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January 22, 2013

Title: Fire The Coach
Topic: Politics
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Part 1 of 2

If a football team has a losing season, the coach usually gets all the blame and is canned. So why do politicians and other political leaders, like RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, keep getting elected over and over and over again? It’s like that famous Einstein quote: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results”.

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Title: Join the Crew
Topic: Politics
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Part 2 of 2

Each of can do something in this fight to take back our country and restore Godly morals. But will you do it? It can as simple as finding someone who isn’t registered to vote and helping them get registered. Use Facebook, Twitter, and other social media outlets to spread the TRUTH.

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December 3, 2012

Title: If Your Friends Jumped off the Fiscal Cliff, Would You?
Topic: Tax Shifting
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Part 1 of 2

The age-old question our parents used - or tried to use - to get us to not do something, which never - or rarely - worked. Too bad we can’t scare our elected officials with it.

Current House Speaker John Boehner is definitely not a fighter. He gives in to Obama at every turn of the wheel. Or does the “crusty, stiff shirt, old-white-male, in-love with big business and the establishment crowd” man know exactly what he is doing? Judson Phillips believes Americans will soon face massive tax increases. But what is the solution? Do the House Republicans stand back and do nothing? Should they fight? Should we come up with a new plan?

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October 9, 2012

Title: Real Tort Reform.
Topic: Tort Reform
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Part 1 of 2

Judson, you have stated: Democrats have an unconstitutional poison pill called Obamacare. Why do you say it literally destroy the Constitution, therefore, it is a poison pill?

As an attorney, explain to our listeners, in laymen terms, the tenth amendment! Did our founding fathers believe that the northern states would want to handle situations differently that the southern states?

Must we jump out of the skillet into the fire with the Republican proposal that they say will reduce Health care costs?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Tort Reform
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Why do you say National medical tort reform law is unconstitutional?

Should we "throw out the baby" - our constitutional rights - with the bathwater - just to supposedly save nickel or two?

I know I believe, but do you believe, that warts and all, America is the best country in the world because of our civil and criminal justice system?

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August 21, 2012

Title: Does The 2012 November Election Look Promising for Romney & Ryan?
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Presidential Election
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Part 1 of 2

Who do you think will win the 2012 presidential election? How can our listeners vote ten times? How much advertising is a bumper sticker worth?

If the election was today, How many electoral votes are locked up for Obama? How about Mitt Romney? Which states will make a difference?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Old Topic - 2012 Presidential Election
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Regardless of what happens between now and November, will the red and blue states stay red and blue? Would California or Texas change sides? Has a presidential candidate in the recent history won without carrying two of the following three states - Florida , Michigan and Wisconsin? What are you going to do between now and November? How can our listeners vote ten times?

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August 17, 2012

Title: Should We ALL Be Birthers?
Topic: Obama Flounders
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Part 1 of 2

Do we know where Obama was born?

Can you imagine a reset button that could take America back to before Obama become President?

What is "voidable" versus "void'?

Did Obama attend college as a foreign exchange student?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Obama Flounders
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Why do the lefties and the mainstream media go ballistic whenever ANYONE brings up the eligibility question?

What if ALL of Obama's executive orders were voided? What if Obama's judicial appointments were voided?

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August 3, 2012

Title: When Someone Is 'Harmed', Do They Have The Right To Seek Compensation?
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Part 1 of 2

Judson, as an attorney, when someone is 'harmed' do they have the right to seek compensation, to seek to be made 'whole'? Is it biblical to seek damages, to be made whole?

Under our constitution, if someone is 'harmed' are they guaranteed the right to seek to be made whole by taking their side of the story to a court of law?

Must the judge or jury agree with them and to award a judgment - damages/payment?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Judson Phillips describes the Beirut Marine bombing and the facts that came out in the suit against Iran brought by the families of the Marines that were killed and maimed by that terrorist act.

He encourages you to log on to  and sign the Beirut Marine Families Petition to encourage Congress to release the $1.6 billion in frozen Iranian funds to the Beirut Marine Families instead of returning it to Iran.

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July 11, 2012

Title: What Good Is A Right If You Cannot Exercise It?
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Part 1 of 2

Would people react kindly to the idea promoted by ANY politician of removing all liability from car manufacturers?

Would people react kindly if our elected officials proposed that Wal-Mart, Kmart and other superstores be COMPLETELY free from liability?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Constitutional Rights
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Should people react kindly to the idea of medical tort reform?

Because of Texas medical tort reform, why wouldn't any attorney touch the Charles Caldwell case?

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June 21, 2012

Title: Eric Holder and Fast and Furious
Topic: Fast and Furious Project Gunrunner
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Part 1 of 2

Expert attorney and Tea Party leader Judson Phillips has been following the Fast and Furious allegations against Eric Holder. He and others on Capitol Hill are baffled as to why emails and other communication concerning the issue have disappeared. Few in the public sector realize that there is a mandate on how long companies (of any size) must keep inter-office emails and other communication concerning business practices.

Listen in as Judson explains further.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Fast and Furious Project Gunrunner
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

What are the rules for subpoenas? Did Eric Holder purposefully ignore the law? Was it an oversight? Of course, the liberal MSM is not reporting this information. Was the Attorney General's office aware of the program? Has this been proven?

Judson Phillips also describes how the Mexican government and its citizens are furious with the program because the guns were being used to kill their own people!

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May 22, 2012

Title: Of The Two Great Revolutions in Modern Times - Which Was Good, Which Was Bad?
Topic: History
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Part 1 of 2

Have there been 2 great revolutions in modern times? Is one of them good and the other bad?

Which philosophy does Obama support? Can we accurately call the French revolution the first modern genocide?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: History
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Did both revolutions have themes?

What was equality in the eyes of the French? Carry the 'equality' theme forward through the Bolshevik revolution and the Chinese revolution. Should every American be terrified at the thought of Obama winning a second term?

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May 4, 2012

Title: What should the United States do with $1.6 Billion in frozen Iranian funds? Sign the petition to help Congress decide.
Topic: Republican Leadership
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Part 1 of 2

Judson Phillips describes the Beirut Marine bombing and the facts that came out in the suit against Iran brought by the families of the Marines that were killed and maimed by that terrorist act.

He encourages you to log on to and sign the Beirut Marine Families Petition to encourage Congress to release the $1.6 billion in frozen Iranian funds to the Beirut Marine Families instead of returning it to Iran.

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Republican Leadership
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Judson Phillips explains what a “Paper Judgment” is and why  that was what the Iranian suit verdict was until the $1.6 Billion in frozen Iranian assets were found in a New York Bank, and how that discovery changed the status of the verdict of the trial.

He goes on to explain how you, our listeners, could very well change the final outcome of that verdict.

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April 30, 2012

Title: SEMPER FI! Congress MUST Stand and Support Our Marines Who Are Alive and Fallen!
Topic: Congress and The Bill of Rights
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Part 1 of 2

What is meant by the Marine slogan "Semper Fi"?

What happened in Beirut, October 1983 and the aftermath?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Congress and The Bill of Rights
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

What would Iran do with $1.6 Billion?

Was Iran deemed guilty in a court of law? Was it a paper verdict?

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March 29, 2012

Title: Will People Judge You By Your Friends? Which Nominee For President Should Be Judged By The Company He Has Kept?
Topic: Mitt Romney
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Part 1 of 2

Special guest Judson Phillips answers:

If you lie with dogs, do you get up with fleas? What is "Obameycare"?

Was this only passed by the Democratic majority in the Massachusetts legislature, or is that a myth?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Mitt Romney
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Is it true that Romney was mostly a passive observer and had little to do with this bill?

Does Mitt Romney's track record refute the claim that he is a conservative?

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March 20, 2012

Title: With Republican Games, As Usual, in Washington D.C - History Will Be Made Tomorrow; Will our "Leadership" or WE The People Decide?
Topic: Republican National Party Platform
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Part 1 of 2

When the Tea Party swept Republicans back into power in 2010, did conservative voters expect policy changes, as well as changes in the way they do business in Washington?

How and why did the Tea Party movement come about? What is happening tomorrow that desperately calls for the participation of US citizens?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Republican National Party Platform
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Was the Tea Party instrumental in voting in the November midterm elections in 2010, and were they the deciding votes to putting Republicans back into congress?

Did that vote tell the other leadership in the house to shoot straight to the American people and to get away from dirty politics, and do the people's business?

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January 26, 2012

Title: Is it true that the Tea Party is waning and fading? Is it REALLY on its last leg?
Topic: Tea Party
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

In your opinion, was the tea party relevant in the Iowa caucuses, during the New Hampshire primary, and the South Carolina Republican primary?

What say ye about the early demise of the Tea Party Nation?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Tea Party
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

How relevant will the tea parties across the nation be leading up to Super Tuesday?

What is ‘Birth Control, Obama Style’?  And is it on the tea party radar?

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November 30, 2011

Title: Do you remember from physics or chemistry what “E” stands for? - The USA and its ENERGY independence crisis.
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Part 1 of 2

President John F. Kennedy guided American policy to place a man - an American - on the moon.  Today, does America have a leader, bold enough, charismatic enough, and strong enough to guide America to “energy independence in 10 years” and if so, will this ‘Drill Here - Drill Now’ policy crash the world oil prices?

If America became energy independent within the next 10 years, would this put Americans back to work?

By becoming energy independent within the next 10 years, would this provide safe, secure energy supplies for our children and grandchildren?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Energy Independence
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Have there been too many Republican Presidential Debates”?  Are voters across the country beginning to exhibit “debate fatigue”?

Judson, let’s review the early primaries and how the vote totals may be split: winner takes all vs. proportional?

     a. What about Iowa?
     b. New Hampshire
     c. South Carolina
     d. What other states will be holding primaries in January?

What happens next?

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November 23, 2011

Title: Will the Republican Party implode? Will the Tea Party Nation and other Tea Party groups around the country grow into a National Party?
Topic: Tea Party
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Part 1 of 3

Special guest Judson Phillips answers:

Will the Republican Party implode at SOME point?

Will Mitt Romney win the caucus in Iowa? Will he carry South Carolina?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Tea Party
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Special guest Judson Phillips answers:

What is Mitt Romney’s future?  If he does not win the Iowa caucus, and if he does carry New Hampshire, but loses in South Carolina, will Americans give him enough votes in the other primaries to  go to the Republican National Convention?

Will the Tea Party Nation and the other tea party group’s band together to replace the Republican Party as a national organization with elected officials.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Tea Party
Discussed by Judson Phillips
with Judson Phillips (

Special guest Judson Phillips answers:

What is the Power of Two? How can we right what is wrong in America?

The importance of the Tea Party Nation, and how to get involved in this movement somehow.

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