eternity?

What were some of the questions asked for this recent survey?

The majority of students in public school are now taught evolution as “fact”. Does this make them question the Creation of God? Glenn Stanton believes this is one of the most challenging topics parents face. He offers some helpful information in how to respond…

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Can Christians NOT Believe in the Bible?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What happens to a person’s faith if/when they deny the inherent Word of God?

Can you be a Christian and not believe in the Bible?

Do families who have a bible study together at least once a week, stay stronger in their faith?

For more on issues of faith from Focus on the Family, click here.

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April 29, 2020

Title: Will Americans Return to God After the Pandemic?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Part 1 of 2

Dr. George Barna founded the Barna Research Group in 1984. You can see results from past surveys here.

Dr. Barna is now a professor at Arizona Christian University and the President of their Cultural Research Center. He is the author of more than 50 books and has sold more books based on survey research related to matters of faith than any author in American history.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What percentage of Americans today have faith in a deity fitting the description of an “all-powerful, all-knowing, perfect and just creator of the universe who still rules the world today”?

What is contributing this drastic decline in true belief?

How does The Barna Group conduct their surveys?

What percentage of those surveyed believe Jesus was human and did not sin? How many believe he was human and DID sin?

What percentage of adults surveyed believe that the Holy Spirit was not a separate entity?

How many stated that they believe Satan is real?

How many stated that they believe God is real?

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Title: Part 2 of 2 - Will Americans Return to God After the Pandemic?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

Questions/Issues Discussed:

Has our culture been dominated by widespread individualism?

Has the American understanding of traditional Christian faith all but disappeared?

Have we transitioned from a people who once upheld the existence of absolute moral truth to a nation that now rejects moral absolutes?

Is America in a spiritual crisis?

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March 27, 2020

Title: Want to be a Missionary? Start At Your Church
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Dr. George Barna
with Cultural Research Center (

A new national survey about the worldview of Americans shows that seven out of ten consider themselves to be Christian, but just 6% actually possess a Biblical worldview.

The groundbreaking inaugural American Worldview Inventory 2020 was conducted by veteran researcher Dr. George Barna, President of the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University. Dr. Barna is also the author of over 50 books and founder of the Barna Group.

Click here  to read the full report.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What questions were asked of Americans who responded to the survey?

What people were surveyed? How did different denominations answer the questions? These numbers are shocking! Pay close attention!

Why is there such a difference in Biblical worldview among difference denominations?

Only God truly knows the answer to this question… How many people sitting in pews (or currently on their couches!) across America are born-again Christians? Dr. Barna’s response: “If you want to be a missionary, go to church.

Why do people go to church if they are not born-again?

Has the percentage of American adults holding a Biblical worldview risen or declined over the past 25 years? What is the Biblical worldview among 18-29-year olds?

Why is it dangerous that so few Americans have a biblical worldview?

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July 15, 2012

Title: "Jesus, If You Are Who You Say You Are - Please Reveal Yourself To Me!"
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Doug Stringer
with Somebody Cares America (

1. Where Are You?

2. Who Told You That?

3. What Have you Done?

4. Is there a way to blot out all our wrongs?

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August 12, 2010

Title: True Religion: Taking Pieces of Heaven to Places of Hell on Earth Part 1 of 3
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Palmer Chinchen
with Palmer Chinchen, PhD

Pastor of The Grove in Chandler, Arizona, Dr. Chandler grew up in Liberia, West Africa. He has witnessed firsthand the ravaging pain of AIDS, malaria, and poverty. But what are WE to do?

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Title: True Religion: Taking Pieces of Heaven to Places of Hell on Earth Part 2 of 3
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Palmer Chinchen
with Palmer Chinchen, PhD

Drawing from his experiences while growing up in Liberia and later in Malawi, Dr. Chinchen speaks with authority about the needs facing our world today. His memories of the ravages of war and disease, as well as the effects of extreme poverty, fuel Chinchen’s desire to see God’s people become passionate about reaching beyond their comfortable church pew and reaching out to those in need all over the world.

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Title: True Religion: Taking Pieces of Heaven to Places of Hell on Earth Part 3 of 3
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Palmer Chinchen
with Palmer Chinchen, PhD

Chinchen has spent most of his adult life leading groups of people on global ministry experiences all over the world, He is convinced that the church can be radically transformed if they will dare to give their lives away for Christ. “True Religion” is his challenge to God’s people to join in a global missional movement and change the world. He is particularly passionate about eliminating poverty, ending the unjust treatment of women ensnared in the slave trade, and eradicating malaria.

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September 23, 2008

Title: A Best of Segment: Obama’s Bridge to Nowhere
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Tony Perkins
with Family Research Council (

Does Sen. Obama understand the core beliefs of value voters? Tony Perkins, with the Family Research Council, has some advice. For more log onto

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August 7, 2008

Title: Professor Denny Burk on the “Environmental” Evangelical Manifesto
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Professor Denny Burk
with Pro-Family Leader

Are we to be good stewards of God’s Creation? Professor Denny Burk discusses the “Environmental” Evangelical Manifesto.

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June 27, 2008

Title: Obama’s Bridge to Nowhere
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Tony Perkins
with Family Research Council (

Does Sen. Obama understand the core beliefs of value voters? Tony Perkins, with the Family Research Council, has some advice. For more log onto

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May 9, 2008

Title: Critical Reflections on the “Evangelical Manifesto”
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Dr. Janice Crouse
with Concerned Women for America (

A nine-person steering committee is responsible for the contents of the new document entitled: the “Evangelical Manifesto”. Is it a ‘good thing’ or a ‘bad thing’? For more on this issue log onto

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March 24, 2008

Title: Will more OBGYN’s Leave Their Profession?
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Dr. Gene Rudd
with Christian Medical and Dental Association

The ethics committee of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists calls for all OBGYN’s to 1. refer patients for abortions 2. not to express their faith-based views, and 3. to relocate their practices closer to abortion providers to make patient referrals more convenient. Will your OBGYN stop practicing medicine before denying their faith?

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December 18, 2006

Title: IS IT TIME TO QUIT? Replay from November 21, 2006
Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Dr. Richard Land
with Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the S.B.C. (

Dr. Richard Land, President of the Southern Baptist Conventions Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, raises the question: “When to compromise politically?”

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November 21, 2006

Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Dr. Richard Land
with Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the S.B.C. (

Dr. Richard Land, President of the Southern Baptist Conventions Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, raises the question: “When to compromise politically?”

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March 30, 2006

Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Dr. Marshal Foster
with May Flower Institute

Dr. Foster will be a keynote speaker at Global Vision's "Living Our Faith" conference at Sugar Creek Baptist Church which is on Friday March 31st from 6:45 pm – 9:30 pm and Saturday April 1st from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. Come hear Dr. Foster share his perspective of what building a family dynasty is. Dr. Foster will also be sharing how Christians need to be challenged to solve present crises with Biblical reality. Visit for more information.

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Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Dr. Marshal Foster
with May Flower Institute

Dr. Foster will be a keynote speaker at Global Vision's "Living Our Faith" conference at Sugar Creek Baptist Church which is on Friday March 31st from 6:45 pm – 9:30 pm and Saturday April 1st from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm. Dr. Foster shares the importance of standing up for a Biblical worldview. Visit for more information.

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Topic: Christian Worldview
Discussed by Rick Green
with Rick Green (

America was founded on Biblical principles. But how do we restore America to “One Nation Under God?” Make plans to attend Global Vision's "Living Our Faith" conference this weekend at Sugar Creek Baptist Church. Visit for more information.

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