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June 5, 2020

Title: Polygamy in Utah: Pandora’s Box is Opened
Topic: Polygamy in America
Discussed by Glenn Stanton
with Focus on the Family

Disclaimer: Use caution when listening to this segment around young children. Issues discussed may be upsetting or hard for little ones to understand.

Many believed it would just be a matter of time. Same-sex marriage has been legalized across the nation and other alternative relational forms such as polyamory and unmarried cohabitation have become more normalized.

Amidst this, Utah Governor Gary Herbert decriminalized polygamy in his state by signing Senate Bill 102 into law on March 28th to very little fanfare. It went into effect May 12, 2020.

Author Glenn Stanton is a Family Formation Expert with Focus on the Family. Today, Glenn discusses the normalization of polygamy in America.

Questions/Issues Discussed:

What is polygamy? Is it simply just one man married to more than one woman – or is there more to it?

Are there many countries around the world that allow polygamy today?

Why did the Mormon church deem polygamy contrary to church doctrine in October 1890?

Have states always restricted polygamy in their state Constitutions, punishable with criminal offenses?

Did Utah “always” enforce this law?

Does the new Utah law permit polygamy? Is it legal now or just less of a penalty?

Will polygamy eventually expand to the rest of the nation?

Could the Mormon church split over this decision in Utah?

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