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February 24, 2016

Title: Pro-Active Stance to No Men In Women’s Facilities
Topic: Homosexual Issues
Discussed by Kelsey Harkness
with The Daily Signal (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Continuing on the Topic of Homosexual Issues….

The LGBTQ movement is taking America by storm. They have lobbyists in every state working hard to spread their despicable lies, forcing parents to abide by their laws. In South Dakota, the Senate recently passed a bill that would prohibit students at public elementary and secondary schools from using bathrooms, lockers, and shower rooms that don’t match their biological sex. The bill also requires reasonable accommodation of students who identify as transgender through the provision of alternate facilities if requested.

Did You Know: There is a lawsuit involving a Houston Independent School District middle school where a transgender MALE student wants to use the FEMALE shower. The school tried to accommodate the student by allowing HIM to use the coach’s shower, but that was not good enough. “This type of situation is popping up all over the country,” Kelsey Harkness explains. She discusses a similar case in a city outside of Chicago. The results of this case will shock and astound you. Trust me – your blood will boil! Listen in!

New guest, Kelsey Harkness with the Daily Signal, says, “Lawmakers in South Dakota have been watching all this. They have decided to take matters into their own hands and protect themselves.” If the Governor signs this bill, it will be the first state in the nation to take a pro-active stance against the LGBTQ agenda.

Kelsey wants to give Conservatives a voice again concerning the homosexual and transgender movement. She even goes as far as calling them “bullies”! They cry “discrimination” and “homophobia” when we wish to protect our children. This could not be further from the truth. “People are genuinely concerned about all parties involved in these cases,” Kelsey says.

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December 22, 2015

Title: CDC Report: Extreme Violence between Homosexuals
Topic: Homosexual Issues
Discussed by David H. Pickup
with David H. Pickup (

Part 1 of 3

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

The CDC’s National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey is a first-of-its-kind study geared to determine the difference between the victimization of men and women by sexual orientation. The results show that men and women involved in homosexual behavior undergo much higher rates of sexual violence than men and women who are heterosexual.

Many homosexuals, just like heterosexuals, are afraid to report this abuse for several reasons. David Pickup is here to discuss this disturbing study. In his opinion, as a counselor and former homosexual himself, the gay community is very much aware that extreme violence exists. David says, “A lot of the issues that cause homosexuality (go all the way back) to childhood and rear their ugly head in the form of violence. When they finally have a relationship, when they don’t work physical violence and rage does become higher.

Listen in as Terry Lowry reveals some other shocking statistics within the homosexual community. For example, many men who are now homosexual were molested or raped as a child or young teen. Of course, the gay community denies this. David Pickup discusses more on this issue in the next two segments.

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Title: Part 2 of 3 - CDC Report: Extreme Violence between Homosexuals
Topic: Homosexual Issues
Discussed by David H. Pickup
with David H. Pickup (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

David discusses in further detail the number quoted in the first segment concerning the amount of girls and boys being sexually assaulted as children. He believes that the number is probably much worse! And it will continue to get worse unless we take proactive steps to stop it.

He also explains why many LGBT activists deny or refuse to acknowledge the CDC report that a large percentage of homosexual transgenders and bisexual women experienced sexual violence during their childhood years. This most likely resulted in their choices in adulthood to adopt a homosexual lifestyle. David has personally seen and experienced violence among homosexual adults. In fact, he says it is very common. The leaders in the community just won’t discuss the issue, though, especially with the media.

Listen in to the last segment with David Pickup as he discusses how to help a family member or a friend who is gay and wishes to change their lifestyle choice.

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Title: Part 3 of 3 - CDC Report: Extreme Violence between Homosexuals
Topic: Homosexual Issues
Discussed by David H. Pickup
with David H. Pickup (

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

David discusses more about the CDC reports and why so many in the homosexual community deny them. Students in public school and college are taught that the homosexual lifestyle is wonderful and should be preferred over heterosexuality. Students are not informed of the dangers involved, especially the violent side.

David Pickup is a licensed marriage and family therapist and is also a reparative therapist. He has been there. He knows what it is like in the gay community as a former homosexual man himself. How was he able to change his life, though? Listen in as he explains how reparative therapy is so helpful to people who have identified as being gay – no matter if they are young or old. This is very helpful for those who are “gender confused”. Reparative is rooted in Biblical principles. He stresses that it isn’t just about behavioral changes; it is more about a person’s emotional state and repair. For more on this or to contact David, please click on the above link.

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March 23, 2015

Title: Loving Homosexuals
Topic: Homosexual Issues
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed might be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Is it ok to be friends with gay men and lesbian women? What if they want to get married? Should I attend their wedding? What if my child says “I’m gay”? What did Jesus say – and not say – about homosexuality? What is the role of the church in the same-sex debate? What is your pastor preaching – or not preaching – from the pulpit concerning the issue?

Here to discuss all those questions and more is the Director of Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family, Glenn Stanton. Glenn served in the George W. Bush administration for many years as a consultant on increasing fatherhood involvement in the Head Start program. He has also written many books on marriage, the family, and homosexuality. His latest book, “Loving My (LGBT) Neighbor: Being Friends in Grace and Truth,” explores how Christians should interact with gay or lesbian neighbors in a Christ-honoring way.

First, Glenn reminds us that we all have a “fatal disease called sin and we all have a need for salvation”. We are all called to show the love of God. But, he continues, “There is a delicate balance we must recognize between grace and truth.”

Listen in as Glenn Stanton gives his personal opinion on these situations, which he acquires from the Bible and the words that Jesus said. His books can be found [here].

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December 18, 2012

Title: Russia Gets It
Topic: Homosexual Issues
Discussed by Stefano Gennarini
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Part 1 of 2

Russia has long banned the promotion of homosexuality among minors as part of a national effort to protect children from early sexualization and related adverse health consequences!

Now, Russia is being reprimanded for the practice by the UN Human Rights Committee due to the protests of one lone woman, Irina Fedotova.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Homosexual Issues
Discussed by Stefano Gennarini
with Center for Family and Human Rights (

Since 1966, children and youth in Russia have been protected, by law, from hearing of the perverse actions of homosexuals and what the lifestyle entails. Most of the time, the law is strictly enforced; however, as Stefano Gennarini explains, that could all change very soon…

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August 24, 2010

Title: Beck Just Does Not See the Truth
Topic: Homosexual Issues
Discussed by Robert Knight
with Robert H Knight (

Glenn Beck needs someone to come alongside and educate him. He sounds like he was channeling Bill Maher or some other shallow celebrity singing from the gay libertarian playbook.

Is Glenn Beck a gay marriage advocate?

Beck, a convert to Mormonism, weighed in on the Proposition 8 ruling on the O'Reilly Factor Wednesday night, saying that he does not think the government "has anything to do with marriage. That is a religious rite."

From the segment:

O'Reilly: Do you believe that gay marriage is a threat to country in any way?

Beck: A threat to the country?

O'Reilly: Yeah, is it going to harm it in anyway?

Beck: No I don't. Will the gays come and get us?

O'Reilly: No, okay. Is it going to harm the country?

Beck: I believe that Thomas Jefferson said: "If it neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket what difference is it to me?"

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