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October 15, 2014

Title: ENT Doc says the U.S. is Not Prepared for Ebola
Topic: Ebola
Discussed by Dr. Elaina George
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

How contagious is Ebola? Dr. Elaina George says that most Americans do not have a robust, healthy immune system. We may think we do, but we really don’t. In fact, she says: "We eat processed foods, we don't sleep well, we don't take care of ourselves, and we're living under a great deal of stress, and by definition that will all affect the immune system."

The CDC is saying they are “absolutely certain” Ebola is not an “airborne disease”. Dr. George says that, when it comes to diseases, you can never be “absolutely certain” because they are constantly changing and adapting to their environment. In fact, Ebola has already mutated about 400 times!

No one is exempt when it comes to Ebola. No one. Even if the infected person is not showing symptoms, Ebola can still be passed from person to person.

Dr. Elaina George is an Ear Nose and Throat Physician with a wealth of information about Ebola and the Enterovirus D68. Today, she is here to discuss some useful guidelines to help keep you and your family safe and healthy. She even recommends that you have plenty of supplies on hand in case of a quarantine – food, water, medicine, gas for cars, cash on hand.

Dr. George also suggests that the US immediately execute measures to delay or stop travel from countries where outbreaks have occurred or quarantining people who do travel from those countries. You can find Dr. George at  or

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September 9, 2014

Title: Increasing Threat of Diseases from Illegals
Topic: Illegal Immigrants and Airborne Diseases
Discussed by Dr. Elaina George
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

The government would never allow animals to enter our borders from other countries without a thorough health examination. The government would never allow fruits and vegetables from other countries – or even states within our borders – to be placed on shelves to sell to the public without ensuring they were safe to eat.

Why, then, is the government allowing thousands upon hundreds of thousands of children and men and women from Mexico, The Middle East, and other countries to come here illegally? A very low percentage of these illegals are being screened for communicable diseases and the children are not being vaccinated before they attend school.

Dr. Elaina George says the government is just being irresponsible; they are risking the lives of millions of people for votes. Dr. George also points out the blatant double standard the government has regarding vaccinations for school-aged children.

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March 21, 2014

Title: Snap Obamacare with Sure Cures
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Elaina George
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 1 of 3

Just because everyone is promised health insurance, does not mean everyone will receive health care of high quality and service will be uniformly available in a timely manner for all. The government is now attempting to control everything - from the doctors’ treatment options to patient choices about coverage.

Dr. Elaina George is a solo practitioner in private practice and is also a small business owner. She has a unique perspective on the problems of health care delivery, the true costs of healthcare, and viable solutions.

Today, Dr. George discusses whether or not elite Democrats  have conspired with insurance companies, hospital executives, and the pharmaceutical industry to successfully insert government bureaucrats between the doctor and the patient.

Also, are doctors really bad, greedy demons who need to be controlled?

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Title: Part 2 of 3
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Elaina George
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

While politicians focus on winning at all costs, a transfer of health and of wealth has begun. A two-tier system is evolving. It consists of those trapped under ObamaCare and those who can afford to opt-out to pursue the best treatment available.

Dr. Elaina George says that an independent doctor is the best alternative.

Listen in as she explains.

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Title: Part 3 of 3
Topic: Obamacare
Discussed by Dr. Elaina George
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

If you are frustrated with Obamacare like so many other Americans, there are some common-sense, workable solutions available to ease your mind.

Urgent Care Centers are often cheaper than the traditional ER. They usually charge a flat fee for services and you will know ahead of time what your costs will be. Also, those in need of surgery have several options for cheaper services, such as the Surgery Center of Oklahoma (  and Medibid (  where you can bid on medical costs.

Listen in as Dr. George shares other cost-saving alternatives to Obamacare.

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November 6, 2012

Title: The Decline AND Fall of Medicare While Politicians Kick-the-Can!
Topic: Medicare
Discussed by Dr. Elaina George
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Part 1 of 2

Is there a Medicare Trust Fund where my contributions go and which someday will pay for my healthcare costs when I get old? Where is the money in the Medicare fund going?

Democrats have demonized conservatives during this election cycle. Did Obamacare remove over $700 billion - $517 billion from Medicare Part A and $247 billion from Medicare Part B to pay for healthcare for younger Americans? While both Republicans and Democrats do nothing to fix Medicare, what are physicians saying - the doctors who use it or who refuse to use it?

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Title: Part 2 of 2
Topic: Medicare
Discussed by Dr. Elaina George
with National Center for Public Policy Research (

Is Obamacare the Trojan horse that will place all Americans under the boot of a federally controlled single-payer system?

  • Will seniors be able to keep their current physician under Obamacare?
  • Will the quality of care improve under Obamacare?
  • Will patients and their families still make “end-of-life-decisions”?

With Obamacare, did the Democrats cram down our throats a more expensive system with centralized planning, where the good of the collective wins over the rights of individuals who are deemed too ignorant to make the right decisions about their own health care?

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