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April 2, 2012

Title: EPA Regulations Expected to Further Cripple Coal Industry and to Unnecessarily Drive Electricity Costs Sky High! Surprised?
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Tom Borelli
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 1 of 2

Coal currently provides what percentage of the nation's electricity? Is it true that the proposed regulation will ban future construction of new coal-fired power plants and force utilities to use other power sources? What would those other sources be?

Will the EPA’s greenhouse gas rule essentially end the use of coal as a power source in our country? Is President Obama bankrupting the coal industry through his regulatory black boot? (For our listeners, what does the regulatory boot mean?)

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Tom Borelli
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Is Obama delivering on his promise to make electricity prices skyrocket? Will American coal be exported to China, thus putting our country at a competitive disadvantage for cheap power?

Does the new rule remove coal as a competitor for electricity, making way for Obama’s renewable alternatives, wind and solar? The new rule is a bail out for whom?

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January 10, 2012

Title: EPA’s Cross State Air rule: DENIED.
Topic: Obama Projects
Discussed by Tom Borelli
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 1 of 2

What is the goal of the EPA?  What is the Clean Air Act?

Has the EPA usurped its authority and gone beyond the regulations found in the Clean Air Act by imposing cross state rules?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Obama Projects
Discussed by Tom Borelli
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

What would the estimated cost be for the average family listening right now, should the EPA have the authority and it be upheld by the appellate courts and the U.S. Supreme Court to regulate cross state line smog and smut?

Are there any studies that show, without a doubt, that humans suffer serious health problems because of the smog coming out of a coal fire generating plant?

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December 16, 2011

Title: Free Enterprise - Will You Have Enough Electricity?
Topic: Free Enterprise
Discussed by Tom Borelli
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 1 of 2

Will President Obama’s anti-coal agenda threaten the reliability of electricity during the winter and the summer?

Are utilities and the electric grid operators warning the Feds that the EPA is shutting them down? Will America be in trouble if we do not reign in the EPA?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Free Enterprise
Discussed by Tom Borelli
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Are the republicans and the conservatives listening to the cry of the energy suppliers concerning the reliability of our electricity throughout America?

When will the American voter wake up and see that the environmentalists are destroying jobs in America? What is the UN meeting in Durban, South Africa about?

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October 18, 2011

Title: Obama’s Jobs Panel Infested by Insiders Bug-ridden with Fleas.
Topic: Obamanomics
Discussed by Tom Borelli
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Crony capitalism is not an economic plan, says Dr. Tom Borelli, Director of the National Center for Public Policy Research’s Free Enterprise Project.

General Electric has significant investments in solar panels and wind turbines and for their CEO Jeff Immelt to recommend more government spending on clean energy development is rather self-serving to many Washington watchers.

In addition to Immelt, other members of Obama’s jobs panel can profit from its recommendation on clean energy. This self-dealing is shocking and members of Congress need to unplug the panel members from their positions.

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September 27, 2011

Title: The Train Act: Is It Sometime Positive to Put Americans Back To Work?
Topic: Out of Control E.P.A.
Discussed by Tom Borelli
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Congress recently passed the TRAIN ACT – the Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts on the Nation Act of 2011. What will it do?

The House may have passed the TRAIN ACT, but will it pass the Senate?

More importantly, will Obama veto the TRAIN ACT?

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September 13, 2011

Title: More of the Same With Hopes for Different Results
Topic: Obamanomics
Discussed by Tom Borelli
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

The Houston Chronicle recently opined that Obama’s New Job’s Bill would create 141,500 new jobs in Texas. Let’s look at the numbers.

1. 64,100 construction jobs…Obama recently remarked that the first round of shovel-ready jobs was not very shovel ready. These are not permanent full-time jobs, though.

2. 39,500 teaching positions. Again – these are not permanent full-time positions.

3. 37,900 opportunities for training at various vo-tech/junior colleges

Does the Chronicle really consider someone who is receiving training as someone working full-time?

Obamanomics has not worked and pouring more money down the same rat-hole is not going to put America back to work.

Send us your thoughts and comments.

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August 26, 2011

Title: Obama Should Wave The White Flag And Surrender In His War Against Fossil Fuels
Topic: Electricity: Reliable and Affordable
Discussed by Tom Borelli
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

“In the wake of our current economic crisis, President Obama must surrender his war on fossil fuels by calling off the EPA’s harassment of the industry,” states Tom Borelli, Ph.D., Director of the National Center’s Free Enterprise Project.

Mr. Borelli continues, “In addition to harming today’s economy, the actions taken by the EPA will reduce our competitiveness and our national security.”

Are American families ready for more layoffs, higher electric bills and the real threat of brown-outs and black-outs for no real benefit in their health? We must all tell our elected officials, "Send EPA bureaucrats home NOT more American workers!"

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Title: President Obama Escalates His War on Fossil Fuels
Topic: Electricity: Reliable and Affordable
Discussed by Tom Borelli
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 1 of 2 of a Best of Interview

Prior to his election in 2008, did Candidate Obama state what he would do to the price of electricity across America?  Did Americans listen?

With many families already struggling to just make ends meet, it’s shocking that Obama is advancing regulations that will add additional financial burdens to strained budgets of hardworking Americans.

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Title: Part 2 of 2 of a Best of Interview
Topic: Electricity: Reliable and Affordable
Discussed by Tom Borelli
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Obama’s war on fossil fuels is a war against hardworking American families. It’s tragic that the president is siding with the desires of the social and environmental elite over the needs of American families who can least afford to pay higher energy prices.

Ironically, the Americans who are hurt the most by rising energy prices are the poor and those on fixed-incomes. Obama is responsible for waging environmental class warfare against low and fixed-income families while his fellow elites remain unaffected.

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July 14, 2011

Title: President Obama Escalates His War on Fossil Fuels
Topic: Electricity: Reliable and Affordable
Discussed by Tom Borelli
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 1 of 2

Prior to his election in 2008, did Candidate Obama state what he would do to the price of electricity across America? Did Americans listen?

With many families already struggling to just make ends meet, it’s shocking that Obama is advancing regulations that will add additional financial burdens to strained budgets of hardworking Americans.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Electricity: Reliable and Affordable
Discussed by Tom Borelli
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Obama’s war on fossil fuels is a war against hardworking American families. It’s tragic that the president is siding with the desires of the social and environmental elite over the needs of American families who can least afford to pay higher energy prices.

Ironically, the Americans who are hurt the most by rising energy prices are the poor and those on fixed-incomes. Obama is responsible for waging environmental class warfare against low and fixed-income families while his fellow elites remain unaffected.

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May 16, 2011

Title: Duke Energy CEO Jim Rogers Challenged Over His Support of President Obama’s War on Fossil Fuels
Topic: Obama's War on Fossil Fuels
Discussed by Tom Borelli
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Obama desires to skyrocket the price of electricity and Obama’s administration sees nothing wrong with $8 per gallon of gasoline. The social and political elitists will NOT be hurt with skyrocketing increases in energy costs but what about you? Why should a major corporation like Duke Energy lobby for Cap and Trade and why should Duke Energy provide the Democratic Convention a $10 million dollar line of credit? Are they buying political favors? For more on this issue and to find Tom Borelli, log onto

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November 30, 2010

Topic: Tea Party Activists To Become Economic Activists
Discussed by Tom Borelli
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Several CEO’s with major corporations backed OBAMA’s healthcare and Cap and Trade legislation. Will Tea Party Activists become selective with their purchases and punish the progressive CEO’s by shopping elsewhere. Why focus on General Electric and Johnson and Johnson, though?

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January 11, 2010

Topic: Stupid Government Spending
Discussed by Tom Borelli
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

The Obama Administration has diverted some our nation’s intelligence assets to environmental scientists researching global warming! So, Mr. President, are you saying that a very slowly melting iceberg is more important than a terrorist blowing up, say, the WHITE HOUSE? Log on to for more.

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December 2, 2009

Topic: Vote With Your Wallet
Discussed by Tom Borelli
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Which companies have decided to profit from Cap and Trade? Should we boycott them? Some of the companies include: Starbucks, Levi Strauss, Nike, GE, Shell, Johnson & Johnson. Log on to for more information.

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